Hate Me Page 58

His voice is a rumble of smoke and ashes when he speaks. “About what?”

I pull the sheet around me. “What are your plans after we graduate?”

Closing his eyes, he sags against the headboard. “Don’t know. I haven’t given it much thought.”

“Have you applied to any colleges?”

He brings the cigarette to his mouth and inhales. “Nope.”

Not surprising. Knox doesn’t really seem like the college type. Not that he isn’t smart. He definitely is.

A knot forms in my stomach. I don’t know why I’m so nervous. I shouldn’t be.

I guess I’m afraid we’re not on the same page. That maybe I’m rushing things.

Maybe I want this more than he does.

Despite him being my boyfriend, we still act like we hate each other when we’re in public.

I get why we have to…with us being step siblings and all. But that’s all the more reason we should start our lives together.

Far away from here.

“We should get an apartment together.”

He raises an eyebrow as a stream of smoke escapes his mouth, but otherwise stays silent.

Neither agreeing nor disagreeing.

Annoyed, I toss the covers off my body and reach for my clothes. School ended an hour ago, but prom is tonight.

It was supposed to be two weeks ago, but Staci and Traci’s murders kind of ruined that, so it had to be rescheduled.

I can feel him studying me like a hawk as I put my clothes on. “You’re upset.”

“And you’re…indifferent.”


A groan of frustration leaves me. “Apathetic, unmoved…cold. How many more words do I have to use for you to understand why I’m so upset?” I glare at him. “Damnit, Knox. Do you even care about me at all?”

Or am I just some stupid girl with stars in her eyes because she’s falling for someone who isn’t capable of ever loving her?

He stubs his cigarette out in an ashtray. “You sprung this apartment shit on me out of nowhere, Stray.”

I suppose he has a point there.

“Fine. If that’s the case, take some time and think about it.”

He nods slowly. “I will.” He crooks a finger at me. “Come here.”

I fold my arms across my chest. “No.”

He stands up and I can’t help but zero in on his abs, his strong, powerful thighs…and the big thing between his legs that’s swinging like a pendulum with every step he takes.

My spine meets the wall behind me as he approaches. “You’re sexy when you’re angry.”

My eyes flutter closed when he seizes my chin and his mouth finds my neck. “You shouldn’t have gotten dressed.” His free hand toys with the buttons on my shirt. “I wasn’t done with you yet.”

Arousal shivers through me when he licks a hot line along the column of my throat…but then I remember that I have to start preparing for tonight.

Pushing his hand away, I side-step him. “I can’t. I have to get ready for prom.” I find my shoes on the floor and put them on. “You probably should, too.”

Confusion shadows his face when I look up. “What’s wrong?”

“I’m not going to prom.”

This is news to me. I mean, we never talked about it, but he sat there and listened as I droned on and on about everything the prom committee –the one I’m the head of—had planned.

He knows how important tonight is to me.

Not just because of all the work I put into it, but because for once I get to have something…normal.

Disappointment sinks like a brick in my chest. “Oh.”

I don’t even know why I’m surprised because this so isn’t his thing.

Even still…he knows how much it means to me.

“You know what? Fuck you.”

Brushing past him, I walk out the back door.

“Stray,” he calls out after me, but I ignore him, the hurt in my chest growing worse.

I now know how Leo felt during our last conversation…because I’m forever wanting things from Knox I’ll never get.

Chapter 42


“Stray,” I grunt as she flies out the back door of the basement.

I charge after her, but realize I’m naked.

Grinding my molars, I slip on a hoodie and a pair of sweatpants.

I know she’s upset, but she should have known I wasn’t attending that dumb shit.

Just the thought of dressing up and dancing in front of a bunch of stupid fucks I can’t stand is enough to make my hackles rise.

Besides, there are much better ways we can spend the night.

I intend to tell her so, but Aspen’s long gone by the time I make it to the backyard.

It’s just as well. Nothing I say will make a difference, anyway. I’m not changing my fucking mind.

It’s important to her, though.

Gritting my teeth, I turn to head back inside, however, I catch what looks like a red-haired fox digging a hole in the backyard.


Bringing my fingers to my lips, I let out a loud whistle. The fox freezes and sizes me up briefly before making the smart decision to run off.

After he’s long gone, I walk over and peer inside the hole.

Four severed fingers in various states of decomposition stare back at me. Tilting my head, I look at the nails lying beside them. One red, one black, and two the same shade of bubblegum pink.

Swiping my foot over the dirt, I cover the hole back up and fish around my pockets for my keys.

I’m walking past the gate in the backyard when I hear,

“Going somewhere, son?”

I stop at the sound of his voice.

Keeping my expression neutral, I utter, “I was gonna run a few errands. Need anything?”

Shaking his head, my father gets out of his car. “No.”

I stride toward my jeep.


I pause, my throat burning to lash out and my fists aching to bash them against his skull.

But I can’t.

Because now there’s too much at stake.

I just have to play his game for a little while longer.


His dark eyes narrow as he takes a step closer. “I gave you a new family, son. I’d hate to see you lose them.”

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