Hate Me Page 35
I wish he were here to share this moment with me.
I sprint up the stairs and run into my mother’s bedroom. She’s lying on the bed with a glass of wine in her hand, her eyes looking bleary as she stares at the television.
Hopefully, this news will snap her out of it because who wouldn’t be proud of their kid getting into a prestigious school?
“Mom.” I frantically wave the envelope in the air. “I got into Stanford!”
“Okay.” She tips her glass, causing her wine to slosh over a little. “Shoot. I just washed these sheets. Trent’s gonna kill me.”
“Mom,” I repeat, because it’s clear she didn’t hear me the first time. “I got into Stanford.”
She blinks. “What’s Stanford? Is that a club or something?”
“No. It’s a college. A fantastic college.”
The college of my dreams.
She nods, not looking at all impressed. “Well, congrats—wait a minute. What’s the catch? How much is this going to cost, because Trent—”
“Trent can go fuck himself because he doesn’t have to pay for a goddamn thing.” I slap my chest. “I got a scholarship.”
I earned it on my own. Without anyone else’s help.
And with the money I saved up from stripping, I’ll have enough to pay for books, clothes, food, and whatever else I’ll need.
And if I keep dancing until the summer ends, I could earn enough that I won’t even have to work for the first couple of semesters. I can focus on studying full time.
“Watch your mouth, Aspen.” She holds up her glass. “And get me another refill.”
Disgust rolls through me as I stalk out of her room and back down the stairs. I honestly don’t even know why I bother anymore. It’s the same story with the same tragic ending.
I only do it to myself.
Fishing my phone out of my purse, I call someone who does give a shit.
But Leo’s phone goes straight to voicemail.
He once told me I could call his office if there was ever an emergency and I couldn’t reach him.
Getting into Stanford seems like a pretty big deal to me.
“Leo Knox’s office,” a chipper female voice answers. “This is Tiffany speaking. How may I help you?”
I cradle the phone between my shoulder and cheek. “Hi, is Leo there? This is…” I stall because I didn’t think this part through. “Aspen…his niece.”
Ugh. I hate myself.
“Leo’s in an important meeting right now, but I’m his new assistant. Can I take a message?”
New assistant, huh? That’s news to me.
“Um, I guess just tell him I called.”
“Sure thing, hon.”
Sadness fills my chest as I hang up and grab a bottle of water from the fridge.
I have the best news and no one to share it with.
A smile touches my lips. On second thought, that’s not true.
Placing the water on the counter, I rush outside and run around to the basement entrance. Knox said he’d leave it unlocked for me so I can take care of Whiskers, and I’m glad he stayed true to his word.
“Hey, you.” I pick the little kitty up from her blanket and cuddle her. “Guess who got into Stanford?”
Whisker’s purrs a little, nuzzling her head under my chin.
I run my fingers through her fur, which is much softer and healthier than it was when I found her. “At least you’re here for me.”
Maybe I can convince Knox to let me keep her hidden in the basement for the next few months and save up for an apartment near campus that allows pets. “Would you like to live with me and be my college study buddy?”
She purrs again, and my heart does a little flip. “And people say cats have attitudes.”
Not Whiskers. She loves to be loved up on.
I’m so into our little cuddle sesh, I don’t even realize Knox is home until he’s downstairs.
“Hey.” Picking up Whisker’s paw so she can wave, I turn around. “Look who—” My mouth drops when I see his puffy eye and bloody lip. “What the fuck happened to you?”
For once, he’s the one who looks caught off guard. “Nothing.”
I place Whiskers back on her blanket. “You look like you got into a fight with Mike Tyson…and lost.”
He walks over to his mini fridge and takes out some kind of protein drink. “Trust me…I wouldn’t lose.”
“Right, well…something obviously happened to you.” I wave my hand, gesturing for him to fill in the gap, but he doesn’t.
Turning around, he whips off his shirt and throws it into the hamper. I notice a nasty bruise forming on the side of his stomach.
“Seriously, Knox. What the fuck happened?”
He rolls his shoulders and groans, making it clear I’m irritating him.
However, I won’t let up. “Kno—”
“You really want to hear about my hookup?”
I blink, not understanding. “Your hookup?”
“The girl I fucked.” His tongue finds his cheek. “She likes it rough.”
So rough you need to put aside money for a copay afterward?
“Jesus. That’s…” I shake my head because I don’t even have the words to express how fucked-up that is.
Knox’s eyes narrow into tiny slits. “Don’t ask questions you don’t want to know the answers to.” Bringing his arm up, he sniffs. “I’m gonna go grab a shower.”
“I got into Stanford,” I blurt out as he walks up the stairs.
I hear him come to a full stop. “Great. How long until you and that furball get the fuck out?”
I raise my middle finger. “Dick.”
Chapter 24
I mix the ingredients together in a large bowl, watching them blend before I add my favorite ingredient for optimal moistness—vanilla pudding.
Tonight is the dinner party my mother’s hosting, and while I have no inkling to help her after our exchange about Stanford last week, I really love to bake.
The party gives me a perfect excuse to do it.
After spooning the batter into cupcake foils, I place the tray on top of the stove. A moment later, the timer buzzes, letting me know another batch is done.