Enforcer Page 28

“On another level, I am very attracted to you. Part of it is that you’re an alpha, even if you are a human female. In many ways a warrior. Because you are mated to my brother, chemically, my attraction to you is very close to a mate connection. It won’t be hard for me to bed you on that level. I’m hard right now just thinking of it.”

Nina stared at him, mouth agape.

“It has to happen. I’m not lying. Lex isn’t lying. Hell, you can call my grandmother and ask her about it. All females who are mated to wolves need the tri-bond. And as a human it’s even more urgent. Lex tells me that you had a very severe reaction after the claiming—that concerns me. And as your Alpha—and I am your Alpha, Nina—and Lex’s brother, I’m driven to do what’s best.”

“Get out,” she said through clenched teeth.

“Nina, be reasonable.”

“GET OUT!” she screamed and threw a vase at his head, which just barely missed him.

Lex opened the door and saw her, standing legs apart, fire in her eyes, rage running through her system. “What the hell is going on?” he demanded.

“You and your brother need to get out! Get away from me right now. I can’t stand to look at either one of you.”

“Okay,” Cade said, his hands up, palms out. “Think about this, Nina. Think about your feelings for Lex. Do you think he’d lie to you? Be honest with yourself. It doesn’t have to be some long seduction, you know. He can be in the room with us. We’ll figure it out. Do it in the way you feel most comfortable with. I know this is hard to take in. Just examine your heart.”

He stepped back and pushed Lex out of the room behind him. She slammed the door in their faces, locking it.

* * * * *

Furious, Nina paced as she thought about the whole series of events. Damn werewolves were nothing but problems from the moment they materialized in her life. They turned her brother then they killed him and now she was trapped with these men who just so happened to have to both f**k her to save her life.

Gah! Men! She never should have let him into her bed. She had been weak and look where it got her. She stomped into the bathroom, slamming and then locking the door. She may as well shower the scent of that ass**le off her skin while she thought of a way to get out of there.

* * * * *

“I’d ask you what you said to her but I heard you through the door. This is more than just duty for you, Cade,” Lex growled as he paced.

“Control your wolf or I will,” Cade said with menace. Lex had partially transformed twice in the last half hour. Cade had never seen his brother lose control this way. “Yes, it’s more than duty. I will enjoy f**king her. Is that what you wanted to hear? I wish it weren’t true but it is. Nina is a very alluring woman. But I know who she belongs to, Lex. I would never step over that line and you know it.”

“God, can’t you two do even this right?”

They both spun and caught the entrance of their youngest sister, Tracy.

“Thank god you’re here!” Lex said.

“Where is she?”

“Upstairs in our room. She’s really angry and hurt.”

Tracy examined both of her brothers. So strong and handsome, if they couldn’t convince a woman that it would be a great idea to have sex with both of them she didn’t see much hope for the next generation of the Pack. Dumb as stumps. She snorted.

“Well, you claim her without telling her the details and then you spring, hey, you have to sleep with my brother to keep from going crazy, on her after a night of what I’m guessing was lovely post-bond sex. Really. First Sid handles Layla all wrong and they nearly break up and then you go botch this.”

Lex glowered at her. She was the little rebel of the Pack. Tattoos and piercings god knew where. “Are you going to help or not?”

She rolled her eyes. “Of course I am. But you don’t think I’d miss the chance to give you both some shit over it do you?” She turned and left the room without waiting for an answer.

Shaking her head in disgust, she jogged up the stairs and stopped outside Lex’s door, tapping softly. “Nina? It’s Tracy. We met yesterday? I’m Lex’s youngest sister. Can I come in, please?”

“Why? Do I have to have sex with you too?” came from the other side of the door.

Tracy laughed at that. She really liked her new sister-in-law. She had all the fire it would take to keep Lex in line. “No. Are you disappointed?”

The door yanked open and Nina was there, looking imperious right down to the single raised eyebrow. “What do you want?”

“Oh come on and let me in. You know you’re curious. What do you have to lose?”

She sighed, waved Tracy into the room and relocked it after her.

Tracy opened up the bag she had with her and tossed Nina something. “Here, it’s a sandwich. Chicken salad. Thought you might be hungry after Frick and Frack sprang the tri-bond on you without warning.”

Nina sat on the bed and gestured for Tracy to do the same. “Thanks.”

“No problem. There’s chips and a cookie in the bag too,” she added as she opened up her own sandwich and began to eat.

“Why are you here? I don’t mean to be rude, but let’s just be blunt.”

“You know why I’m here.” She looked up at Nina. “Lex called me in a panic and I rushed over. Come on. Admit it. You know, deep down, that Lex and Cade aren’t lying. I bet you’re feeling a bit shaky about now. My sister Layla didn’t want to do the tri-bond either.” Tracy tucked her feet beneath her as she ate. “Anyway, so she and Sid had sex and the claiming happened. Only they didn’t know they were mates, they thought it was just a lust thing.

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