Here Kitty, Kitty! Page 46

“I don’t like to be touched…unless it leads to fucking. And, then, only if it’s the important areas. Otherwise, get your hands off me.”

“You’re kidding right?”


He decided to test her, running his hand behind the back of her knee.

With a growl, she pulled back and he let her go. Unfortunately, she lost her seat and fell back off his lap, dropping to the floor.

Her ass hit the tile, then her head. Nik winced in sympathy.

“You okay, Sugar?”

“Oh, fuck you.”

“Now that’s just rude.”

“You know,” she struggled to sit up, so he grabbed her T-shirt and yanked her into position. She slapped at his hands. “You are a very distracting man.”

“Why, thank you kindly.”

“It wasn’t a compliment, Cleatus.”

“I’m Nik. Cleatus is my second cousin twice removed. We call him Cleats for short.”

Angie buried that pretty little face in her hands and sighed.


She really could just kill him. True, she’d go to prison for at least twenty-five years, but it might be worth it.

He crouched down in front of her, grabbing her ankle and pulling her toward him.

“Hey!” She slapped at his hand. “What are you doing?”

“You took a nasty fall there. I wanna check the back of your head.”

“My head’s fine!” She tried to scramble away from him again, but with grim determination, he snatched her back, pulling her tight against his body.

“You’re not going to make me tie your hands behind your back so that I can do this, are ya?”

He meant it jokingly, she knew he did…but her mistake? Turning away, her breath coming out in a rush, and her nipples getting hard. All at the same time.

What could she say? The idea of being tied up and at this hillbilly’s mercy sent all sorts of dirty, erotic images slamming through her tired, slightly tipsy-from-the-champagne brain.

He didn’t miss any of it. His hands tightened at her waist and for someone who went running as a tiger for miles and miles every night, he seemed to have a sudden labored-breathing problem.

“Let me go, Nik.”

“I really don’t want to.”

“Nik…let me go.”

He did. Slowly. His fingers taking an achingly long time to release her. Once he did, she scooted back from him a bit.


“Don’t get any…weird ideas here, Hillbilly.” She wanted to back away from him, but then again she really didn’t. “It’s not what you think. I’m not into any of that weird shit…”

“I know. I know exactly what you want.” He nuzzled her chin, “You like to play.” How come she suddenly felt like one of those squeakymice someone gives to their cat? He leaned in closer and she closed her eyes. He smelled so good and her entire body tingled at his scent. “I’ve been waiting a long time to meet someone like you, Angelina Santiago.”

She felt his tongue against her lips and, with only a moment’s hesitation, opened to him. He groaned as his mouth claimed hers. His hand sliding behind the back of her, pulling her close.

So now what? She had an uncontrollable tiger by the tail. And what the fuck do I do with that?


Anything she needed. Anything she wanted. Absolutely anything… as long as he could bury himself inside her until the end of time.

Angie pulled out of their kiss, “My sauce…I…I need to finish it.”

Nik rocked his weight back on his heels and held his hands up, palms open. She had that feral alley cat look she sometimes got. He wouldn’t do anything to push her away. Not now. Not ever. “Okay. Not a problem. I’ve gotta finish up some work in my study and then I’ll come back and eat when you’re ready.”

Together, slowly, the pair stood up.

“I’m gonna go in my study now. If you need me…”

“Yup. Yup. I know where you are. Now go away.”

He backed out the door. Once he was in the hallway, he heard her give a seriously sexy and frustrated sigh and start cursing like a sailor. After that, a lot of pot banging.

But she didn’t leave. And that was all he needed to know.


She couldn’t even taste the food. And that had to be the longest, most uncomfortable dinner she’d ever sat through. Especially when she kept thinking of Nik naked.

Thump. Thump. Thump.

“My brothers will be here soon.”

The last bit of spaghetti she brought up from her plate, stopped, hovering right by her lips. “Why?” Well she’d filled that question with an aura of intense distrust. So much so that Nik leaned back in his seat.

“Hunting usually. But tonight we’ll be checking to make sure the property is safe. That you’re safe.”


He pushed his chair back from the table, stood, and leaned against it. His big hands resting against the thick wood. “And maybe we should get some things clear.”


Without responding, Nik picked up the table and moved it out of his way. Angie watched him, mesmerized. That thing had to weigh a ton. A fine, fine piece of antique furniture she’d been silently wondering the cost of for two days. Twenty thousand easy, and his family used it like he picked it up at a flea market for twenty bucks.

He walked up to her, took the fork from her hand and tossed it across the room into the sink. Before she could move, he gripped her under her arms and lifted her out of the seat until they were eye level.

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