Bite Me Page 74

“Mr. Bennett, I’m hoping you can give me some information on Frankie Whitlan.”

Frowning, the man’s head tilted to the side. “Frankie Whitlan?”

“Yes. The NYPD has been searching for Mr. Whitlan for quite a while now, and I was hoping you might be able to give us some information on him.”

“I’m sorry. I don’t think I can help you.”

“Really? Huh.” Dez pulled out the reporter’s notebook she kept tucked into the inside pocket of the leather jacket she’d stolen from Mace years ago. Taking her time, she flipped the pad open and sifted through several pages. “Yes. Here. Over the last few years, you’ve sent Whitlan’s daughter, Allison, several gifts through an AME Shipping Company? Isn’t that correct?”

Bennett smiled even as the blood drained from his face and his bright blue eyes darkened. “Actually, I haven’t. I’m not even sure what you’re talking about.”

“Really?” She looked at her notes again. Of course, her notes were just some doodles her son had made the night before. Talented little bastard. He did an excellent job of drawing his father’s fangs. “Interesting. So you don’t know Frankie Whitlan? You’ve never given any items to Allison Whitlan?”

“I’ve worked with Allison on a few charity boards that we’re both on. I’m sure I’ve given her a few thank-you gifts over the years. But . . . that’s about it.”

“Oh. All right then.” Dez stood, still smiling, and placed her business card on Bennett’s desk. “Well, if you do hear anything or have any information, please feel free to call me. We’re just trying to locate him.”


Bennett stood and they shook hands. Dez walked out, smiled at his executive assistant as she passed her, and made her way to the elevator. Once back on the city streets, Dez got into the unmarked vehicle double-parked at the corner. Crush was in the driver’s seat waiting for her. She closed the door and buckled up, and he pulled into traffic and headed to their favorite diner for breakfast.

Dez hit the speed dial on her phone and waited until Vic’s partner, Shen, picked up on the other end. The panda had called in a favor early this morning, Dez’s phone waking up her very not-a-morning-person mate. Normally, she didn’t take orders that didn’t come directly from her captain, but she still felt tracking Frankie Whitlan down was incredibly important. So if Vic and his friend needed her help, she was more than happy to do what she could.

“Hey, Shen.”

“How did it go?”

“He’s not going to give up any information to cops.”

“I didn’t think so, but I wanted to try a . . . friendlier option first.”

“I was very friendly. Sowas he. Still, he acted like he had no idea who I was talking about.”


“I checked his record, though. He’s very clean. Squeaky. Whitlan likes to have a few of those guys around to help him move in different circles. This guy’s no gangster. Not even close. Just a rich businessman thinking what he’s doing is no worse than cheating on his taxes. My guess is that Bennett is weak. He’ll break if you push him just a little. A push I can’t legally make without evidence. So you guys will have to take it from here.”

“That’s fine, Dez. Thanks so much for this.”

“No problem. Call if you need us again.”

Dez put away her phone, and her partner grumbled, “What do you mean ‘if you need us again’? Why are you involving me in this?”

“Because I don’t feel like driving today. So suck it up, chuckles.”

“You’ve been living with that cat too long. You’re getting way rude.”

Vic pulled the SUV to the curb, and Livy pushed the door open, about to jump down.

“Hey,” Vic said. “Hey, hey.”


“Kiss good-bye?”

“I’m just going to work.”

“Kiss good-bye?”

“Are you going to be a needy lover?”


His directness caught her off-guard and Livy laughed. “You’re just so—”


“Goofy. I was going to say goofy.” She put her arm around his neck and pulled Vic in for a kiss. It went on a little long, but she didn’t mind. The man really knew how to kiss.

Finally, with some effort, she pulled away. “I have to go.”

“But will you miss me?”

Livy shook her head. “I can’t. With you. I can’t.”

She jumped out of the giant SUV and turned to close the door.

“I’ll see you tonight at your derby bout.”

Livy stopped mid-door-close. “My derby bout? How did you hear about that?”

“Blayne invited me.”

“Of course she did.” Livy finished closing the door and walked to the Sports Center.

On her way through, she stopped for coffee and a bagel with cream cheese. She carried those into her office, placing them on the desk beside a wooden box she didn’t recognize.

“Hi, Livy!”

Livy glanced up, then back at the box. “Hi, Blayne.”

“I just stopped by to make sure you’re coming to the bout tonight.”

“Yeah. I’ll be there. But stop trying to hook me and Vic up.”

“I wasn’t . . . I didn’t . . . yeah, okay.”

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