Dear Aaron Page 10

I haven’t seen any of those movies. I’ll have to take your word that the costumes are cool. Maybe when I get home, I’ll look them up.

Are you going with your little sister to Moscow for her competition?

I read some… didn’t really get into it until I started going overseas and had nothing to do. A lot of us read while we’re here to pass the time. When I’m home, I’d rather watch a movie.

You aren’t being nosey. I would have asked too. Paige has HFA. My dad worries about her a lot… and I guess I do too… but I know she could be on her own if she wanted to someday. Social cues give her trouble, but anyone who can’t appreciate how honest and kind she is doesn’t need to be in her life anyway.

Are you some famous designer and you’re playing it cool? Where was your internship with the Ukranian lady? Could you get another internship or do you know… everything there is to know? Send pictures of these… costumes… you’ve made.

You’re right. The worst injuries a person can take aren’t always on the outside.

I joined the army because I had nothing else going on… still don’t, if you want to get technical. I didn’t want to sit in a class all day in college and didn’t have a trade school I was interested in back then. I didn’t want to work for my dad either. The military seemed like a good idea. Looking back on it now, I know I did the right thing joining. If I would’ve stayed home, who knows what I would’ve ended up doing or how I would’ve turned out. Maybe good, maybe not. Who knows.

The military is what keeps a lot of magazines operating. No joke. For the record, I haven’t had a “topless” woman on a wall in at least eight years.

I had a bad day today, but your message made me feel better. Maybe everything will work out. I still have almost two years left on this enlistment. I’ll figure it out.

The orange juice story made me laugh. You’re on top of your game. What else do you have?


From: [email protected]

Date: October 10, 2008 3:05 a.m.

To: [email protected]

Subject: Jimmy Rigging


Bingo. Someone did pee on my shoes at Mardi Gras. I think that was worse because it was a complete stranger. Continue with your guesses. The crap show retelling isn’t over.

A shower out of a coffeemaker? Something is better than nothing. Do you have a shower trailer where you’re at now? I’m also not going to make a comment about changing your clothes every other week.

No, I’m not going with her to Moscow. It’s too expensive. She only travels with her coach to international qualifying events. If she moves on to a final, I’ll charge the trip onto my credit card. That’s what I usually do.

Now you have me curious. What do you guys read? I know you said some fantasy, but what else?

I hope I don’t regret asking, but are you close to your dad? Does he or your siblings write you while you’re gone?

Famous. Now you’re trying to make me laugh. I’ll send you a picture of the dress I made my sister for her short program (that’s one of her routines. It’s the shortest one if you can’t tell from the title.) I could do another internship. There’s always something more to learn, but I don’t know. Everyone cried last time I left, and that had only been to Philadelphia where my cousin lives. I’d been 19 back then. I have more responsibilities now. I’d be scared to quit my jobs.

Joining the military for that reason makes a lot of sense. Who knows what they want to do with their lives when they’re 18? Maybe a few people do, but most don’t. With my brother, he learned discipline and grew as a person. It gave him more stability and accountability than my mom gave him. She let him get away with everything when we were younger. She’d never admit it, but he’s her favorite.

I don’t blame anyone for putting up topless pictures of women on their walls. You might as well have something nice to look at while you’re over there. :)

Sorry to hear about your bad day. Like I’ve told you before, if you ever want to vent, I’m here. Just tell me you don’t want a response, and I won’t even say a word. I know sometimes you just have to talk and don’t necessarily want an opinion back.

I’m glad my ruined breakfast made at least one of us happy. :P This isn’t that funny, but last night I was trying to put pepper on my dinner and the entire cap came off. There was literally what looked like three tablespoons of pepper on my plate. My little sister and I play pranks on each other, so I know it was her doing. I purposely didn’t call to blame her. I don’t need her to know she got me. I’ll plan my revenge so she doesn’t expect it.

Hope you’re okay,


From: [email protected]

Date: October 13, 2008 1:22 p.m.

To: [email protected]

Subject: Re: Jimmy Rigging


Crap show… are you trying to tell me something? Did you go with anyone else other than your friend? I want to ask if you got rained on, but that’s too obvious. Did you step in crap? Human crap if you want to be specific.

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