Bad Rep Page 59

Jordan kissed me, slowly at first and then his tongue mated with mine. He held me perfectly still as his mouth ravaged mine desperately. He broke away suddenly, leaving me panting. “Stop over thinking it, Mays. Don't think about Olivia, or your sisters, or anybody else. I want you to only think about me. And us. And what my fingers are doing right now. The rest we can figure out later...together,” he said huskily as his hand moved between my legs again.

I sighed, my head falling back as his mouth found my skin. Screw everything else, this was all I needed.

Chapter Sixteen

I woke up the next morning with a big smile on my face. I'm sure the fact that Jordan's arm was wrapped around my waist and his face pressed against the back of my neck had a lot to do with it. Also the three orgasms he had given me the night before weren't bad either. I didn't want to move. Not wanting to destroy this perfect moment where everything in my life finally made sense.

Wow. I let a guy sleep in my bed. And I liked it. No, I loved it. I didn't care that he was all up in my personal space. In fact, it made me feel warm and secure and safe. I knew that even in my sleep I couldn't be away from him.

My mind replayed last night and I could hardly believe any of it. Jordan showing up at the apartment. Telling me he had broken up with Olivia. That he had been trying to see me for three f**king weeks! And then his mouth and his hands and oh, god, his tongue. We hadn't had sex, but dear god everything else had been the closest thing to heaven I could imagine.

Then he had told me I was his girl.

I was Jordan Levitt's girl!

I clamped down on my lips so I wouldn't squeal like a pre-pubescent girl at a boy band concert. I squeezed my eyes shut and prayed this wasn't a dream. Slowly I opened my eyes again. Yep, Jordan was still there. I could feel his even breath against my skin.

But after a few minutes I had to move. My left arm was going numb from lying on it. I slowly wiggled out from underneath Jordan's arm. “Oh no you don't,” he murmured, squeezing me tightly and hefting me up against his side again. I squealed as he pushed my hair to the side and started kissing the side of my neck.

“Stop it. I really have to go to the bathroom.” I pushed against his arm but he only laughed.

“Then I guess it would be really mean to do this.” He started tickling me and I swear I was seconds away from losing all dignity and wetting myself.

“Seriously. Stop!” I screeched. Jordan was laughing hard by this point, but finally released me. I smacked his chest. “You are a malicious jerk!” I said not unkindly. Jordan continued to laugh as I scrambled out of the bed and practically flew to the bathroom.

While I was in there, I quickly brushed my teeth and pulled my hair into a ponytail before heading back to my room. Riley's door was still closed, so I wasn't sure she had come home last night. Jordan was sitting up in my bed checking his phone when I came back in. He looked downright edible first thing in the morning. Girls had to worry about crazy bedhead and raccoon eyes if we forgot to wash off all of our makeup the night before. Guys could just wake up and look ready to go. It wasn't fair.

I stood awkwardly just inside the door. I know he had said I was his girl and all, but I was still unsure as to what to do with that. Do I crawl back into bed with him? Do I just go ahead and get dressed? Do I offer to make him breakfast? Oh god, I hope he doesn't want breakfast...I had the amazing ability to burn even water.

Jordan was frowning at something on his phone. That wasn't a good look. I edged around my dresser and finally sat down on the bed, folding my legs beneath me. He looked up as the mattress sank underneath my weight. “Hey,” he said softly with an adorable smile.

“Hey,” I said back. He put his phone on the bedside table and reached out to grab me by the wrist.

Jordan pulled me and I found myself sprawled across his chest. He wrapped his arms around my back, my front pressed against him. He placed a kiss on the top of my head. “Everything okay?” I asked, kissing the bare skin of his chest.

“Yeah. Just a text from one of my brothers. Nothing important,” he replied. I didn't really believe him but decided not to push it. Jordan squeezed me tight. “I could get used to this,” he whispered as I buried into his side.

“Oh yeah?” I asked, tilting my head back so I could look at him. He clicked his tongue ring along his teeth and grinned down at me.

“I love the feel of your tight little ass against my c**k first thing in the morning. Makes me think of spreading those gorgeous legs of yours and...” I smacked his arm, cutting him off as I flushed a bright red.

Jordan chuckled and nudged my chin up with fingers. He kissed me slow and deep. “What time is your first class?” he asked me when we finally came up for air. I looked at the clock on my dresser.

“I have World Religions in an hour and a half. What about you?” I asked.

“I have Business Finance at the same time. Do you want to get dressed and head over to campus? Maybe get some breakfast?” His lips went to my ear and he sucked the lobe into his mouth, making me moan. Then I realized what he was saying. He wanted to go into public. Together.

I pulled away from him. “Um. I'm not sure...” I began. Jordan pulled my face back around so I would look at him.

“Maysie. If we're going to be together, that means we have to be seen together. Who cares what anyone thinks,” he said with such assuredness that it was hard to deny him anything.

“Okay. Yeah. Let's go get something to eat.” I said, trying to put some enthusiasm into my words, even though I really felt like jumping out the window and making a run for it. I got out of bed and went to my dresser, pulling out a pair of jean shorts and a t-shirt.

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