House of Royale Page 64

Xander wouldn’t let me go first, of course, and we had a silent argument. Finally, I conceded, because he was a stubborn bastard. “Don’t get used to it, though,” I hissed as he gently moved me back. “We do this shit together.”

He just grinned at me, happy to have gotten his own way, only to find that he bounced right out of the entrance as well. I snorted with laughter, and his grin turned into a furrowed brow. “Let me try,” I suggested.

Stepping toward the entrance, I held my breath, waiting for my face to smash into whatever invisible barrier was there. Except I sailed right through, into the narrow and dark cave beyond.

“Secret keepers only,” I said as I spun around. My brow furrowed as I looked at the worried expressions of the overlords. I wasn’t sure why they were so stressed. It was far worse knowing we were leaving them out here with Laous, who I was still sure was up to something.

Emma, Callie, and Maya started forward and I held my hand up to them. “Wait! Why don’t I just go and get the stone by myself. No need to risk all of us.”

Xander growled loud enough that a bunch of birds lifted from nearby trees. “Get your ass out of there, Avalon. You have no power to defend yourself.”

Before I could say anything, Callie shook Daniel off and took the leap across the entrance, standing with me. “I have power,” she said. “I will keep both of us safe.”

Emma and Maya rushed forward as well, and neither Lexen nor Chase stopped them. Lexen even stepped up to Xander’s side, slapping his friend on the shoulder. “This is something the girls have to do alone,” he said. “Our mates are strong and capable. They would not be fit to rule at our sides if they weren’t. We have to trust them.”

Xander relaxed minutely, even though his chest was still heaving. “In and out,” he said to me. “Do not waste any time in there. For all we know the cave could collapse the moment the stone is taken.”

I nodded, my eyes drinking him in like it might be the last time I ever saw him. Then, with a deep breath, I turned and stepped into the cave.

My girls right by my side.

It was time to end this.


Callie’s hand slipped into mine and I held on tightly. Only two of us could move through the cave at the same time, and I was glad that she’d taken the initiative.

“I’m grateful that you’re all here with me,” Emma said, from close behind. “This feels right. A fitting ending to this last four months of my life.”

Maya coughed. “Please don’t say ending. I’m not ready for it to be an ending yet. I still haven’t done one tenth of the things I want to do. I still haven’t had sex, for freak’s sake.”

I chuckled. “Well, you definitely have to do that before you die. Especially since Chase is sooo damn fine.”

She laughed with me, and I was glad she didn’t get jealous. It wasn’t like it was a secret. All the overlords were superhot, but Xander was the only one I wanted. He was mine.

“He is gorgeous,” she said with a sigh. “Sometimes he catches me just staring at him like a complete sap.”

“It’s weird that we’re all eighteen and basically married, right?” Emma snorted that out. “Like, when Lexen first explained the mating thing to me, I kind of freaked out on the inside, but I never thought for one second I didn’t want it.”

I felt Callie shrug next to me. “When you know, you know. I don’t think age is really that big a factor. And … life is short, relatively speaking. I say embrace whatever good comes your way and worry about the future when it arrives.”

Their confidence in their mates and the future of their relationships, was enviable. For the first time since meeting Xander, I had hope for the same thing. And sometimes hope was all that got me through.

The cave opened wider as we crept deeper, and thankfully the light remained consistent, despite the doorway no longer being visible behind us. “No sign of the stone yet,” I said, my eyes locked on whatever was coming up ahead.

“So what happened with you and Xander in the water?” Callie asked out of nowhere. “Did he say you bonded?”

My throat tightened. “Yes, the stone bonded us … like a Royale marriage.” I pressed my free hand to my chest. “I can feel him in here. But … I still don’t know about the future. In Royale, overlords choose the mates of their children. His mother already has a caramina picked out for him. If he goes against them, he might have to step away from his entire family and responsibilities. I’m worried he will eventually come to resent me if that’s what happens.”

“He loves you,” Maya declared. “Anyone can see that. I don’t know Xander well, but the side of him we all know is sort of arrogant and self-centered. But he’s not like that with you. He’s softer … kind. He shows that he cares, and not just about you. About all of us.”

Xander had pretty much said the same thing. “Sometimes love isn’t enough,” I said sadly. “I mean, if we were no longer welcome in Royale, where would we live? What would Xander do? He’s used to being a leader … he would be unhappy if that was gone.”

Before any more of this depressing conversation could happen, I caught sight of a gleaming reflection ahead. Slowing, I pulled Callie back.

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