Lingus Page 15
I was still shuddering hours later.
It took me a good half an hour after picking up that little toy to partially get over reliving the horror that was Josh's STD test. After all that, I was ridiculously hungry and neither one of my friends was paying attention to my cries.
"I'm going to start eating your ass fat if I don't get food in me soon," I moaned. Nicole didn't even bother turning around to look at me while she shot me the finger.
After getting the text from Calum, she'd been on cloud nine. We stood in our little circle rallying together for a few minutes before she got all serious and said that she was going to make him wait. So she ignored his text message along with the one he sent an hour later. Something told me that stud muffin wasn't used to not getting what he wanted.
I could only imagine what a future with Nicole Jonasson would be like for him.
Had I mentioned that she was a praying mantis? A Venus flytrap? She wasn't just a man-eater— she was a human-eater. But I loved her more than words.
My poor stomach grumbled so loudly that the pretty girl standing next to me laughed at the noise.
"Screw you guys, I'm going to get some food. You know where to find me, Whoricole and Bitchey." They just waved me off while they finished looking at whatever corset crap they were interested in buying.
It took me a few minutes to find my way around the booths and the huge masses of people milling about. There were a lot more visitors at that point than when we first got there, but I tried to ignore the flutter of nervousness in my heart by focusing on the churning of my stomach eating my fat to survive. I was used to eating pretty regularly and if I skipped a meal, I turned into Nikki— a bitch.
Finally, making it to the small semicircle of food vendors and a few rows of tables, I sighed in contentment. There was a lady on the end selling what looked like dick-shaped cookies and little cakes that were probably supposed to be imitation vaginas. The man right next to her was selling pretzels and nachos, which I considered. The next booth had hot dogs and more hot dogs, and the last booth sold something in a cup that smelled fucking disgusting.
Hot dogs at a porn convention. Oh yeah.
I laughed at myself a little at the idea of eating a phallic-shaped object here but oh well. I bought two and doused them with mayonnaise and ketchup, before I went and sat down in one of the two chairs at the table furthest away from the crowd.
"I'm starting to think you were lying to me about being a stalker," a familiar low voice asked from right behind me.
The dark hoodie caught my peripheral vision first, before the long figure pulled out the chair across from mine and plopped down into it. Those spectacular green gems called eyes focused in on my wide, open mouth mid-bite. I snorted, and bit my hot dog anyway, ketchup staining the corner of my lips. "Hey," I said between swallows, covering my mouth with my hand.
Tristan smirked at me, as he tugged the hood portion of his hoodie down to his shoulders, so only his cap covered his head. "Hungry?" he asked, eyeing my other hot dog on the table.
"Starving," I replied, taking another big bite. "You have no idea," I practically moaned out between chews. "These hot dogs could probably be made out of roach poop and I wouldn't care."
He laughed, the corner of his mouth tipping into the same crooked smile he gave me earlier. God, even his skin was perfect and clear, I noted. "They probably are made out of roach poop."
I frowned and took another bite out of the hot dog while he eyed the other one, longingly. "You hungry?"
"Yeah," he sighed. "I left my wallet in my car and my friend won't let me borrow money."
What kind of a friend wouldn't buy someone lunch at least? I knew for a fact Nikki would buy me half of Whole Foods if I asked her to. I nudged the remaining hot dog in his direction while chewing. "Have it."