Hate Me Page 60

“What’s wrong?”

His jaw hardens before he turns and reaches into the backseat.

My confusion and concern reach new heights when he drops a small black duffle bag on my lap.

“There’s some cash and clothes in there.” He digs his hand inside the pocket of his hoodie and pulls out what looks like a bus pass. “Your bus leaves in forty minutes. It will take you to New York where you will hide out until the person I hired finds you and gives you a new passport and I.D so you can go to Canada.”

My mouth falls open and I shake my head. I feel like I have whiplash because I don’t understand what the fuck is going on.

“You’re not making any sense, Knox. Why are you taking me to a bus stop? Why am I running aw—”

“Because I need to keep you safe,” he grits out, the veins in his neck straining against his skin. “So, for once in your goddamn life, don’t fight with me, Stray. Just do what I fucking tell you.”

I want to argue—because this is insane—but both the uneasiness and conviction in his tone have me nodding.

“Okay. But first, I need you to tell me what it is I’m running from.”

Because there is no way I’m leaving him and getting on that bus until I know what’s got him so on edge to the point he expects me to willingly flee the freaking country.

His hand clenches around the steering wheel as he reverses out of the parking lot. “There’s no time to explain. Just get on that bus.”

I glare at him because you’d think he’d know me better than that. He can’t demand I uproot my entire life in the blink of an eye without some kind of explanation.

“I’m not doing a damn thing until you start talking.”

Tension locks his jaw as he drives down the road. I can tell he doesn’t want to talk, but he knows I won’t oblige if he doesn’t.

After what feels like an eternity, he speaks. “I know who murdered those girls.” Shock roots me to the seat as I process his statement, however the next words out of his mouth send me reeling. “And if I don’t get you the fuck out of here tonight…you’ll be next.” His voice drops. “I can’t let that happen.”

Nerves tangle my insides, paralyzing my heart and lungs. “Who killed them?”

His nostrils flare on an indrawn breath, and he looks so disgusted—so tormented—I want him to pull over so I can wrap my arms around him.

His eyes cut to mine. There’s a flicker of shame in them before they turn hard and he averts his gaze.

“My father.”

I rub my temples, not understanding any of this. Yes, his dad is an asshole. Worse than an asshole—he’s a horrible human being.

But a killer? How can that be? He’s in the FBI for crying out loud. He’s supposed to be the person catching murderers, not the person committing them.

“How do you know this?”

The jeep accelerates, like he can’t get to our destination fast enough. “Trust me, it’s him.”

“I do trust you,” I whisper. “But I need to understand how you know this. Why would he murder these girls?” I swallow. “Why does he want to kill me?”

He laughs, but it’s strained. “Besides the fact that he’s fucking crazy?” His expression turns grim. “To teach me a lesson.”

That doesn’t help clear anything up.

“Teach you a lesson about what?”

“Going against him.” He pounds the steering wheel with his fist. “Everything that man does is a sick, twisted game, Aspen. He gets off on the control and trapping people. He enjoys stealing every ounce of power from you and leaving you helpless…right before he kills you.”

“How do you know this?”

His features twist with revulsion. “Because he’s been doing it all my life.”

I’m trying to connect the dots, but he’s speaking in riddles. “I don’t—”

“Goddamnit, Stray.” He makes a sharp left and turns into the parking lot of the bus station. “He killed my mom. After he spent years beating the shit out of her…us.” The engine cuts off. “Now, go…before he does the same to you.”

Every instinct in my body is screaming at me to listen to him and run away so I can protect myself.

But I can’t…not until I know everything.

I place my hand on top of his. “Tell me what happened, Knox.”

His glare is ominous. “I just did.”

“I need details.”

Because something tells me he’s never told a soul about any of this.

He’s kept everything locked up tight until it turned him into a cold and unfeeling shell of someone he never got the chance to become.

The hard angles of his face strain with rage, and for a moment I think he’s going to open the door and push me out…

But he doesn’t.

Chapter 44



My heart beat like a drum as I rushed inside the house as fast as my legs could carry me. Excitement coursed through my limbs when I closed the door behind me and threw my bookbag on the floor of the mudroom.

I quickly scurried toward the kitchen. “Mom.”

Not only was today my twelfth birthday, my mom promised to sneak me a special surprise before my father came home from work.

He had many rules we were required to follow, but the one I hated the most was that we weren’t allowed to bake or consume any sweets.

According to my father, the sugar would not only rot my teeth, but my brain. He also didn’t want my mother or me getting fat.

However, my mom agreed to go to the local bakery while I was at school so I could try a chocolate cupcake for the very first time.

My stomach rumbled whenever I saw my classmates eating baked goods, and it took every ounce of willpower to not snatch it out of their hands. But the fear of him finding out I broke one of his cardinal rules always prevented me from indulging.

But not today.

Today was my birthday.

Which meant I had a bit of luck on my side and nothing could go wrong.

“Mom,” I called out again, making my way toward the living room.

She was always here whenever I came home from school—usually putzing around the kitchen getting dinner started.

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