Get Inked Page 23

“Yeah. Of course. And I’ll make copies of the designs for you to take with you. When you think you know which one you want, let me know, and if there are any changes, you can email them to me. Then we can schedule an appointment to check out placement. I can either book you on the same day the guys are coming to get their ink, or we can pick a different day.”

Lily nods. “That sounds like a good idea.”

Lily waits until Hayden leaves to make copies for her before she gives me the look I’ve been waiting for. This time it’s nothing close to sex eyes.

“I know, I know. I’m sorry. I’m just not keen on the idea of some other guy’s hands and face right up next to my favorite place to have my hands and face.”

She puts her palm on my thigh. “And moody dick, don’t forget him.”

“Yeah. He’s pretty unforgettable.”

“I don’t have to get it on my inner thigh.”

“You can if that’s what you want.” It would be sexy, and I’ll have to get over my serious aversion to Hayden’s hands being that close to my girl’s pussy if it’s the location Lily decides to go with.

“Maybe it should be more visible.”

“That might be nice, too.” I’m way more partial to it being on her shoulder, or even her forearm, although I don’t want it to interfere with her employability. It’s irrelevant for me. Tattoos have no impact on my hockey career, but a highly visible tattoo on Lily might be different. It’s another thing to discuss.

Hayden comes back a minute later with a rigid envelope that he passes over to Lily. “Usually I put them up in a place I like to hang out, like my living room or something, when I’m trying to make a decision.”

“That’s great. Thanks.”

“Just call when you’re ready, and we’ll set up a follow-up appointment. Unless you want to do that now? Say, in a few weeks? I’m guessing you want to wait until summer’s over since you’ve got a lot of light colors in there and you don’t want the sun to fade them out.”

Lily nods again, and we make an appointment for a few weeks from now, as well as another one for October, when I’ll be home between a series of away games.

We finish up, and Lily hugs the envelope to her chest as Hayden opens the door to the private room and stops dead.

“What’s going on here?” he demands. “You giving away all my treats while I’m busy?”

Everyone’s sitting around eating snacks. It takes me a second to realize they’re mowing down cupcakes.

Tenley, who’s close to the same height as Lily, but curvier, flips her hair over her shoulder and gives Hayden a look I’m very familiar with. “Relax, cupcake, I made lots, and there are plenty at home if you don’t get your fill here.”

“Oh, I’m pretty sure I’ll still be hungry when I get home, kitten.”

Lily leans in to whisper in my ear. “And I’m pretty sure he’s not going to be eating cupcakes.”

“Neither will I,” I whisper back.

Chapter 10



I seriously can’t get over the uncanny resemblance between Hayden and Randy. I mean, of course the beard is different, and Randy is way broader than Hayden, but put those two side by side, and they could probably pass for cousins, maybe even brothers.

Hayden has that look on his face—the one that tells me I’m the cupcake when I get home. Lily’s whispering something to Randy, and ironically, he seems to be wearing a similar expression to Hayden’s, and it’s directed at Lily.

Suddenly the only place I want to be is home. In bed. With Hayden. If we can make it that far.

Lily excuses herself to the bathroom, and Randy watches her go.

“Stay where we can see you, Balls,” Lance says.

“Those two like to christen bathrooms, and based on the look on this one’s face, he’s strongly considering following her.” Violet points a finger at Randy.

“They have a lot in common with those two.” Lisa motions between Tenley and Hayden.

“Like you’re one to talk,” Hayden shoots back.

“Jamie and I were never as bad as you two.”

Hayden scratches his temple with his middle finger. “I think you have a short and faulty memory.”

“You’re riding shotgun on the way home.” Lance points to Randy. “There’s no way you and Lily are sitting beside each other.”

There’s some more banter back and forth, and when Lily returns they say their good-byes. I get Randy to sign the shirt and poster I brought to the shop before they leave. Everyone else is nice enough to sign it, too.

Lisa turns to me and fans herself once the door closes behind them. “That was a lot of testosterone.”


“Can you even imagine what it would be like to date one of those guys? Their stamina must be insane.”

Jamie stops filing designs in folders and gives Lisa a put-out look. “Uh, my stamina’s insane.”

“So is mine,” Hayden says darkly.

Lisa gives Jamie a patronizing smile. “I didn’t say it wasn’t. All I’m saying is that these guys play professional sports for a living. Their job is to be physically fit.”

Hayden runs his hand over his stomach. “I’m physically fit, aren’t I, kitten?”

“Of course you are.” For a guy who spends most of his time sitting in a chair, putting art on people’s bodies, Hayden is incredibly fit. He runs, and we have a workout room in the house, so that helps.

“See?” Hayden flashes Lisa a dirty look. “I’m just gonna clean up a little in the private room, and then we can head home.”

“I can help, if you want.”

“You don’t have to.” He pauses at the door. “Unless you want to.”

Chris is busy setting up for an appointment, and so is Jamie. Hayden is taking a rare Sunday afternoon off, so the sooner we leave, the sooner we’ll get home and the sooner we can enjoy some naked time between the sheets, or on top of them.

I follow him into the private room, closing the door. I don’t bother locking it. I’d prefer to be in a much more private location when he gets me naked.

“How was the consultation with Lily?” I ask, tracing the edge of the desk as I look over the designs he’s sketched for her.

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