Hate Me Page 48


“Another body was found at Devil’s Bluff yesterday,” she repeats softly.

I nod because I comprehend what Brie’s saying…I just don’t understand how or why Shadow ended up dead.

You’d think Knox would have mentioned it…

Unless he doesn’t know.

Her eyes dart around nervously before she speaks. “Some people at school are saying Knox did it.” Her voice lowers a fraction. “You know…since he’s done it before.”

It’s on the tip of my tongue to defend him, but I quickly come to my senses.

Of course, it’s Knox. Not only because he’s killed previously and is the epitome of a psychopath…but Shadow was his ex.

I close my eyes as a flash of her crying flits through my mind.

The last time I saw her alive she was running out of the basement—looking so upset and frightened, I’ll never be able to get the image out of my mind.

But what if it wasn’t him? A tiny voice inside me probes.

“Aspen?” Brie whispers, tearing me from my thoughts. “I know we’re not super close, but I’m here for you.” Taking a step forward, she reaches for my hand and gives it a gentle squeeze. “If you need somewhere safe to stay…I’ve got you. Okay?”

I nod, tears prickling my throat.

Her offer is incredibly sweet, but I wouldn’t even know how to forge a genuine friendship with her.

I’d like to believe Brie wouldn’t judge me for stripping, or for being involved with a forty-eight-year-old man…or for sleeping with my stepbrother who happens to be a murderer.

But the truth is, I just don’t know. We’re complete opposites, with Brie being on the good end of the spectrum.

Trusting others is something that’s never come easily to me.


Her eyebrows pinch. “Promise me you’ll reach out if you need anything?”

“I will,” I assure her.

The bell rings, signaling that it’s time for us to get to class.

Despite looking like she doesn’t want to, she lets go of my hand. “Check in with me later?”


The moment she’s gone, I set out to find Knox.

I need to see how he’s reacting to the news.

To know if he had anything to do with it.

However, I’m stopped by a teacher walking down the hall. “You’re late for class.”

I want to argue, but I know it will only put me in hot water.

I’ll just have to see Knox later.

Either he’s been intentionally dodging me all day, or his schedule has changed, because when I finally manage to catch up with him, it isn’t until after classes let out.

Clutching the strap of my bag, I walk over to his locker. “Hey—”

“You need to get another ride home.”

I balk at his impassive expression, and his statement. “Okay. Can we talk about Shad—”

The locker slams shut, effectively cutting me off.

Next thing I know he’s stalking down the hall, heading for the exit doors.

I know Knox well enough to know that if I chase after him, he’ll only make me look stupid in front of everyone.

I’ll just have to confront him at home.

Chapter 34


It’s been five days since they found Shadow’s body and the police aren’t giving any details.

And that includes my stepfather, who claims it’s out of his jurisdiction and he doesn’t have any extra information to offer me.

Hell, they won’t even release her name officially. However, the police must have something, though, because her wake is tonight…which means they obviously released her body to her parents.

As for Knox, he’s barely been home.

But when he is, it’s only in the wee hours of the morning and he keeps both doors to his basement locked up tight like it’s some kind of fortress.

I’ve tried to grill him on the car rides to and from school this week, but he doesn’t say a word.

Which is why I’m beyond shocked when I walk into the funeral home and see him standing stoic like a statue in the back of the room where Shadow’s wake is being held.

A shiver travels up my spine.

I once watched a true crime show where some experts claimed that the killer always makes an appearance at the funeral.

Is that why he’s here?

I look around for Brie, but she told me she and Colton wouldn’t be here until later.

I freeze when I see what I can only assume must be Shadow’s parents standing by her coffin. Her father is shaking hands, thanking everyone for coming…but her mom.

Is a complete wreck.

She’s so distraught, her thin frame shaking so badly, the woman can barely stand next to her husband.

I probably have no business being here since Shadow and I didn’t like each other, but I feel compelled to pay my respects.

There are a decent number of kids from school in attendance tonight, but none I know well enough to approach and strike up a conversation with.

I can feel them staring at me and whispering things as I wait in line.

Like how I’m the stepsister of a killer.

That I might be next because he hates me.

The knot in my stomach tightens when it’s my turn to go up to the casket.

Her coffin is beautiful…well, for a coffin. However, it’s the framed picture sitting on top of the ivory casket that snags my attention as I kneel and make the sign of the cross.

The Shadow I knew had colorful hair, thick black eyeliner, and piercings. But the Shadow in this picture looks completely different. Her hair is blonde, her makeup is minimal, and there are no piercings to be found.

She doesn’t look very happy, though. Almost like someone was forcing her to smile for the camera.

And now she’s dead.

That thought has my eyes filling with tears as I stand.

She was only eighteen and had her whole life ahead of her…but just like Candi’s, it was stolen. And then her body was discarded in the woods like trash.

My eyes lock with Knox’s across the room.

The stupid organ in my chest tells me there’s a chance he didn’t do it.

But my brain is telling me the writing on the wall is so obvious it’s practically written in their blood, and I’d be an idiot to think otherwise.

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