Hate Me Page 64
And I wouldn’t put it past the bastard to have left it with someone he trusts who will use it against me in the event of his untimely death.
But still…Aspen’s on that bus.
So even if I don’t make it out of this unscathed…I can take solace from knowing that she will.
Whistling, I head back down the stairs.
My aunt’s nurse should be gone by now, and my uncle will be turning in for the night.
I find the spare key hidden in a plant outside.
Everyone knows you shouldn’t leave a spare key under your mat or in a nearby potted plant.
It makes it way too easy for people like me to break in.
After closing the door behind me, I creep by the kitchen and sneak past the living room where my aunt Lenora is watching television.
Surprise flashes in my aunt’s gaze when she sees me.
The woman can’t move, let alone speak, but I press my finger to my lips, anyway.
I’m not here to harm her…just her murdering, cheating, teenage-fucking piece of shit husband.
Aunt Lenora swivels her eyes in the direction of the hallway, indicating Leo’s in his office.
I mouth a silent thank you as I make my way down the hall.
The way I see it, all three of them should pay, so I constructed a plan that will ensure they all do.
The police will find my stepmother naked in bed with my uncle Leo on top of her.
There will be a bullet in each of their heads.
From my father’s gun.
My father’s body will be found by the door of his bedroom, making it appear as though he interrupted his brother and wife while they were in the throes of passion.
I have no doubt he’ll put up a fight about shooting himself with his own gun, but as he found out today when I yanked him out of the shower, tied him up, and dressed him in his work clothes again…I’m stronger than he is.
My lips twitch as I pull my father’s gun out of my waistband and hold it out in front of me.
I can’t wait to see the look of sheer terror on his face when he realizes I’ve got him by the balls and there’s not a thing he can do about it.
However, everything I’ve arranged goes to shit the moment I open the door to Leo’s office.
Because there’s Aspen…holding a goddamn knife to his throat.
Chapter 47
I can’t do this.
I know Knox wants to keep me safe, but there’s no way I can sit on this bus like a good little girl while he’s off doing God knows what.
Rage erupts like a volcano in my gut.
Leo killed my father.
And then he looked me in the eye and told me he loved me and that he would always take care of me.
He killed my father.
Yet he had the nerve to console me and make me feel safe and protected.
To take my virginity while we were at his funeral.
All while knowing he was the one responsible for ripping the most important man in my life away from me.
The bus driver goes to close the door, but I quickly leap to my feet and rush to the front. “I need to get off.”
“Sorry, miss. We can’t wait any longer if we’re going to arrive on time.”
“Don’t worry. I won’t be getting back on.”
With a shrug, he opens the door and I hop out.
The bus leaves and I try to gather my thoughts so I can formulate a plan for revenge.
Anger burns my throat and I dig my nails into my palms so hard I leave indents.
He has to pay.
On instinct, I reach around for my phone to pull up the Uber app, but remember I discarded it in a trashcan just like Knox told me to.
Making sure no one is looking, I walk over to the bin and pull it out.
I’m about to request an Uber, but think better of it.
The police will be able to track my whereabouts.
I suppose I could go inside the bus station and ask to use the phone so I can call a cab, but there are probably surveillance cameras everywhere.
Blowing out a shaky breath, I force myself to relax.
They’ll only check the surveillance cameras if I give them a reason to.
I glance around, trying to figure out what to do next because I’m going to have to account for my whereabouts after I left prom.
There’s a motel right next door. By the looks of it, it’s definitely one of those pay by the hour and ask no questions type of establishments.
I can change out of my prom dress and call a cab company.
Hiking the duffle bag over my shoulder, I make my way over to the entrance of the hotel.
A thin man, who’s missing most of his teeth, eyes me up and down like a prime piece of meat as I amble to the front desk.
“Hi. Are there any rooms available?”
“Sure are, pretty lady. Would you like one for the night, or just a few hours?”
That’s a great question. “Uh. Can I rent one for a few hours, and then if I want to extend my stay, come back and do that?”
He winks. “Fine by me. And hey, if you’re looking for some company, just say the word.”
Ugh, I hate the way he’s leering at me. Or rather, my tits.
“My boyfriend’s right outside,” I tell him because I don’t want him getting any ideas. “Do you take cash?”
“Yup.” His flirty demeanor fades. “Forty dollars for four hours. A hundred if you and your boyfriend want to spend the night.”
I pull some money out of the duffle bag and slap it on the counter. “Here.”
He hands me a key. “You’ll have to pull around back.”
I trek around to the back of the building, but my next thought has my stomach knotting up.
If I use the phone inside my room, they can probably track that. And if I’m going to claim I spent time here after prom…why would I call a cab?
A woman wearing a short dress paired with fishnet stockings and smoking a cigarette a few doors down from mine snags my attention.
I don’t want to assume she’s a prostitute or anything, but I’m really hoping she has a phone.
“You lost, sugar?” the woman says, and I feel bad for staring at her.
“I’m sorry.” I stride over to where she is. “You wouldn’t happen to have a phone I could use, would you?”
She raises a penciled in eyebrow. “You know there’s one in the room, right?”