Hate Me Page 43


I stop breathing when I realize what he’s implying.

Oh, God. No.

My chest twists, everything going blurry as he yanks me out of the vehicle.

“Knox, please,” I plead as he drags me up the walkway like I’m nothing more than a rag doll. “I’ll do whatever you want, okay?”

I’ll suck him off every day. I’ll humiliate myself on his command so he can point at me and laugh. I’ll be his goddamn slave.

I’ll do anything.

Because there’s no way I can look that poor woman in the eyes and tell her I’m sleeping with her husband.

“I wanted you to tell me the truth.”

“Fine,” I admit, both my voice and resolve cracking like glass. “You’re right. I’m sleeping with him.”

“And there it is.” I see the tendons in his neck coil before he goes still. “You have the nerve to stand there and judge me, but you’re no angel. You’re screwing a married man almost three times your age while his wife sits like a goddamned vegetable. You’re just as fucked up as I am.”

I inhale a shaky breath, hating that he’s right. “I know.” My throat feels like it’s closing in. “I’m sorry. I’ll end it—”

Lifting a finger, he presses the doorbell.

I try to run away, but his death-grip on my wrist tightens. “Every action has a consequence, Stray. This is yours.”

God, I thought I hated him before, but that was nothing compared to the way I feel about him now.

I will never forgive him for this. Ever.

A woman dressed in scrubs answers the door. I’m assuming she’s his wife’s private nurse.

“Hello.” Confusion crosses her face as she takes in our school uniforms. “Can I help you?”

Knox brushes past the woman, tugging me along. “I’m here to see my aunt.”

“Oh,” the nurse exclaims, trailing behind us. “I didn’t realize she would be having visitors today. Can I get you something to drink?”

My heart flies to my throat when we round a corner and walk into the living room.

One look at the stoic, sad woman in her wheelchair is enough to make me want to fall to the floor and start crying.

With my free hand, I tug on Knox’s sleeve like a child begging not to leave a toy store. “Please—”

“Shut up,” he grits through his teeth, before walking over to his aunt.

Dropping down, he plants a kiss on her forehead. “Hi, Aunt Lenora.”

Her eyes widen in recognition—and bewilderment—when she sees him.

Turning his head, Knox regards the nurse. “I need to speak with my aunt. Alone.”

She’s clearly taken back by his austerity, but she gives him a nod, anyway. “I was just about to make her some breakfast. Holler if you need anything.”

With that, she rushes toward the kitchen…leaving the three of us alone.

Knox wastes no time getting down to business. “Aunt Lenora, you remember Aspen Falcone, don’t you? She’s Mile’s—Leo’s dead friend’s— daughter.”

His words are the equivalent of a slap across the face.

Given she can’t move or speak, there isn’t much reaction to that. However, I notice her size me up with her big brown eyes.

I met her once when I was a kid…long before she was diagnosed with ALS.

She was beautiful and kind. She offered me chocolate chip cookies and complimented my hair.

Now she’s stuck in a wheelchair.

And I’m the whore sleeping with her husband.

The guilt pummeling through me is so thick—so visceral—I’m choking on it.

Knox looks between us. “I brought Aspen by today because she has something very important to tell you.”

Lenora blinks, no doubt expecting me to speak.

But I can’t.

I look at Knox one last time, pleading with him not to make me do this.

But he doesn’t fold. If anything, my desperation only pisses him off more.

“Tell her, Aspen.” His grip is so tight I’m positive it’s cutting off my blood supply. “Or I will.”

I open my mouth, but the words don’t come out. They’re stuck inside of me…unwilling to break this poor woman’s heart.

God, I’m such a slut.

Such a stupid, evil whore.

I’m no better than my swindler father.

No better than Knox.

“She’s screwing your husband,” Knox declares, and I swear the entire world stops spinning.

I drop to my knees, clutching my throat. I feel so sick.

So fucking disgusting.

When did I become this person?

This evil person who does bad things.

This vile person who steals other women’s husbands.

This horrible person who hurts other people.

This person I hate.

I can’t bring myself to look at her, so I study the carpet. It’s soft and plush. A cream color that she most likely picked out because Leo is terrible when it comes to choosing furniture.

“I’m sorry,” I choke out, my voice cracking like crystal. “I’m so sorry.”

“You’re probably wondering when it began, huh?” Knox questions before turning to me. “Tell her.”

From my place on the floor, I glare up at him, wishing I could scratch his eyes out. Hell, I just might after this.

“The night of my father’s funeral.”

It was right after my exchange with Knox.

The one where he told me he came to see me because he knew I’d be in pain.

I ran back in crying and Leo ushered me into an empty room.

I had so many feelings coursing through me.

I was sad, alone…and missing my dad so much it physically hurt.

But I was also angry.

Angry that the only person who ever cared about me was gone…because he was a thief.

Leo hugged me, trying to console me…but that wasn’t enough.

I needed to feel something more.

Something wrong and ugly and real.

So, I kissed him.

Five minutes later, I was losing my virginity.

And that was it.

Knox’s next words punch through the air like a bullet. “She was only sixteen.” His face twists. “Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, Aunt Lenora, but now you finally know what a sick piece of shit your husband really is.”

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