Lodestar Page 76

Sophie buried her face in her hands. “Someone please kill me now.”

“Uh-oh, that doesn’t sound good,” Edaline said as she crossed the bedroom to join them. “Do I want to know what you guys are talking about?”

“Boys,” Sandor and Grady said at the same time.

“That’s what I was afraid of.” Edaline sat on Sophie’s other side and patted her knee. “If it helps, he drove Jolie just as crazy. You should ask Vertina to share some of the horror stories.”

“There’s nothing wrong with making sure Sophie knows that we have high expectations for anyone she chooses,” Grady said. “Another thing to keep in mind, kiddo: Whenever you start to narrow it down, I will be having a looooooooooooooong conversation with him.”

“Please tell me he’s joking,” Sophie whined to Edaline.

“Don’t worry, we’ll come up with a plan of attack before your first Winnowing Gala,” Edaline promised.

“I have a feeling I’m really going to regret this question,” Sophie mumbled. “But . . . what’s a Winnowing Gala?”

Edaline smiled. “Whenever you pick up a new match list, it’s customary to hold a party and invite everyone on the list to come, so you can start narrowing down who you might actually be interested in. We never held one for Jolie, because her mind was already made up. But if you’re less decided, the gala can be a fun way to start figuring it out. I know all of this probably feels huge and embarrassing, and I promise we don’t have to talk about it any more for now. But I do want to make sure you know that Grady and I will support whoever you choose.”

She glared at Grady until he agreed.

“And now, we’ll change the subject to something that won’t make you want to tug out all of your eyelashes,” Edaline said, handing Sophie a thin curled-up scroll. “This is your schedule for the Council’s new skill training program. Looks like you’re part of the Wednesday morning group, so you’ll get a break from your grounding at least once a week. And my sister told me that Magnate Leto made sure all of your friends are in the same group.”

“What group are you guys in?” Sophie asked.

“None for the moment. Our house arrest continues.” She kissed Sophie’s cheek before she stood and straightened the fabric of her simple blue-and-white gown.

“Are you heading out?” Grady asked.

Edaline nodded. “The gnomes told me they’d have dinner waiting for you in the kitchen, since I’ll probably be home late.”

“Wait, you’re leaving?” Sophie asked. “I thought you just said you’re on house arrest.”

“I am. But I’m sneaking out to Alluveterre, where there’s plenty of security to protect me. Juline made the arrangements. She didn’t want to at first, but she’s feeling very guilty for all the things she’s hidden from me over the years.”

“As she should,” Grady grumbled.

Edaline took his hand. “We both know we spent the majority of that time misunderstanding the Black Swan and their role in what happened to our daughter.”

Grady had once believed that the Black Swan killed Jolie to punish him for resisting their efforts to recruit him.

“Why are you going to Alluveterre?” Sophie asked.

“I need to visit Wylie. I owe it to Cyrah to try to help her son. I owed her that years ago and wasn’t strong enough to fulfill it. But I’m hoping it’s better late than never.”

“If there’s anything I can do . . . ,” Sophie said.

“I promise I’ll let you know.” She kissed Sophie’s cheek before she left with Grady, the two of them heading upstairs to the Leapmaster.

“And where do you think you’re going?” Sandor asked as Sophie made her way across the room.

She pointed to her bathroom. “Am I supposed to stay in my pajamas forever?”

“I suppose not. I’ll give you privacy to use the bathroom and get changed. But otherwise, consider us joined at the hip.”

“Well,” Sophie said, flashing her most mocking smile, “at least that means I’ll get to be there for all the dancing.”

Sandor grumbled under his breath as she swung her hips like Grizel.

“I think she likes you,” she called through the door after she’d closed it in his face. She’d expected Sandor to deny it, but he let out a squeaky sigh.

“Grizel has gone to dramatic lengths to make that abundantly clear. She and I grew up together, and everyone assumed we’d someday settle. I’m fairly certain I’m the reason Grizel joined the elvin regiments, even though she’d been offered a position in our queen’s royal guard.”

The idea of a goblin queen was almost enough to distract Sophie—but not quite.

She finished changing and left the bathroom. “So . . . I take it that means you’re not interested?”

“Interest has nothing to do with it.”

“Does that mean you are? Because I actually think you two could be super cute together!”

“I can assure you, we wouldn’t be,” Sandor said, shadowing her as she retrieved her memory log from her desk and headed for her bed. “And I love how you’re suddenly the expert on all things romantic. Moments ago you proved yourself exceptionally clueless.”

“I’m not clueless. I’m . . . realistic.”

“As am I. The reality is that I have no time for a companion, nor do I have need of one. I’m far better suited as a warrior than a husband. I’ve told Grizel as much—several times. And that is the end of any discussion of my love life.”

“I can’t believe you have a love life,” Sophie admitted. “Talk about a mind blow.”

“And why is that?” Sandor huffed. “I’ll have you know that among my species I am quite the specimen.”

Sophie giggled. “Man, I wish Keefe had been here to hear you say that.”

“Interesting that he was the first boy you thought of.”

“Only because he’d start calling you Specimen Sandor. I’ll be sure to tell him during our next check-in.”

“I’m sure you will,” Sandor said. “And on that note, I’ll leave you to record your memories. But I’m right outside should you have the slightest notion of leaving.”

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