A Kiss for a Kiss Page 3

“How is she doing?” Queenie seemed excited this morning when she and her bridal party took over the pool house to get their hair and makeup done.

“She’s great. No jitters and all excitement,” Hanna assures me.

“That’s good. I’m glad to hear it. I want today to be perfect for her.” Or as perfect as it can be.

At twenty, I became a single father after Queenie’s mom decided she couldn’t deal with the demands of raising a child and bailed on us when Queenie was a few months old. With the support of my parents, I raised Queenie on my own. I walked away from a career as a professional hockey player so I could be a present parent. I adjusted my career path in order to be a father first. I think I did a pretty decent job, all things considered.

And Queenie is marrying the nicest, most stable guy in the universe, which is exactly what my princess deserves.

“Today will be perfect. Ryan loves Queenie more than hockey and milk, which is saying a lot.”

We both chuckle. King takes a lot of good-natured ribbing over the fact he orders pints of milk at the bar rather than beer.

“He’s going to take great care of her heart,” I tell her.

“And she’s going to be a fantastic partner for Ryan.” Her eyes turn glassy for a moment.

I can’t even begin to imagine how hard this is for her. Her relationship with Kingston is anything but conventional, and this wedding has proven challenging at times. I place my hand over the one still resting on my chest. “He’s an incredible man. And the only one I would ever deem worthy of my baby girl.”

She smiles warmly. “They’re going to make a wonderful team.”

“They really are.” I give her hand a squeeze. “How are you doing?”

“Oh, I’m fine.” She fiddles with my collar again, like she can’t figure out what to do with her hands. “I need to get the girls in place. I’ll meet you out there in a few?”

She’s about to pull her hand away, but I squeeze it, keeping her close. “Thank you for being such a huge part of this day, and for being so good to Queenie.”

“She’s easy to love. You’ve raised a wonderful, kind woman.”

She picks up the glass of scotch sitting on my dresser and folds my hands around it. “Take a deep breath and drink this. I’ll see you in the kitchen.” She winks again and slips out the door, leaving me to finish getting ready.

A handful of minutes later, I join the wedding party, who is assembled in the kitchen—apart from the groom, who’s preparing to walk his parents down the aisle.

Hanna is calmly giving directions, checking on the boys the same way she did with me, making sure ties are straight, before she moves on to the bridesmaids, adjusting bobby pins and smoothing out dress straps.

No one has noticed me yet, so I take a moment to observe my daughter’s friends. They’re a great group of kids—adults really—and some of them only a decade my junior.

Stevie, one of the bridesmaids whose hair is nearly the same color as her lavender dress, steps up beside me. “How’s it going, Jake? You ready to get this party started?”

“About as ready as I’ll ever be. Where’s Queenie?” I glance around the kitchen. She should be easy to spot, but all I see are her friends and several of my players. Since Kingston is the goalie for the NHL team I manage, most of the groomsmen are also his teammates, which technically makes me their boss.

“I just saw her. Hanna, have you seen Queenie?” Stevie calls out.

Hanna pauses in her mission to pin a boutonniere to the best man, Bishop’s, lapel. “She was here a second ago.” Hanna glances around the room. “Where in the world did she go?”

“I think she’s with Lavender and Kody? Do you want me to check?” Lainey, another one of the bridesmaids and wife to my team captain, Rook Bowman, asks.

“That’s okay. Stevie, can you make sure this is straight on your husband?” Hanna pats Bishop’s chest, then crosses the room and threads her arm through mine. “Let’s find the bride and make sure she hasn’t started an arts and crafts project.”

“I wouldn’t be surprised if that was actually the case.” Stevie grins and then points at the guys. “Hey, you two need to cool it or you’re both going to be shitfaced before the ceremony is even over.”

I glance over to see Gerald, Kingston and Hanna’s brother, and Bishop with their flasks halfway to their mouths.

“Mine is full of grape juice,” Bishop says in an effort to lie.

Stevie strides across the room and holds out her hand. “If you’re lying, you’re sleeping on the couch.”

Hanna shakes her head. “I really hope Gerald makes it through dinner without passing out.” She guides me around the corner and puts her finger to her lips before pointing to the living room. “Look,” she whispers.

And there she is, my baby girl. All grown up and looking more beautiful than I have words for. As is her way, she’s not focused on herself, or the fact she’s about to marry the man of her dreams. Instead, she’s crouched in front of the flower girl and ring bearer—Lavender and Kody.

They’re not family, but they might as well be with how close Queenie has become with them. Lavender is the team coach’s daughter, and Kody is Rook and Lainey’s son. She’s been working with both kids in art therapy.

“What is she doing?” I murmur, trying to eavesdrop on their conversation.

“Being her amazing, selfless self.” Hanna hugs my arm. “God. Just look at her. She really is extraordinary.”

I nod, unable to tear my eyes away from my daughter. Her dress pools around her slight frame, the skirt an oasis of gauzy layers sparkling with intricate beading in the form of tiny purple flowers. I can feel myself choking up. All the time she and I have spent together, the good and the bad, we’ve been through it all and here she is, on her special day, making sure that everyone, even these two, feel included.

Lavender’s vibrant blue eyes are wide and she has two fingers in her mouth.

“Are you nervous?” Queenie asks.

Lavender ducks her head.

“Want me to tell you a secret?”

Lavender peeks up from under her lashes and nods.

“I’m nervous, too. But you know what’s awesome?”

She shakes her head.

“Your mom and dad are going to be waiting for you at the front, and Kody is going to be right beside you, all the way down the aisle. And if it helps, you can focus on Kingston, because he’s going to be waiting at the end of the aisle, too.”

“I can hold your hand if you get scared, Lavender.” Kody holds out his hand, and Lavender wipes hers on her dress before taking it.

“You two are the best flower girl and ring bearer in the entire universe.” Queenie claps her hands. “And I have something super special for both of you as a thank you for being part of mine and King’s special day. It’s sitting at your table, and you can go get it right after the ceremony is over. Does that sound good?”

The kids smile and murmur something I don’t catch, and Queenie gives them both a hug. “We should get ready. We’ll be walking down the aisle soon.”

“I’ll give you two a minute together.” Hanna steps up and takes the kids back to the kitchen.

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