Darkest Hour Page 49
“Tell me about it,” I said, fingering my bruise. “They think it’s still 1850, and they’re afraid of the neighbors finding out they offed you. Well, it’s all going to blow up in their faces in a day or so. The truth is coming out, courtesy of the Carmel Pine Cone—”
Jesse spun me around to face him. He looked madder than ever. “Susannah,” he said. “What are you talking about?”
“I told the whole story to CeeCee,” I explained, unable to keep a note of self-congratulation from creeping into my voice. “She’s interning at the paper for the summer. She says they’re running the story—the real story, about what happened to you—on Sunday.”
Seeing his expression growing, if anything, even darker, I added, “Jesse, I had to. Maria killed the guy at the historical society—the one she stole your picture from in order to do the exorcism. I’m pretty sure she killed his grandfather, too. Maria and that husband of hers have killed everybody who has ever tried to tell the truth about what really happened to you that night. But she’s not going to be able to do it anymore. That story is going to go out to thirty-five thousand people. More even, because they’ll post it on the paper’s website. Maria isn’t going to be able to kill everybody who reads it.”
Jesse shook his head. “No, Susannah. She’ll just settle for killing you.”
“Jesse,” I said. “She can’t kill me. She’s already tried. I’ve got news for you: I am really, really hard to kill.”
“Maybe not,” Jesse said. He held something out in his hand. I looked down at it. To my surprise, I saw that it was the rope we’d been following.
Only instead of the end disappearing down into the hole through which I’d climbed, it sat, frayed, in Jesse’s hand. As if it had been cut.
Cut with a knife.
I stared down at the end of the rope in horror.
It’s funny. You know what the first thing that popped into my head was?
“But Father Dom said,” I cried, “that Maria and Felix were good Catholics. So what are they doing down in that church?”
Jesse had a little more presence of mind than I did. He reached out and seized my wrist, twisting it so he could see the face of Father Dominic’s watch.
“How much more time do you have?” he demanded. “How many more minutes?”
I swallowed. “Eight,” I said. “But the whole reason Father Dom blessed my house was so they wouldn’t try to come in, and then look what they do. They come into a church—”
Jesse looked around. “We’ll find the way out,” he said. “Don’t worry, Susannah. It has to be around here somewhere. We’ll find it.”
But we wouldn’t. I knew that. There was no point, I knew, even in looking. What with the fog covering the ground so thickly, there was no chance we’d ever find the hole through which I’d climbed.
No. Susannah Simon, who’d been so hard to kill, was effectively dead already.
I started untying the rope from around my waist. If I was going to meet my maker, I at least wanted to look my best.
“It must be here,” Jesse was saying as he waved at the fog, trying to part it in order to see beneath it. “Susannah, it must be.”
I thought about Father Dominic. And Jack. Poor Jack. If that rope had been cut, it could only have been because something catastrophic had happened down in the church. Maria de Silva, that practicing Catholic Father D. had been so convinced would never dare launch an attack on consecrated ground, had not been as frightened of offending the Lord as Father Dominic had assumed she’d be. I hoped he and Jack were all right. Her problem was with me, not them.
“Susannah.” Jesse was peering down at me. “Susannah, why aren’t you looking? You cannot give up, Susannah. We’ll find it. I know we’ll find it.”
I just looked at him. I wasn’t even seeing him, really. I was thinking about my mother. How was Father Dominic going to explain it? I mean, if he wasn’t already dead himself. My mom was going to be really, really suspicious if my body was found in the basilica. I mean, I wouldn’t even go to church on Sunday. Why would I be there on a Friday night?
“Susannah!” Jesse had reached out and seized me by both my shoulders. Now he gave me a shake with enough force to send my hair flying into my face. “Susannah, are you listening to me? We only have five more minutes. We’ve got to find a way out. Call him.”
I blinked up at him, confusedly pushing my long dark hair from my eyes. That was one thing, anyway. I’d never have to worry about finding the perfect shade to cover my gray. I’d never turn gray now.
“Call who?” I asked dazedly.
“The gatekeeper,” Jesse said through gritted teeth. “You said he was your friend. Maybe he’ll show us the way.”
I looked into Jesse’s eyes. I saw something in them I’d never seen before. I realized, in a rush, what that something was.
Fear. Jesse was afraid.
And suddenly I was afraid, too. Before I’d just been shocked. Now I was scared. Because if Jesse was afraid, well, that meant something really, really bad was about to happen. Because Jesse does not scare easily.
“Call him,” Jesse said again.
I tore my gaze from his and looked around. Everywhere—everywhere I looked—I saw only fog, night sky, and more fog. No gatekeeper. No hole back to the Junipero Serra Mission church. No hallway filled with doors. Nothing.
And then, suddenly, there was something. A figure, striding toward us. I was filled with relief. The gatekeeper, at last. He would help me. I knew he would….
Except that, as he came closer, I saw it wasn’t the gatekeeper at all. This guy didn’t have anything on his head except hair. Curly brown hair. Just like—
“Paul?” I burst out incredulously.
I couldn’t believe it. Paul. Paul Slater. Paul Slater was coming toward us. But how—
“Suze,” he said conversationally as he strolled up. His hands were in the pockets of his chinos, and his Brooks Brothers shirt was untucked. He looked as if he had just breezed in from a long day on the golf course.
Paul Slater. Paul Slater.
“What are you doing here?” I asked. “Are you …are you dead?”