Hate Me Page 31
His fingers twist the sides of my G-string as he edges away and bares his teeth, looking like a feral animal.
“You’re disgusting.” Reaching down, I bend his fingers until they’re about to break and the automatic reflex to let go takes over so I can move freely again. “I hate you.”
“I paid for a private room and a dance,” he snarls as I get off his lap.
I glare at him. “So, enjoy it…by yourself.”
I’m almost out the door when he comes up behind me and places his arms on either side of the frame, holding it shut. “Do you want me to tell your mom and stepdad where you work? All the kids at school?”
Jesus. He’s a fucking monster.
“Of course, I don’t,” I spit, stating the obvious.
He sweeps my hair to the side and I can feel the heat of his breath on the nape of my neck when he speaks. “Then this isn’t over.”
“God, you’re pathetic.” Closing my eyes, I shake my head. “If you want to fuck me so bad, just man up and admit it so we can get it over with already.”
This way it takes all the power he’s holding over me away.
“I do want to fuck you, Stray.” His hand comes around and he squeezes my tit. “Just not the way you secretly wish I would.”
Feeling helpless, I swallow my pride. “I’ll stay out of your business, okay? And I won’t ever threaten to go to the cops and have you thrown in an institution again. Promise.”
“It’s too late for that.” His teeth nip at my shoulder blade. “Like I told you, every action has a consequence.” His thumb skates down the length of my spine. “Every sin has a punishment.”
He’s unbelievable. “If that’s the case…what’s yours?”
I feel him tense behind me. “You.”
I have no idea what that means.
Pushing me aside, he opens the door. “But your secret is safe with me…for now.” An arrogant smirk plays on his lips as he walks out. “See you later, sis.”
Chapter 21
I clutch my mug of coffee, watching the steam rise as the sun fights with the clouds outside the window, battling to see who will win for the day.
I feel his presence behind me as I bring my cup to my lips and take a sip. I wanted to enjoy a few moments of peace before everyone came down for breakfast, but I should have known better.
There is no peace when he’s around. Especially now that he’s holding my job over my head.
Wearing nothing but a pair of gray sweatpants that hang dangerously low on his hips, Knox makes a beeline for the coffeepot on the counter. I can’t help but notice he likes his black…just like his soul.
Glaring, I reach for the French vanilla creamer on the island and pour more into my mug.
I swear I see a hint of a smirk on his face as he turns and places a bagel into the toaster.
I peel my gaze away when I realize I’m staring at his back and the way his broad shoulders and sculpted muscles tense and coil.
I look around the kitchen, noticing my mother hasn’t come down yet. She usually has breakfast made for everyone, as per her husband’s request.
As if reading my mind, Knox says, “My father got called into work early this morning. We’re on our own for breakfast.”
I breathe a sigh of relief. It’s nice not having to deal with the bullshit.
Twisting back around, Knox picks up his cup of coffee. “Be ready in twenty.”
I hear him talking, but my brain is having a hard time comprehending what he’s saying because all I can focus on are the severe v-cuts running down his lower abdomen and the lewd outline of his cock peeking through his sweatpants.
“Stray,” he snaps, forcing my gaze up.
He grabs one half of his bagel from the toaster. “Stop staring at my dick like you want it for breakfast.”
I open my mouth to tell him I’d rather dine on rat poisoning, but he’s already walking away.
The hallway is full of boisterous chatter as I head toward my locker. I assume it’s about the usual—Staci and Traci’s video…or mine.
However, Brie rushes over to me the second I begin turning the dial on my lock. Given we don’t really talk outside of lunch, it’s a little unusual for her to seek me out.
“Did you hear what happened?”
It’s even more unusual for Brie to come to me with gossip.
But one look at the startled expression on her face tells me something bad happened.
I close my eyes, silently praying Knox didn’t make good on his threat to tell everyone at school that I moonlight as a stripper.
“Aspen,” Brie whispers, concern lacing her tone.
I focus my attention back on her.
“Sorry.” Shaking my head, I take a few books out of my locker. “Yeah, no. I didn’t hear anything. Why, what’s up?”
“They found a body at Devil’s Bluff last night.”
That’s…alarming. Black Mountain is a relatively safe place. Sure, we have the occasional murder, but not often.
“Really? Who?”
“A young woman. I didn’t know her, but it’s all over the news.” She worries her lower lip between her teeth. “Kind of scary that it happened so close to home, you know?”
She’s not wrong about that. “Yeah.”
She looks down at her shoes. “I just wanted to make sure you’re okay.”
“Thanks,” I tell her as I take out my phone.
I only have a few more minutes before class starts, so I quickly pull up a news article.
Sure enough, there was a female body found at Devil’s Bluff by someone walking their dog.
The police don’t have any leads yet, but the victim was a thirty-year-old woman named Sheri Garside, daughter of prestigious heart surgeon, Dr. Phillip Garside.
However, it’s the photo in the article that nearly brings me to my knees.
For a moment I think I’m seeing things, because the picture is a dated one that looks like it was taken out of a yearbook.
But upon closer inspection, there’s no mistaking it’s definitely Candi Kane.
My stomach churns as I brush past Brie. “I have to go.”
“Are you okay?” she calls out after me, but I keep trudging down the hallway.