Hate Me Page 75

I’d only meant to cut the ribbon out of her hair so I could keep it, but I ended up chopping into her ponytail instead.

Aspen’s cries were so loud they punctured my chest.

Her dad and my uncle quickly rushed over to us and pulled me off her.

My uncle’s palm collided with my cheek. “What the fuck is wrong with you, you little shit?”

But I could only look at Aspen, who now had a mouth full of blood as tears continued to stream down her face.

I’m sorry.

I’m sorry I’m so messed up.

I’m sorry you saw me.

I’m sorry I had to make you hate me…



Four years later…

My heart beats so hard I can hear it pulsing in my eardrums as they gesture for my row to stand so we can accept our diplomas.

I fan myself with the program because it’s hot as hell in this auditorium, which sucks because there are still a thousand or so students up after me.

It’s going to be a long freaking day.

Beside me, Julie squeezes my hand. “Can you believe it’s actually happening?”

I can’t help but smile. “I know.”

She prattles on about having dinner with her parents and boyfriend before going to a party that one of the Omega Delta something will be throwing later this evening, but I can’t focus on that.

Because in a few moments, I’ll be accepting my degree in business.

Then I’ll be taking a few cooking classes over the summer before opening my very own bakery.

I always thought it was a pipedream, but I’m going to make it a reality.

“Are you gonna go to the party with us?” Julie asks as we make our way up to the stage.

I give her a nod, because why the hell not?

Over the last four years, I’ve not only studied and made friends. I’ve gone to parties, ate way too many carbs, spent way too much money on ridiculous, pretentious sounding drinks at the local coffee shop on campus, baked way too many cupcakes, and turned down every guy who hit on me.

Actually, that last part is a lie.

I kissed a few before I turned them down.

But I lived with no regrets, grabbed life by the balls, and got the full college experience.

My heart squeezes. Just like he told me to.

“Aspen Falcone,” the announcer calls out.

Excitement courses through me as I walk across the stage and accept my diploma.

It’s only when the room erupts in cheers and claps and I turn to look at the audience that disappointment slams me in the chest.

I don’t have any family.

There’s no one here to congratulate me.

No one here to take me out to dinner after.

No one here to smile and look on with pride because I made my dreams come true.

I walk off the stage and I’m about to head back to my row, but a man wearing a camouflage uniform stalks up the aisle like he owns it.

Not just any man. I realize as he gets closer.

Because I’d know those lips, sharp cheekbones, stubborn jaw…and those intense eyes anywhere.

Suddenly, he stops walking. His gaze rakes me in from head to toe as his expression fills with a mixture of pride and want.

My heart thumps against my chest, roaring back to life after four long years.

Knox said he’d be back, but so much time has passed, I started to lose hope.

But I should have known better.

Emotions tangle in my chest and I drop my diploma, my feet moving on their own accord as I run down the aisle to meet him.

Tears spring to my eyes as he catches me in his arms.

“You’re here.”

He holds me so tight it almost hurts as every ounce of oxygen leaves my body and I breathe him in.

His rough, familiar voice wraps around me like a thick fog, holding me captive. “Stray.”

“You kept your promise,” I whisper when he places me down.

He sweeps his thumb over my cheek, brushing away my tears. “Of course, I did.” He closes the distance between us, his gaze falling to my lips. “I love you.”

His mouth crashes against mine, kissing me like a man who’s starved for four years.

“Wait,” I say between frantic kisses that have my head spinning. “Is this for real?”

“Is what for real?”

“This…us.” I peer up at him. “I can’t do this if you’re going to leave me again.”

I understood why he had to do it, but I won’t survive if he does it to me a second time.

He reaches for my hand and places it on his chest, right over the organ beating frantically. “I’m yours, Stray. For however long you want me.”

I’ll want him forever.

“In that case…I love you, too.”

My breath leaves me in a rush because the sexy, cocky smile he’s giving me is so beautiful it should be a crime.

“I know.”

He leans in, cupping a hand around the back of my neck as he kisses me again.

This time, I don’t stop him.

I let him kiss me until we both run out of air.

I let him kiss me until some old woman taps me on the shoulder and asks us to take a seat because there is still a ceremony going on.

I’ll let him kiss me for as long as he wants to.


Because every action has a consequence…


And he’s mine.


The End

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