Bite Me Page 71

Vic finished licking the honey off her thigh before he lifted his head and smiled at her.

“Stop looking so proud of yourself,” she snapped at him through her panting, “and get up here and fuck me.”

Vic loved it when Livy snarled at him like that. He liked that he could make her lose control. She made him crazy all the time . . . why should he suffer alone?

Digging into Livy’s backpack, Vic pulled out the condoms he now kept in there. He rolled one down his cock and was reaching for Livy when she landed in his lap.

Vic gasped at the feel of Livy’s tight ass hitting his hard cock. She wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him.

“You took too long,” she teased when she pulled away.

“If I recall your words correctly, ‘Nothing gets in here without a condom.’ ”

“You could have put that thing on in half the time it took you.”

“It took me five seconds!”

She nipped his jaw. “Stop arguing with me and get to work.”

“No.” Vic stood, bringing Livy with him. He walked out of the kitchen, through the dining room, and into the living room. He stretched out on the couch, with Livy on top of him.

“You get to work.” Vic put his hands behind his head. “And make it good, baby.”

“Typical lazy feline . . . and bear,” she muttered as she placed her knees on either side of his hips. “Leaving it to the honey badger to do all the work.”

“That’s because felines and bears are smarter than everybody.”

Livy smirked at him, just before she dropped down hard on his cock, the wet, tight heat of her pussy trapping him as surely as any cage or handcuffs. Actually, in the past, he’d gotten himself out of a cage and several pairs of handcuffs. But he didn’t think he’d ever get out of this. Even worse . . . he didn’t want to. Nothing that felt this good should be something anyone tried to get away from.

With her hands pressed against his chest and her gaze on his face, Livy began to rock her hips.

Unable to keep his hands off her, Vic pulled them out from behind his head and gripped Livy’s thighs.

“Tighter,” she gasped out.


“You can hold me tighter.” She licked her lips. “I don’t break, Vic. I can’t break.”

Vic did tighten his grip and when he did, Livy’s pussy jerked in response. Something that his cock loved more than . . . anything. Ever.

Livy fucked him harder then. Harder. Faster. Until they were both sweating and straining against each other. Vic couldn’t even think straight. He had no idea what he was doing or where the hell he was, which was when he lost complete and utter control.

They both heard the snap but Livy felt it, too, her body jerking forward before abruptly stopping.

Horrified, Vicwatched as she turned her head and looked behind her.

That’s when she asked, “You slapped my ass with your tail?”

“It . . . it was an accident,” he said, panicking.

“Your tail?” She gawked down at him. “You have a tail when you’re human?”

“When I want to. Or when I lack some self-control. But it’s not like I have to tuck it into my jeans every morning or anything.” Vic shrugged helplessly. “It’s basically a hybrid side effect.”

“It doesn’t look so dangerously thick when you’re in your animal form.”

Vic closed his eyes. He’d lost her, hadn’t he? Fangs and claws coming and going while human were typical among shifters. It was what they knew. What they were used to and comfortably accepted.

But a tail when human? No female wanted to put up with anything that weird. Especially a tail that sort of had a mind of its own.

“Okay.” Vic opened his eyes to see Livy raising a finger. “One rule, Barinov: that thing goes in my ass . . . and I tear your balls right off. We understand each other?”

Shocked, Vic could only nod.

“Good.” She grinned and added, “And can I just say . . . how cool is it that you have a prehensile tail? My tail is just this thing that does nothing but knock off flies and let other animals know when I’m about to go off. And it’s only there when I’m badger. But you . . .” She stopped, blinked. “Awww, it’s petting my back.”

“It is?”

“Don’t you know?”

“Well . . .”

“You do have control over that thing, don’t you?”

“Absolutely.” At least he could, with some effort. Because Vic would like to keep his balls intact. That was important to him.

“So,” he asked, “you’re really not freaked out by my tail?”

“Why would I be freaked out about something that’s part of you? It’s not like you were accidentally hit by gamma rays and you suddenly grew one. That would be weird. But we were born like this. My mother dropped me two days after I was born. My aunts said I bounced. I didn’t even cry. I did, however, punch my mother in the face when she picked me up.”

“At two days old?”

“I’m a honey badger. The woman is lucky I didn’t take her eye out.” She patted his chest. “See? We all have our . . . uniqueness. Yours happens to be an exceptionally cool tail. Who’d have a problem with that?”

Vic suddenly sat up, his arms wrapping tight around Livy’s waist. He kissed her, and the intensity of it nearly had her coming right then. She didn’t know what was going on, but she didn’t really care. Not at the moment.

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