Kidnapping Casey Page 37

"You are bound to ArgisArgernon regardless of your wishes to not be. You took his seed in your belly."

The three women who were touching Argernon gasped, one of them sniffing. Casey jerked her eyes to Argernon's house helpers. Din and Valle looked shocked, but Bara was the one who'd sniffed, tears were sliding down her cheeks, her pain obvious. The woman lowered her head. Casey frowned at the doctor.

"You can't make me stay with him because I gave him a damn blowjob. How in the hell does that thing even know about it?"

Ariel cursed. "Oh man. That's not what they mean. They talk weird. Planting seed in your belly isn't swallowing like that. It means to them that you're carrying his baby. He got you pregnant, Casey."

Casey stared at Ariel in shock. "No."

Ariel moved forward to grip Casey's hand. "I'm so sorry, but if Ahhu says you got planted then you are." She reached down to lift up her baggy shirt. "Trust me."

Casey stared down at the swollen stomach of the woman gripping her hand. The woman was at least five months pregnant. Casey's gaze flew up to Ariel's. She shook her head.

"I don't care if I'm pregnant. I'm not living in his damn polygamist house."

"I understand," Ariel said softly. She turned, still gripping Casey's hand. "Can we take her home with us?"

Ral shook his head. "She's bound to him. I can't interfere unless he's abusing her."

"What do you call this?" Ariel yelled at him. She waved her hand at Argernon and his house helpers. "You know how I'd feel right now, damn it." The woman gave a dirty look at the other brother. "What in the hell was he thinking? You were with him."

Rever hesitated. "I didn't even know he found a woman. Once I boarded the jumper from Earth I never saw him until after we were attacked. He was injured so we couldn't talk. His scent was all over her and her on him. She cared for him every minute and slept at his side when she rested. I didn't know until I met her that he'd bound her."

"I want to go home," Casey whispered. "I..." She stared into Ariel's eyes and pleaded. "I just want to go home. I just want to wake up. This is a nightmare, right? I just want my life back."

Ariel gave Casey's hand a squeeze, turning her head. She shot a glare at the big man who was frowning. He was hovering behind her. "Do something, Ral."

The big man tensed, looking really unhappy. He nodded. He eyed the three house helpers.

"Go home. She's his bound and he didn't warn her about you. She's from a monogamous planet.

Until he wakes to settle this mess he made, it is best if she is not upset more. Your presence distresses her."

A growl tore from Bara as she shook her head. "She knows nothing of our men. How will she revive him?"

A growl tore from Ral's mouth. He gave a curt nod at Bara. "You stay. They go." He gave his attention to Ariel next. "Trust me on this. Take his bound to get clean. I will stay here to tend to my brother until you get back." He gave a nod at Ahhu. "Show them to another room with a shower."

Ariel narrowed her eyes. "Why do you want us out of here, Ral? I know you too damn well. Why is she staying?" Ariel pointed at Bara.

A growl rumbled from Ral. "Trust me and take his bound to shower. When she returns Argernon will be awake, then he can fix this mess himself."


Another growl rumbled from Ral. "Ariel, I love you. Trust me on this. Please?" His gaze locked with hers.

"Damn. I hate it when you give me that look. Fine." Ariel turned to Casey. "Let's get you a shower, a change of clothes and fed. Ral is making those women go home. They'll wake Argernon up and then you can tear his balls off." Ariel shot Ral a glare. "And he'd deserve it."

Ral gave a sharp nod. "He would. He was warned well by you of human women. Thank you." He gave her a wink.

"You owe me big." She shot him a grin.

Casey made herself not look at Argernon or his three live-in sex playmates. She still felt betrayed and hurt. Jealousy played in her emotions too. It burned in her as Ahhu led them out of the room. She was pregnant? She couldn't be. Of course they'd had sex so much that it was totally possible. Ariel gave a tug on her hand she held, leading a reeling Casey from the room to one next door.

Ahhu spoke to Ariel. "I'll have someone bring food and clothing for ArgisArgernon's bound. I'll also start the medications we give you, so she doesn't suffer the swelling and heat that you did."

"Thanks." Ariel took a step in the path of the Zorn woman before she escaped. "Why did Ral want us out of the room?"

Ahhu swallowed hard. Her gaze darted to Casey and then back to Ariel. "Ask ArgisRal. It is not my place."

Ariel let go of Casey's hand to step closer to the taller Zorn woman, staring up at her. "I'm asking you. Don't bullshit me, Ahhu. We've gotten to know each other really well these last few months. I'd even consider you a good friend. What in the hell is Ral trying to hide? We deserve the truth."

Ahhu was looking really uncomfortable. "It would upset her greatly."

Casey frowned. "I'm already upset. Just spit it out. What other fucked-up thing am I not being told, that is going to make me want to shoot Argernon?"

Ahhu met Casey's curious look. "Our males are different from yours. They are very sexual. When a Zorn male is seriously injured they hibernate to slow their body's functions down since they are unable to address their own needs." The woman's gaze locked with Ariel's. "It happens to slow their sex drive and physical reactions down. To wake him up his body has to be woken."

"Goddamn it." Ariel took a step away from the door. "Ahhu, you get your ass in there and tell them to not let that woman touch him. I'm going to talk to Casey first. Do you understand? If he needs that, she'll do it. Move now."

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