Lodestar Page 71
“I don’t care. And you don’t have to do that. You don’t have to make this into a joke.”
“Yes, I do.”
The crack in his voice splintered through her heart, and she buried her face against his shoulder, feeling tears leak onto his cloak.
“Sorry,” she mumbled. “I’m not supposed to be the one crying.”
“Neither of us should. It was just a stupid cut. It didn’t even leave a scar.”
She leaned back to look at him. “We both know it did.”
Keefe turned away, watching the waves crash onto the beach. “I don’t want you feeling sorry for me.”
“I can’t help it. But it’s not pity. It’s . . . I don’t know what the word for it is. I’m too conflicted.”
Keefe sighed. “You always are when it comes to me.”
“Well, right now I mostly want to blast my way into that ogre prison and punch your mom as hard as I can in her snobby face. And then, when the blood’s streaming from her nose, I want to give her some stupid speech about our life force and ask her if she feels powerful.”
“Wow, who knew you had such a dark side?”
“Certain things bring it out. And this?” Her whole body trembled as her knotted emotions stirred—a monster ready to burst from her chest.
Keefe held her steady. “I appreciate the fury, Foster. But seriously. It’s not worth it.”
She knew he really meant I’m not worth it.
She hated that most of all.
“Someday I’m going to make you see how wrong you are,” she promised.
“I’m just glad you’re not shoving me away.”
“You really thought I would?”
“Sometimes I think you’d be better off.”
He tried to pull back but she refused to let go.
“I’ll only be better off when you come home and I know you’re safe,” she whispered.
He didn’t agree. But he didn’t argue, either, both of them deciding to leave it at that.
“What made you remember this?” she asked.
“I didn’t find her hairpin, if that’s what you’re thinking—and believe me, I tried. The memory flashed back while I was looking for that beaded necklace I gave you. She had a bunch of hairpins in her jewelry box, and one of them pricked my finger and the whole thing rushed back. After that I searched everywhere I could think of, but she either hid the pin really well, or got rid of it—or took it with her. I even endured a conversation with my dad to ask if he remembered it, but he called starstones ‘plain’ and said he’d never give my mom something so drab. I’m guessing that means she bought it herself.”
“She probably had it custom-made. In the memory she called it a ‘rare starstone.’ And I’m guessing you don’t know where that door she brought you to is, or what’s behind it?”
“Nope. The weird thing is, I don’t think the Neverseen do either. I’d figured they’d drag me there the second I joined and make me open that door. But they’ve never even asked me about it. So either my mom didn’t tell them, or they don’t realize my blood is the key.”
“Or they’re waiting for the right time,” Sophie said.
“Why do you think I’m still with them? You get that now, right? Whatever’s on the other side of that door—whatever my mom planned—she made me a part of it. And I have to believe that means I can stop it.”
“What do you think is in there?”
“No idea. But nothing good ever comes from my mom.”
“One thing did,” she said. “One of my favorite things.”
The cold, stinky wind rushed between them as he pulled away. “I hate to break it to you, Foster, but you have terrible taste in friends. You saw how I acted in that memory. What kind of loser goes along with something like that without demanding answers?”
“A boy who’s been bullied and manipulated his entire life. That’s how verbal abuse works. It drains you bit by bit, until there’s not enough energy left to keep fighting.”
“Yeah, well, I also knew she was erasing the memory—did you catch that at the end? I was nine when that happened. I definitely knew what Washers were by then. I knew what was going to happen. And I didn’t stop it because I wanted to forget. I chose to be oblivious.”
“I would’ve done the same thing,” a crisp, accented voice said behind them.
Sophie’s cheeks burned. She’d gotten so lost in the memories, she’d forgotten Fitz was watching them.
“Sorry,” he mumbled. “I didn’t mean to butt in. But seriously, Keefe. You make it sound like nine years old is so grown up. You were just a kid. And you know what kids do? They trust their parents—even when part of them knows that something feels off—because our parents are our world. And what do you think would’ve happened if you’d told your mom no? Do you think you would’ve gotten out of there without giving up some of your blood?”
“I take it this means you were eavesdropping on Foster’s thoughts this whole time?” Keefe asked.
“Not at first. But then Sophie gasped—and when I asked if you guys were okay, you didn’t respond. So I slipped past her blocking just to make sure nothing weird was happening, and . . . I couldn’t stop watching. The whole time I kept asking myself how I’d feel if I’d remembered something like that—what I’d do if I knew I was part of something that feels so ominous. And I’m pretty sure the answer is, I’d do whatever I had to do to stop it.”
Keefe blinked hard, and Sophie didn’t think it was from the sandy wind.
“Joining the Neverseen was the only thing I could think of that might help,” he whispered. “I know I’ve made some mistakes—and I know it’s going to get messier and messier. But this is working. I am learning things. That’s why I had you meet me here. I won’t be able to talk tonight, and I didn’t want to lose a whole day. Your parents are still in danger—don’t let them drop their guard. I don’t know when Fintan will make his move, but I know he still has plans for them. And I found out something else this morning—something big. Fintan’s been trying for weeks to get the ogres to meet with him to reconcile. And last night, King Dimitar finally agreed.”