Deep Redemption Page 61

Finally, my eyes fell back onto Styx. I was sure if a simple look could have killed, I’d be mincemeat on the floor. Styx’s eyes were twitching and his jaw was clenched to the point that his chin actually shook with the effort. But his hawk eyes never left mine. And this time, as his VP broke the line and came charging my way, Styx didn’t stop him. The fucker just smiled. Ky’s iron fist slammed into my stomach, knocking the wind from my lungs. He stepped back, his face red with burning anger. I made myself straighten and saw that the usually easygoing brother looked like shit. His skin was pale, and gone was the fun and carefree glint in his eyes. In its place was the glare of a fucking stone cold killer.

Ky’s lips curled over his teeth. He looked as if he was going to say something. But nothing came out of his mouth. He radiated rage, so much so that tears formed in his eyes. And then I knew. I fucking knew it was about Delilah.

My heart shattered. Because we had taken her. And my brother . . . he had ruined her. I might not have ordered the rape, the torture . . . but I’d let it happen. I was just as guilty as everyone else.

I lowered my arms to my sides, and exhaled a long breath. He would kill me now. I could see that promise on his face.

In a flash, Ky gripped my hair then kicked the backs of my legs. I dropped to my knees, and Ky brought a knife to my throat. He wrenched my head back and brought the blade to my exposed skin.

I closed my eyes.

The blade began to move over my skin. I heard a brother shout, “Ky! Don’t you dare fuckin’ kill him! We need to know why the fuck he’s here! Fuck him up, yeah, but don’t you dare fuckin’ end him!”

Then I heard the sound of the truck door opening and a loud, “NO!” pierce through the commotion . . .

. . . Harmony.

“Harmony,” I said and tried to turn to face her direction. Ky’s blade had paused over my throat, but his hand in my hair kept me still. “Harmony,” I croaked out again.

“What the fuck?” I heard one of the brothers say, and my eyes closed.

“Shit! She looks exactly like . . .” another voice said, but then trailed off to nothing.

I felt Ky turn his head then freeze. “What the fuck?” He dropped the blade from my throat and kicked me to the floor with the tip of his steel-toed boots. As I landed I saw a flash of white move in front of me.

She was protecting me.

Harmony stood, facing the brothers, her arms out at her sides as if to keep them from reaching where I lay. “Do not touch him!” she threatened. I swallowed at the sudden emotion welling up in my heart, the affection constricting my chest.

I got to my feet and put my hand on Harmony’s shoulder. She jumped, and I saw how frayed her nerves were. She looked back to me and her naturally ice-blue eyes locked on mine. Moving my finger to her cheek, I said, “It’s okay.”

Harmony’s face had paled. She looked at me as though I was insane. “They hurt you,” she said. It was deathly quiet around us. I didn’t care.

“I deserve it,” I replied back. I knew the Hangmen would all have heard, but I didn’t care. I didn’t care about anything anymore.

I took hold of Harmony’s hand. I brought it to my lips and kissed the soft skin on the back. Tears of sadness and confusion formed in her eyes. I dropped our joined hands to my side and faced forward.

I looked directly at Styx and saw the look of astonishment on his face. Viking looked at Styx. “Prez, why the fuck does Prophet Dipshit’s whore look like—”

Styx raised his hands and started firing off sign language. “Get Mae and the sisters out here fuckin’ now!”

Bull turned and slipped through the gates. It was deathly silent as I stared my former brothers down. They glared right back. Tension thickened the air, making it almost impossible to breathe.

Harmony’s hand began trembling in mine. Knowing I had only minutes to be with her, I ignored the watching brothers and turned to the woman that had changed my life . . . given me life . . . given me the gift of her. Given me the only few precious weeks of happiness I’d ever had.

Harmony looked up at me and blinked. Her long lashes fanned over her cheeks, and my stomach clenched. I leaned forward and tried to put a smile on my face.

“Harmony.” I took in a deep breath. “Thank you,” I said. “Thank you for showing me who I truly am.” I shook my head, and laughed a humorless laugh. “Or at least who I could have been if everything hadn’t been so messed up.”

“Rider,” she whispered sadly, and a tear fell down her cheek. My heart broke. No one had ever cared for me in such a way. They never would again. I would never forget how it felt. What that care and faith could do to a person’s soul.

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