Belong to You Page 29

Jack walked to me and reached down to where I was sitting to kiss me on the forehead. Something about when he kissed me on the forehead made me insides melt.

“As much as I’d really love to make you model all your new clothes for me, I have an hour or two of work that I have to get done. So why don’t you go see if you can find something you like and I’ll go to my office to work so that seeing your naked body won’t distract me.”

“Okay.” Damn, he was cute when he was sweet.

“I’ll bring the rest of the bags to the bedroom and make space in the closet for you to keep your things.”

“The rest of the bags?” There were six on the couch, how many bags were delivered? And he was going to make me space in his closet? Holy shit.

“I told her to send over whatever would look sexy on your cute little ass. Apparently she googled you and found pictures of you singing and there is a lot you will look sexy in.” I was momentarily speechless, but it didn’t matter, because Jack wasn’t finished. “And we need to talk about internet security, or lack of security. Any crazy man can find out where you live.” Umm…yeah, you did.


Jack wasn’t kidding when he said Chole researched me. There were at least two dozen outfits and each one was something that I would have picked out for myself. That is, if I had about $50,000 to go on an insane shopping spree. There were bags and bags of beautiful shirts, pants, shoes, bras, underwear and even lingerie and a robe. Then there were cosmetic and hair products, all of which were in the brands that I used. It was over the top, insane and way too much.

I stopped looking at the tags when I found a box of shoes that were marked $1,600 alone.

I decided to keep my favorite outfit, because I really didn’t have anything to wear if I didn’t, and the cosmetics and hair products. The rest was in a huge heap on the bed, and Jack was going to have to have Mateo take them back.

Jack finished in his office and came up behind me as I was getting ready.

“Jack, there are way too many clothes there, I picked one outfit to wear tonight, but the rest need to go back. I appreciate you buying them for me, but it’s way too much.”

“Nope.” He kissed the top of my forehead and lifted his shirt off. “I’m going to take a quick shower.” What? He dismissed everything I said in one little word and wasn’t even going to wait around to discuss it with me? He really was going to need a lot of tutoring on how relationships work. “Jack, don’t ignore what I just said?”

I looked up at him in the mirror behind me and saw his face looked annoyed.

“I didn’t ignore what you just said. I considered it and responded to it.”

“You considered it an responded to it?” Was he insane?

“Yep. Give me three good reasons why you can’t keep them and I’ll change my mind. I’m not unreasonable.” I felt the heat in my face rise, was he joking? I didn’t even know how to respond to that statement. And god damn it, I was drawing a blank for three good reasons why I couldn’t keep them.

His angry face changed to amused as he watched me in the mirror. “You got nothing, huh?” One eyebrow arched in challenge. “Do they fit?”


“Do you like them?”

“Yes, but that’s not the point.”

“So why don’t you tell me what the point is then Syd.”

His rapid fire of questions was pissing me off. “It’s too much Jack. You just don’t go around buying your girlfriend of two days $50,000 of clothes.”

“You don’t?”

I could tell in his voice he was screwing with me and it just made me mad-der. “No, you don’t, it’s too much, too soon.”


God he infuriated me. He infuriated me because I didn’t have an answer…I don’t know why it was too much, too soon, it just was. “It just is Jack.”

He stepped out of the low hanging sweatpants that he was wearing as he spoke.

“That’s not an answer Syd. You still haven’t given me any good reasons babe.” He was right, I hadn’t given him any reasons, but that didn’t mean that I was keeping the clothes. I gave him my best pissed off look in the mirror and he didn’t flinch.

“Let’s look at this another way Syd. Would it be acceptable for a new boyfriend, who earns say $100,000 a year, to buy his new girlfriend a $500 outfit if he wanted to?”

I thought about it. Michael had earned only a little more than that and I guess I wouldn’t have thought it was too much if he had bought me an outfit costing $500. “I guess not, it would be generous, but I wouldn’t think it was insanity.” Jack removed his boxer briefs and stood behind me with his glorious naked body. If I couldn’t come up with an intelligent answer before he was naked, how the hell was I supposed to think with that staring at me in the mirror?

“Then it’s all relative babe. Just add a few zeros to the salary and I should be allowed to add a few zeros to what I spend on my girlfriend’s clothes.” And with that, Jack turned away and walked into the bathroom.

I couldn’t help but watch as every muscle in his fantastic toned ass tightened with each stride.

I thought about what Jack had said while I got dressed and I was glad for a few minutes to think about the conversation without the pressure of Jack’s intense questioning. Was he right, I never dated a man that earned millions of dollars, maybe it was all relative? But it still didn’t sit right with me for some reason, even if I couldn’t give him three good reasons why.

Jack came out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel and lord he was sexy.

The towel hung low and showed off his deep v and that little light line of hair that lead from his belly button down to that place that made my stomach flip flop.

“How did you know what shampoo and conditioner and makeup brands I used?” It seemed like way too much of a coincidence that Chloe happened to select all of my favorite brands.

Jack threw the towel on the bed and walked into his closet stark naked. I was pretty sure I would never get used to how beautiful the man looked without clothes on. “Sienna told Chloe what you used.” His tone was matter of fact as if he was saying something that wouldn’t shock me.

He stepped out of the closet pulling up the zipper on a pair of dark gray slacks.

“What? How did Sienna talk to Chloe?” I was thoroughly confused.

“I gave Chloe Sienna’s number and she called her.”

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