Drunk Dial Page 38
“You have no idea how much I would love that…”
My expression must have reflected the opposite of my words.
“But it’s not an option…” he said.
“I’m afraid not.”
“Well, I’ll keep dreaming about that scenario.”
He pulled my legs into him even more with his own. “So, I wanted to talk to you about something.”
“I know we joke about Lenny being a psychopath, but I’m starting to really hate the idea of you living with a weirdo.”
“I’m not sure what to do about that. You know how I feel about kicking him out.”
“I’ll kick him out.”
“My father says the same thing.”
“Then Eddie and I will do it together. It would give me great satisfaction. Rana, I don’t want you living with a fucking nutjob anymore. I feel even more protective of you since we’ve spent this time together. It’s ten times stronger now. And it makes me feel helpless that I’m going to be so far away from you.”
“I’ll figure something out, okay? Maybe I’ll start looking for another place. I need to do it carefully.”
“You’re crazy, girl.”
Reaching across the table for his hand, I winked. “You love my crazy.”
“I do.” He took my hand to his mouth and kissed it. “I really do, Rana.”
His protective nature was a huge turn-on—among other things. It was hard to believe that I’d likely be going back to Michigan without knowing what it was like to make love to this man. I appreciated how careful he was being, but I was seriously dying for more with him. I was afraid of what his answer would have been if I begged him outright to fuck me tonight. Too terrified of the rejection, and pretty sure he would be vehemently against us taking that step given my leaving tomorrow, I decided to keep my feelings on that to myself.
We ended up having a really laid-back dinner. We reminisced and also started thinking about where he’d take me during my next trip out west. Insisting I indulge one last time during this vacation, Landon ordered me the chocolate pistachio torte for dessert. The meal was perfect. Everything was perfect. That had to mean something bad was going to happen.
Sure enough, the mood was about to change dramatically.
At one point during dinner, we were interrupted when a woman approached our table.
“Landon. I haven’t seen you in ages.”
The muscles in my body tightened as an uncharacteristic look of fear flashed across his face.
He looked extremely uncomfortable and simply said, “I know.”
The blonde woman was tall, about five foot nine and looked to be in her late thirties. With high cheekbones and a symmetrical face, she was attractive enough to make me uneasy—especially with the way she was looking at him, as if he were a piece of meat she wanted to sink her teeth into.
Catching a whiff of her perfume, I was pretty sure it was Quelques Fleurs, the same brand my mother used to steal from the mall. That made me despise this person even more.
With an icy stare, she looked at me. “Hello, I’m Carys.”
Her name sounded like Paris with a C. I didn’t answer her, because it didn’t seem like Landon would’ve wanted me to. I felt like a cat ready to hiss.
Something was off.
Turning to him, she grinned. “I’ve tried to get in touch with you over the years, but your number is out of service.”
His body went rigid. He wasn’t looking at her when he said, “That’s right.” If looks could kill, she would have been dead.
Carys wasn’t getting the hint. “Are you still around?”
He raised his voice. “No.”
“Can I convince you to reconsider? I’ll leave you with my new numb—”
“Please, leave,” he insisted. “This is disrespectful.”
I’d never seen Landon looking so angry yet vulnerable.
What the hell is going on?
“Oh, well.” Addressing me, she shrugged. “Enjoy him while you can, I guess. Before he changes his number on you.”
Then, she just walked away, leaving the lingering scent of Quelques Fleurs in her wake. Her small ass wiggled against the fabric of her white capris. Feeling like my insides had been twisted, I kept watching her until she disappeared.
He placed his fingers on his temples. His shoulders were rising and falling with each breath, and he wouldn’t even look at me. He looked utterly gutted.
“Landon, please, talk to me. What was that all about? Who is that woman?”
When he lifted his face to meet mine, the fear was written all over it. “I can’t lie to you.” He shook his head. “I’ll never lie to you.”
“Please. What’s going on?”
He threw his cloth napkin down on the table. “Let’s go home, okay?”
The wait for the server to bring our bill and process his credit card was excruciating. Landon was bouncing his knees up and down while he continued to breathe in and out heavily.
Finally in the car, I watched him fumble with his keys before starting the engine. Unaware of what was really happening, I sort of froze, at a loss for words. Feeling cold, I rubbed my arms as he sped away.