Bite Me Page 48

“As a matter of fact . . . nothing.” Livy turned her head and rested her cheek against the couch cushion. She allowed her whole body to relax. “I’m just sitting here, waiting for you to fuck the hell out of me.”

What was this woman doing? Vic had known that taking a honey badger into his bed was a dangerous proposition. How could it not be? But he just figured that would mean he’d end up covered in lacerations and feeling used. Something most shifter males learned to get over very quickly.

But this was worse. Because every time Livy let him know how much she was enjoying his rude and demanding bedroom antics, he knew he was becoming more attached to her. Attached to a woman who had an apartment she never lived in because she kept ending up in other people’s cabinets instead. Or under their beds.

Vic knew that getting attached to Livy Kowalski would only lead to trouble. Yet here she was . . . accepting the multiple sides of his nature.

How dare she?

“You know, you’re making me nuts!” Vic accused.

“I know.” Livy chuckled. “And I’m not even trying!”

Livy looked back at him and leaned up a bit, kissing him on his jaw. It was a sweet, simple kiss. Again, just accepting Vic as he was.

He fought his intense desire to say something really stupid. Something he wouldn’t be able to take back that would have Livy Kowalski running for the nearest exit.

Vic knew he couldn’t say anything. He couldn’t.

So he fucked Livy instead.

Who knew a little kiss would get Livy nailed to the couch? Not that she minded, because again, she didn’t.

She liked the way Vic fucked. That huge cock, reaming her from behind, filling her up. His big body over her. Some might feel overpowered by such a big man, but the position reminded Livy of being in the cabinets in Vic’s kitchen. All that was missing was the honey.

Then again, maybe the “honey” here was the multiple orgasms Vic was pounding out of her. Orgasms so powerful, she had to bury her face in the couch cushion and scream them out.

Livy finally collapsed to the couch, Vic thrusting a few more times until he came seconds later.

His arms wrapped around her, Vic pulled her back and up until he could kiss her.

They stayed like that for a bit, Vic holding her in his arms while they slowly kissed and waited for their hearts to stop racing.

That was when Livy said, “Vic?”


“I’m still hungry.”

He nodded. “Yeah. Me, too.”

Together, they looked at what was left of the food across the room.

“It sure is far away,” Livy sighed.

“We can make it,” he said, back to his kind, sweet, and extremely goofy bear self. “How can we not?” he asked. “You’re a knight of the realm.”

And Livylaughed. Because seriously . . . how could she not?


Vic woke up in a very good mood. But as soon as he turned over and saw that Livy wasn’t lying in bed beside him, his mood quickly soured.

Had she left? Had she already bailed on him? He wouldn’t put it past her.

“Well, I’m not chasing after her,” he muttered, sitting up. “If she wants to go, that’s up to her. It’s not my problem.”

He swung his legs over the side of the bed. “I do need coffee, though.” Vic stood. “And I’m not sure where that is.”

Dragging on his boxers, Vic walked barefoot and bare-chested down the stairs and into the living room. He headed into the kitchen and quickly located the coffee beans. He ground them up, put them in the European coffeemaker, and patiently waited with his back against the counter and his arms crossed over his chest.

Vic looked around the kitchen. He knew there was no food in the refrigerator but he wasn’t in the mood to cook anyway. He decided to check the cabinets and, to his surprise, he didn’t find Livy in any of them. But he did find several cans of honey-covered peanuts.

As he walked back toward the coffeepot, he noticed that the shadows outside the French doors leading to the yard abruptly changed. Vic stopped and leaned over so he could look around the large marble counter, and that’s where he found . . . not Livy.

Wondering whom Livy had pissed off now, Vic put the peanuts down on the counter and walked outside.

“Hey, Mike,” Vic greeted, gearing himself for a statement that started off something like, “We put that honey badger friend of yours in jail . . .”


“What’s going on?”

“Thought you’d want to know about your girl.”

“What about her?”

“John Leary saw her going through his territory not too long ago—”

“I’m sure she didn’t mean anything by it, and if she attacked any of Mr. Leary’s beehives, I’ll replace—”

“Nah. That ain’t it.”

“It’s not?”

“Ya see, she kept walkin’, didn’t she? Right past all those beehives. Seemed strange, especially since she was in her honey badger form and all, so Leary followed her for a bit. See if she was up to anything.”


“Well . . . she kept walkin’, didn’t she? Right over county lines.”

Vic stared at the deputy. “What?”

Mike shoved his hands into the back pockets of his jeans and looked down at the ground, but didn’t repeat what he’d just told Vic.

“Are you telling me that Livy went into cat territory? And no one stopped her?”

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