Lodestar Page 67

Fitz and Sophie shared a look.

“What? Are you guys planning to visit him again?”

“We’re working on it,” Sophie said.

“Well . . . I wouldn’t get my hopes up. They want him locked away. I’m guessing that means he’s useless.”

“I hope you’re wrong,” Sophie said quietly. “He’s pretty much the only plan we have.”

“Uh, hello—you have me. I know I got a few details wrong yesterday—but I’m still working on getting Fintan’s cache. I will get him to trust me.”

“That’s what I’m worried about,” Sophie mumbled. “Trust never comes free.”

“Maybe not. But I know what I’m willing to pay. I have my limits. I won’t push them.”

“That’d be a lot easier to believe if you’d show us what you’re doing with them every day,” Fitz said.

Keefe opened his mouth to argue, then focused on Sophie. “You really need to know, don’t you?”

She nodded.

A wave crashed against the rocks, making the selkies bark so loudly it nearly drowned out Keefe’s next words. “I’ll give you five minutes to look around my memories—but Wonderboy has to sit this one out.”

“Since when do you only trust her?” Fitz asked.

“Since she doesn’t look ready to punch me. So that’s the deal.” He offered his hand for a handshake.

Sophie stepped forward to take it, scowling when her shoe splashed in one of the inky puddles. “Lovely place you picked, by the way.”

“Hey, I told you my next plan for sneaking away involved lots of selkie skin.”

“You did. I just didn’t realize you were serious.”

“I’m always serious, Foster. Especially when you think I’m teasing.” He cleared his throat, not quite holding her stare. “Remember—five minutes. Then we drop this.”

She reached for his temples and he flinched at her touch.

“Dude, are you blushing?” Fitz asked.

“Only because I can feel what Foster’s feeling,” Keefe snapped back.

Sophie rolled her eyes. “I’m not feeling anything.”

Or maybe she was feeling too much.

Fear and dread and doubt and worry. But also hope.

She gave herself three seconds to steady her nerves and let the sounds of the waves wash away the other distractions. Then she closed her eyes and took a cold, salty breath before she pushed her consciousness into Keefe’s mind.


KEEFE’S HEAD WAS full of cities.

Places Sophie recognized.

Some she didn’t.

But they all had one thing in common.

Why are you visiting humans? she transmitted.

Not for the reason you’re thinking.

You don’t know what I’m thinking.

Actually, I do. Your emotions are so intense, you might as well hold up a sign saying, “I’m worried about THIS.” But I’m just there to study people. It’s part of my empathy training—and yep, working with the Neverseen is just as annoying as it is with the Black Swan. It’s either this, chores, or hardcore skill lessons that make the stuff we did at Exillium look easy.

The scene shifted again, and for a second Sophie thought she was looking at Paris, until she realized the Eiffel Tower–esque structure was white and orange.

When did you go to Tokyo?

Yesterday. If you look at the signs, you can probably find the date somewhere. Now do you believe me when I say I had nothing to do with what happened to Wylie?

You get why we had to make sure, right?

It’s still not awesome knowing you guys sat around talking about how you don’t trust me.

You don’t make it easy.

In his memory, she could see Keefe standing on a rooftop next to Fintan. She wasn’t sure she could do that without shoving Fintan off the edge.

Hey, I’m just as disgusted with him as you are.

Quit reading my emotions!

Can’t help it. You’re impossible to ignore. And believe me, I get the same nauseating fury every time I look at him. He doesn’t deserve to be alive after what he did to Kenric.

No, he doesn’t.

If it helps, I’m not around him that much. Alvar supervises me during chores. And Ruy’s the one in charge of the skill lessons. All Fintan does is take me to crowded places and make me isolate each person’s feelings.

Why humans? she asked as the city scene shifted again, showing a street full of life and movement and color—and people. So many people. Rich and poor. Young and old. Locals and tourists. Talking, laughing, shouting—selling food and trinkets. Some wore saris and turbans, which meant Keefe was probably in some part of India—but Sophie couldn’t tell which city.

Well, for one thing, the Neverseen can’t exactly go hopping around the Lost Cities, Keefe reminded her. But I can also feel most human emotions through the air without needing contact. Plus, humans fascinate Fintan. He hates them, but he’s also obsessed with knowing everything about them.

The next city was London, right in the heart of Piccadilly Circus, where people seemed to be gathering around a weird statue and watching a bunch of ads on the giant screens.

So this is all you do? she asked. What about during the skill lessons?

Those are just Ruy showing off. He must’ve been Exillium’s star student, and I’m pretty stinktastic at everything, so the lessons usually end with him calling me useless.

Sophie could feel the sting the word triggered, after all the times his dad had hurled the same accusation. But she was glad he wasn’t excelling at the Neverseen’s training.

And that’s it? she asked. You don’t do anything else?

Pretty much. There are lots of nasty chores. And there’s been the occasional mission, like the day they stormed the Sanctuary—but I had NOTHING to do with Wylie. I swear I didn’t even know it was happening. I’m actually glad you guys told me, so I can prepare before I head back.

Will you be safe?

Sure—why not? I wasn’t part of the botched mission. In fact, some people might get demoted.

You say that like it’s a good thing.

It is a good thing. It’ll make Fintan use me more.

But for what?

I can’t worry about that, Foster. I can’t think about what-ifs or maybes. I can only take it one day at a time—one assignment at a time—and fight my way through.

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