Lorn Page 77

“A bed would be better. I see you spending a lot of time working. That means I’ll be here too. Maybe we could buy one of those sofa sleepers. Couch and bed, all in one.”

“I’ll send your father to buy us one tomorrow.”

“Because that wouldn’t be awkward for him at all.” She laughed.

“Oh. Right. Garson, perhaps.”

“Much better.”

Lorn wrapped his arm around her and pulled her close. “I want you so much. Ready to seal our bond?”

She wanted it more than anything. “I am, but maybe we should wait until we find out how everyone reacts to me being alive and different.”

“No way. I don’t care.”

“I do. What if they protest? What if it turns most of the clan against you? I’m not exactly popular.”

“I don’t give a damn.”

She believed him. “One more day.”


Someone knocked on the door. Lorn cursed, released her, and they both quickly redressed. He unlocked the door and stepped outside. Kira hoped everything was okay.

Lorn returned in less than a minute. He gestured to her. “Let’s go to my house.”

“Is everything okay?”

“Yes. They were just worried. I told them what happened with Lord Aveoth.” He glanced around the room. “It gave me a moment to cool down. I’m taking you to my home to mate you in my bed.”

Kira wanted to protest. He wasn’t listening to her about the potential problems mating her might cause in the clan.

“I’ll toss you over my shoulder and carry you if you make me,” he warned. Desire brightened the color of his eyes and he grinned. “This is happening tonight. No more waiting. Let’s go.”

She’d wanted to be his mate since the moment she’d realized she was in love with him. The timing might be terrible but it would take a long time to stabilize the clan. There may never be an ideal time to mate. All the years flashed through her mind, ones they’d lost when they should have been together. The pain, loneliness, and longing.

Lorn reached out to her. All she had to do was say yes.


Lorn held his breath, waiting to see what Kira would decide. Then she grasped his hand.

He smiled and entwined his fingers with hers, leading her out of the office. Kar flipped off the lights and locked the office door for him. He’d given all his enforcers keys.

They met Lavos on the way down the stairs. Davis was right behind him. Both of them held swords.

“GarLycans have been spotted in the air.” Lavos was a little winded, as if he’d pushed himself to reach the lodge at full speed.

“Lord Aveoth just paid me a visit.” Lorn quickly explained everything that had taken place as they made their way through the lodge. They exited out the front and he addressed Davis. “Do you mind spreading the word? I don’t want anyone else to be alarmed, believing we’re being attacked if they see wings too.”

“I can do that.” He kept glancing at his daughter. “Is she safe?”

“I am, Dad.” Kira released Lorn’s hand and hugged her father. “I’m going home with Lorn. He’s determined to mate me tonight.”

Lorn studied Davis, waiting to see how he’d react. The VampLycan’s mouth curved downward. A surprise, given his earlier demand that Lorn mate her soon.

“I won’t allow anyone to harm her.” It was a promise Lorn intended to keep, regardless of the cost.

Davis growled low. “No.” He shook his head. “I’ve thought of nothing else since I left your office, and realized the timing is shit. More challenges will probably be issued and you might be too distracted just staying alive to keep her safe. They’ll try to kill her to weaken you.”

Lorn reached out, gently gripped Kira’s hips, and pulled her away from her father. He pushed her toward his brother, shot him a look, and Lavos wrapped his arms around Kira to hold her back.

Lorn moved fast and gripped Davis, surprising him. He pinned him against the side of the building.

“You’re her father. I understand your worry. Kira is everything to me. Don’t forbid her becoming my mate, if that’s what you were about to do to your daughter. Do not.” He allowed his fangs to show. “It would destroy her to see us fight. She’s suffered enough. We all have.”

Lorn eased his hold and calmed. “We have GarLycans in our skies and allies with the other clans. I’ll make it damn clear to the clan tomorrow that the only reason we still have a clan after the shit Decker pulled is because I’m in charge. It’s called leverage, and I’m not above using fear to make certain no one dares fuck with my mate. She is my true mate—and I’m bonding with her tonight. I’d like your blessing but it’s not required. Nothing is going to stand in the way of us becoming mates.”

Davis stared deeply into his eyes and finally gave a sharp nod. “You have my blessing. Lorn…she’s all I have.”

Lorn released him and stepped back. “She’s my life too.”

“I’m just going to worry about how our clan reacts to her being your mate.”

“So will I,” Lorn admitted. “So make certain when you explain why we have GarLycans overhead that they’re here because I’m on good terms with Lord Aveoth. They fear his wrath even more than Decker’s. He abandoned them and fled.”

Davis actually grinned. “That’s a good strategy.”

“It’s my job now to take everything into consideration.”

The amusement faded from Davis’s face. “Will they attack?”

“Decker will probably try, but we have help now. He’ll never reach our territory with the GarLycans patrolling.”

“I meant the GarLycans.”

“I trust Lord Aveoth wants peace with our clan as long as Decker no longer leads us. This is the second time I’ve met with him. His anger is directed at Decker, not us.”

“You really believe the GarLycans will prevent Decker from returning?”

Lorn remembered the tone of Lord Aveoth’s voice when he’d spoken their ex-leader’s name. “Decker is dead, even though he still breaths. His time is limited. I almost pity the bastard. Almost—but not quite. As much as I’d love to kill him myself, the GarLycan leader will end up taking his head. Lord Aveoth wants it more than I do and he’s welcome to that trophy. I just want to claim my mate and get this clan settled so we can move forward in a good direction.”

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