Hate Me Page 38


After cleaning the floors and counters in the kitchen, I haul the trays of cupcakes Aspen made to the garbage outside.

Rage simmers in my gut as I toss everything into the bin.

I turn to walk away…but stop.

Reaching back into the bin, I pick up one of the cupcakes and bring it to my mouth.

The moist sweetness hits my tongue and all I can think is…

Fuck him.

Reaching into my pocket for my keys, I walk out to my jeep.

I need something to clear my head.

Something to tame the beast.

Something to make me forget.

Something to dull the pain.

“You should keep a better eye on your sister,” my father’s voice calls out behind me. “Make sure she follows the rules.”

I snort. “Sure thing.”

Convincing Aspen to follow his rules is like trying to tame a wild horse.

Sure, they can eventually be trained…but it takes a hell of a lot of time and effort.

“Excuse me?”

I turn to face him. “Yes, sir.”

He scratches his chin, chuckling to himself. “She’s got quite a mouth on her.” His smile falters and his dark eyes sharpen. “I don’t like it.”


He eyes the keys in my hand. “Going somewhere?”

I tuck them back into the pocket of my jeans. “No.”

Whistling, he walks to his car. “I have to run a few errands before the party tonight. You’re welcome to join me.”

Ice flows through my veins. “No. Thank you. Sir.”

When he reaches his car, he stills, holding my stare. “It’s the strangest thing. I’ve been sneezing a lot lately and I have no idea why.”

I grit my teeth as he gets into the driver’s seat, starts the engine, and backs out.

After he’s gone, I trek to the back of the house.

A metallic smell hits my nostrils the second I enter the basement.

My stomach sours and the tiny hairs on the back of my neck stand at attention as I take in the trail of blood on the floor.


Acid works up my throat as I round the small corner to my bed.

I inhale a sharp breath when I find Whiskers on the floor in front of my bed.

With her throat slashed.

I clench my fists, my chest recoiling as I stare at the mutilated kitten.

This was a warning.

And if she’s not careful…it will only get worse.

Chapter 26






Reptiles didn’t typically respond to humans like dogs did, but I was just a kid, so I didn’t know any better.

In my defense, I had taught him a few things, like how to eat from my hand, so maybe he’d come when called, too…but no such luck.

Worried, I checked every nook and cranny in the basement.

Every hiding spot I could think of for a lizard.

But he was nowhere to be found.

It didn’t make sense because I always made sure to put him back in his cage after I played with him.

I asked my mom if she’d seen him earlier, but she said she hadn’t.

Dad would be home from work any minute now, so the sooner I found him, the better.

He’d be angry if he stumbled upon Kermit, and I shuddered to think of what he would do.

“Every action has a consequence.”

Although I suppose I could play dumb and let him think Kermit just wandered into the house.

But then he’d blame my mother for not keeping things tidy and Kermit would be out on the street.

“Trenton,” my dad bellowed from upstairs. “Get upstairs. Now.”


I quickly straightened my spine and marched up the staircase.

“Go wash your hands for dinner,” my mother instructed when I wandered into the kitchen.

I watched in confusion as she grabbed a few plates and dishes from the cabinet.

I expected my mother to be cooking dinner because she always did, but my father was pulling what looked like takeout from a paper bag.

We rarely had takeout, so I was excited.

After doing as I was told, I sat down at the table.

Like one big happy family.

Just the way he wanted it.

I made a face when I looked down at my plate. I expected Chinese food or Pizza. But this was something I didn’t recognize.

My mother nudged me with her foot under the table.

“Is there a problem?” my father barked, those dark eyes narrowing.

I quickly shook my head. “No.”


“No, Sir.”

“I figured we could all try something new for a change,” my father declared. “Dig in.”

I grabbed my fork, hoping it tasted good because it didn’t look that appetizing.

The last time I refused dinner…the consequences were…

Suppressing a shudder, I closed my eyes and brought my fork to my mouth.

It was weird. Kind of crunchy with a strange aftertaste.

“What is it?” I asked.

My father smiled, his teeth flashing white before his expression hardened.

“Barbeque lizard.”

Chapter 27



The party starts in an hour and I need to feed her before people start arriving. However, she’s not in her blanket like she usually is.

Huffing, I walk over to Knox’s bed. She’s grown more brazen, so maybe she wandered over there.

I just hope she didn’t leave him any presents on his mattress or pillow because then I’ll never hear the end of it.

When it’s clear she didn’t snuggle up on his bed, I decide to check under it. “Come on, baby. Where are you?”

Dropping to my knees, I extend my arm as far as it can go, hoping to feel some fur, but no dice.

There’s not a lot of space between the frame and the floor, but she’s still tiny. Maybe she’s stuck in a corner under there.

Using the flashlight on my phone, I search under the bed. The only thing I find are cobwebs and lint.

I’m about to stand up and search elsewhere, but something sparkly catches my eye.

Edging forward, I grab the object with my fingers.

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