Lingus Page 18

Not that it had ever happened to me, you know, but I'd heard of it.

Tristan's perfect face was thrown back, his hands covered the upper part of his face while he laughed so hard his chest heaved, and he might have possibly been crying. My stomach started hurting from laughing, and my cheeks kind of ached, but I still giggled like a fool.

Then, Tristan snorted one more time, and I was dying.

To die laughing would have been the best way to go. I hurt in a wonderful way and I couldn't breathe either, but I couldn't have cared less. There were people at the tables surrounding us, staring like the men who stared at the anal queen earlier. The last thing I wanted to do was bring attention to myself, but I was doing the opposite by laughing my ass off with my new friend. I buried my face into my arms to control the nonstop laughs that erupted out of me like a geyser.

"Holy shit," he started huffing moments later, eyes glazed over with the tip of his nose tinged pink. Tristan was out of breath, and he mirrored me by holding his stomach. "I don't think I've ever laughed that hard."

"You save those snorts for special occasions, or what?" I asked, trying to conceal the grin that covered the lower half of my face but another laugh escaped anyway.

Tristan pinched his nose, his chest shaking again with the effort to control his laughs. "Please," he begged. "Please don't ever tell anyone I snort."

I raised a wary eyebrow at him because I hadn't gotten rid of the giggles completely. "Why does it matter? I snort too, and yeah, it's pretty embarrassing but..." I just shrugged to end my sentence.

His bright green eyes searched my face while the corners of his mouth turned up. Whatever he found he must have liked because his pearly whites came out as he leaned forward in his chair. "I'm not a cute girl, I can't pull off a snort like you can. I look like an idiot when I do it."

It didn't escape me that he called me cute and of course, my face got warm all of a sudden at his compliment. It wasn't like I thought I was unattractive, but it somehow meant more coming from his mouth. He didn't look like an idiot at all, like he claimed, but I was definitely not going to disagree with him. Luckily, part of my brain still functioned because I made an effort not to graze my eyes over his torso, up over his sharp jawline and face. I nodded at him instead. "Yeah, you're right. You do look like an idiot when you snort."

"Well, shit," he laughed for what seemed like the hundredth time.

I suddenly felt a little bad because that was mean of me to say, even if I was joking. I barely knew the guy but then again, he'd been merciless with his teasing of me, so fuck it. Regardless, I still felt just a little bad because I didn't like to insult people I didn't know well. Once we were on even ground it was a different story. "I'm kidding," I mumbled out sheepishly.

Tristan was really quiet while he got himself put back together, tugging the hood up and over his faded green cap. He still had a silly smile on his face as he leaned back against the chair. "What are you doing the rest of the time you're here?"

"Nikki, my friend you met earlier, drove, so I have to wait for her to get tired until we can go." Suddenly, I remembered the fact that I'd been planning on going to Andrew Wood's booth. I looked at my watch to see that the signing would start in thirty minutes. "Actually, I just remembered that I'm going to Andrew Wood's booth," I said, raising my eyebrows at him. "That's the only thing I wanted to do today."

Tristan's brown eyebrows went up, questioningly. "Andrew Wood?" he practically spit out.

"Yeah. Why? What's wrong with him?"

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