Belong to You Page 35

“I’ve never seen anything so incredible in my life. ” His voice was low and husky. I felt the need to respond, but couldn’t. Luckily the elevator moved fast and the doors opened.

Jack led me to his office in a fury, never letting go of my hand inside. He pulled me around the front of his desk and lifted me so that I was sitting on the edge.

“Watching you get aroused watching them was f**king torture. You are so f**king beautiful and I need to be inside you right this minute.” Jack pushed my skirt up and ripped my panties from my body in one fluid movement.

He freed his massive erection and speared himself into me with such carnal desperation I almost orgasmic before he even began to move. I was soaked with arousal and he growled as he pumped ferociously in and out of me. I knew how he felt, that being inside me was something he desperately needed more than the need for the air that we breathe, because I felt the exact same way.

Jack pulled his face back to look at me, never breaking his hasty rhythm. “I need to watch you. Come for me baby.” His words were all I needed, it took less than five minutes for us both to spiral out of control and I felt his thick cum rush inside of me, throwing me deeper and harder into orgasmic bliss.

Jack held me as we fell to the floor together, breathless and panting. I had never cum so hard or fast before and my body twitched as it sought to regain its control.


Even though Jack’s penthouse was only a twenty minute drive, I fell asleep in the car on the trip back from the office. The entire day was swirling around in my head and I was emotionally and physically exhausted. I woke as Jack picked me up out of the car in the underground garage and carried me to the elevator. Normally I wouldn’t have been comfortable being carried, but Jack made it seem like he was carrying feath-ers and I was too exhausted to argue with him.

Instead, I wrapped my arms around his neck and snuggled into his chest.

The next morning I woke up and found Jack where I normally found him, busy at work in his office. He was on the phone, but didn’t take his eyes off of me as I stood in the doorway. He motioned for me to sit on his lap as he spoke and I dutifully complied.

“Yes, go ahead, I’m fine with that.

See if you can get him down 10, but go with it either way. Listen, I have something important that just fell into my lap that I need to deal with, so call me after it’s done.”

I smiled innocently and pointed to myself, pretending to be unsure if I was that something important that just fell into his lap.

His eyes never left mine as he nodded. “Whatever, I don’t really care right now. Just deal with it.” He hung up.

I swung one leg over him so that I was straddling him, my feet dangling from the chair. “Good morning.” I swooned coyly.

“Sleep good?” Jack kissed my forehead.

I nodded.

“Good. We should talk about yesterday.” Jack’s business voice was back.

“Okaaay.” I said clearly tentative on the topic.

“Are you okay with everything?” His voice was softer.

“I think so.” I wasn’t lying, I thought I was, but I hadn’t allowed myself to really process the whole day. I needed time to really think about it all before I knew if I was okay with it all.

“Do you have any questions you want me to answer?”

Probably tons of them, but all except one escaped me that moment. “Did you sleep with Jenna?”

I saw Jack’s jaw tense and I knew the answer before he even spoke. “Yes. But it was a long time ago. It didn’t mean anything. There’s been nobody since I met you.”

“Nobody since you met me in Hawaii, or nobody since we got back together?” I was thoroughly surprised by his answer.

His answer was fast. “Nobody since I met you in Hawaii.”

My heart fluttered in my chest at his response. I wanted to end the conversation and forget everything else existed. But I needed to know more. “She still wants you.” A statement, not a question.

“No, we are just friends and she works for me.”

Did he really not see that she wanted him? “She wants you.”

“She’s just protective and has an aggressive personality.” That’s putting it lightly. “What does she do for you?” A loaded question.

“She’s my sales manager. She sells the films into large chains and manages the sales team.”

His response surprised me, I had thought she was in films by her over the top sultry sex kitten appearance. “Oh.” Jack knew exactly what I was thinking from my response. “She was in films, she retired and works behind the scenes now.”

Retired? She couldn’t be more than thirty. “Retired? So young?”

“She probably did sixty or seventy films. She’s a legend in the business.” I felt my stomach turn. That was more than I needed to know. Immediately I felt insecure and nervous. I knew Jack had been with a lot of women, but I hadn’t let myself think of the level of expertise that the women he had been with have had. My only experience before Jack was with Michael, I must have seemed inexperienced and awkward to Jack.

The man truly could read my mind. He gently pushed my hair behind my ear and lifted my chin to force me to look him in the eyes. “No one has ever made me feel like you do Syd. There is no comparison, so get that shit out of your mind. Now.”

“How do you do that?”

“Do what?”

“Know what I’m thinking all the time.”

“It’s important to me, so I pay attention.” He wrapped his arms around my waist.

There was no way to respond to that, so I decided to hug him tight instead.

To show him how important he was to me too.

Chapter 19

I had really thought I was okay with all that I learned about Jack’s business for a few days. Then I went back to my apartment by myself and had a chance to really think about it. I had fooled myself in-to thinking it wasn’t a big deal and that I could move forward. But it only took a half day away from Jack and another voicemail on my answering machine from Michael for my head to start spinning.

I remembered how turned on I was watching the couple act out their scene at Jack’s office. We had both exploded with such carnal need that we practically ran to find privacy so that we could satisfy our crav-ing. What happens when I am not there? I remembered the way the women all looked at Jack like they wanted to eat him alive, especially Jenna. It would be so easy for him to have whatever he wanted, a woman with experience who knew how to satisfy a man.

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