Infinite Country Page 13

Talia had no idea what her mother did with those ashes. She’d wanted to reserve a scoop for herself, but Mauro said it wasn’t right to divide Perla’s remains, and she belonged more to Elena than to either of them. But Talia thought it was wrong to parcel her away from Colombia, a country she said she’d never leave, even if the gringos granted her a visa, even if her daughter and grandchildren made lives elsewhere. Now what was left of her was already in New Jersey and Talia was the last of her family line in the Andes.

There was a girl at the prison school who called herself an espi-ritista, claiming she could cast spells and speak to the dead, and if a girl gave her their portion of dinner, she would cook up an hechizo or call upon whichever ancestor they wanted. She was fat from getting everyone’s rice and potatoes, but most of the girls only wanted her to harm people they felt wronged by in life—relatives, rivals, the judges who sentenced them. One night Talia gave the girl her whole slab of pork, tough as plastic, but she would eat anything. Later, in their dormitory, Talia told the girl to bring Perla to talk to her. The girl closed her eyes, recited some nonsense words, and said Talia’s grandmother would appear to her that night in her dreams.

It didn’t happen. When Talia complained the next morning, the girl swore her grandmother had appeared to her, she just didn’t remember it. “The memory of her visit will come to you in the future,” the girl said. “Be patient.”

If they’d been in the outside world, Talia might have smacked the girl. But since they were already locked up, all she could do was wait.

* * *

In the bathroom at a roadside restaurant near Oiba, Talia pulled some cash from her underwear. When she came out, she went to the counter and bought two sodas and empanadas. She found Aguja in the parking lot polishing the handlebars of his moto and gave him one of each.

He sipped from the can. The liquid turned his top lip orange. “You said you would tell me why you’re in such a hurry once I got you out of Barichara.”

“I have a flight to catch.”

“Where to?”

“The United States.”


“My mother lives there with my brother and sister. They’re waiting for me.”

“Aren’t you afraid?”

“Of what?”

“Over there people walk into schools and buildings with weapons and kill everyone. They’re not even guerrilla or paramilitary. Just regular people. What are you going to do when you’re out shopping and some gringo points a machine gun at your forehead?”

“I don’t think it’s any worse than here. Just different.”

“Do you have a father?”

“Yes. In Bogotá.”

“What does he think about you going north?”

“He always knew I would. I’m American.”

“You’re lying.”

“I was born there. My mother sent me here when I was a baby.”

“Oh, you’re one of those. Sent back like some DHL package.”

“You’re jealous I have a way out of here. Everyone is.”

He gargled the last drops of his soda, kicking the empty can onto a patch of grass. Talia went to pick it up and drop it in the trash with her own can.

“Who’s the guy you robbed?”

“Some pervert.”

“Did he do something to you?”

“He tried.”

“What were you doing in Barichara?”

“Seeing some of my country before I leave it.” She was tired of his questions. “What about you? Are you in school?”

“Not for years. I do odd jobs. Deliveries when people ask. I used to work for a mechanic, but I got bored and stopped going.”

“Who do you live with?”

“My girlfriend’s family. I was outside their house when you found me.”

“Lucky me.”

“Don’t start flirting with me. I told you I’ve got a girlfriend. You’re a kid, and I’m not a pervert like that other guy.”

“Who’s flirting? I’m just saying I’m glad you got me out of that place.”

He climbed onto his motorcycle, sliding his hips forward to make room for her. She eased onto the seat behind him, slid her hands around his waist, clasping them at his navel. “Don’t get attached, ni?a. Just a little longer on this road and you’re on your own.”


When the police told Mauro his daughter had brutally assaulted a man, that she could have blinded him for life, he was sure she did it in self-defense. She never caused problems at home or school. She had the manners he never had. He was wrong. It wasn’t self-defense, but still he believed she had her reasons and they must have been right and good.

In his meetings for addicts there was a lot of talk of being overtaken by the devil. They said he sent lesser demons to corrupt mankind in innocuous ways until a person found themselves trapped in a citadel of misdeeds. Some addicts in the room said they’d felt possessed when using, and one guy said that at his lowest, when he was selling himself for drugs, he found himself face-to-face with el diablo in the form of a client who laughed as the man knelt before him and said, Look what I made you do.

Some of their testimonies were hard to believe, even if in their country it seemed anything was possible. Many of the men were demobilized and reintegrated paras and guerrilleros with telltale awkwardness, agitation as if at any moment they might detonate. They never said so explicitly, but one could tell by their testimonies, which included hazing bordering on torture or being made to transport weapons and survey landmines; a life of discipline with comrades who replaced their families. Drugs and alcohol only came when they rejoined society, where they were shunned and their combat skills proved useless. In their old lives some might have been enemies—and often they were still hunted over old battle scores—but at the meetings, they assumed the tacit pledge to support one another’s sobriety and anonymity.

The antidote to disgrace, according to even the atheists in the group, was humility and prayer. Mauro followed their instructions because they’d kept him clean for nearing a decade. But one day, when another addict started talking about the devil as some grand puppeteer, Mauro remembered when Perla warned him, as she was just starting to let him walk through her front door after years of trying, not to bring any dark energies with him because she’d already gone through the trouble of having the house cleansed of bad spirits. Perla wasn’t worried about evil getting her at that late stage in her life; she’d done it, she said, to protect her grandchild.

When Perla became sick and Mauro moved into the house with her and Talia, when the old woman started talking to him like he could be her son for the first time in both their lives, Mauro asked her as they sipped tintos at the kitchen table if she’d been serious about the cleansing or if it was just a story to keep him in line. Perla had trouble breathing, but she often refused to use her oxygen. Not around Talia because she knew it upset her, but at night after the little girl had gone to sleep, when she and Mauro stayed up talking, she removed the tubes from her nose and pushed the barrel on wheels away from her side. “A lifetime at this altitude and now the air is too thin for me,” she said. “What gives you life eventually takes it.”

Mauro pressed Perla until she admitted that some years before, inexplicable things began happening around the house. During the brightest afternoon hours, the upstairs room, usually the most temperate, felt like an icebox. The water for the lavandería clotted with mire. She’d blamed the old plumbing and the unseasonal chill of winds blowing off the cordillera, but then things started falling from the walls—paintings, photographs—when no earthquakes had been reported. She found a basket of rusty razors on the doorstep, and Talia, who’d barely begun to speak sentences, told her abuela she saw silhouettes in her bedroom and felt them perch on the edge of her bed at night after she’d been tucked in for sleep. Perla called a nun she’d known since childhood, and the sister said the basket of razors was a clear sign of maleficio.

Then Talia came down with an unrelenting fever. Perla, too, began vomiting for days. On a night of rain, Perla ran around the house to make sure all the windows were closed and saw the immense crucifix she’d inherited from an aunt hanging on the foyer wall tremble and crash to the floor. The head of Christ broken off its neck, rolling to meet Perla at her feet.

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