Lorn Page 79

What if he frightened her? Became too rough?

The water in the bathroom shut off and he licked his lips, inhaling a few deep breaths. He’d just have to take it slow and try really hard not to frighten her. She was probably worried about him biting her. Some VampLycans tended to purposely scar their mates in the process, to not only bind them together through a blood exchange, but also leave a noticeable mark on their mates. Having been raised so human, it could be a fear of hers. He had always been terrified of accidentally injuring her when they played. She was so fragile compared to him.

Kira came out naked, stunning him. She grinned and walked forward. “What?”

His body responded. He always wanted her. He couldn’t form words. She was so beautiful to him. He loved her body, with those softer curves. Most VampLycan women tended to be muscled and lean from shifting often.

She surprised him again when she suddenly jumped. He managed to catch her when she hit his chest but he stumbled a little before bracing his legs to steady them both. Her arms and legs wrapped around him. She buried her face against his neck and licked his skin.

“Bite me,” she whispered.

He wanted to. Bad. He turned, quickly heading to the bed. “Slow down.”

“Forget that. We’ve waited long enough. Bite and take me. Claim me, Lorn. I want you.”

He shook his head. “Not this time. We’re going to take it slow and do this the way I’ve dreamed a thousand times.”

Her lips parted but before she could protest, he brushed her mouth with a kiss.



Chapter Seventeen


Frustration rose in Kira when Lorn backed away and smiled. He took her breath but she wanted him to mate her now. All those years of wishing he’d want to spend the rest of his life with her had finally come true, and she just wanted their bond to be sealed.

Her gaze trailed down his body. He was the sexiest sight she’d ever seen. All muscles, tan skin, and an impressive erection. He definitely looked up to mating. She bit her lip and took a deep breath, blowing it out. He wanted to take things slow, and even if it killed her, she wasn’t about to forget that he’d felt she’d rushed him when they’d had sex for the first time. It had made him angry at them both. She didn’t want the memory of them mating to contain any regrets.

“Okay. What do you have in mind?”

“Get in the middle of my bed and lay on your back.” His husky voice excited her.

“You’re going to torment me, aren’t you?” She turned though and climbed on his bed, crawled to the center, and flipped over. It didn’t embarrass her being naked with Lorn. He was hers and she would be his. She lifted her upper body a little, bent her arms back so they held her up, to be able to watch him better.

“I want to know every inch of you.” He followed her, looking a bit predatory. Lust made his eyes glow a little, lightening the silvery-gray color. He bent forward, pressed his open palms on the end of the bed. The mattress dipped from his weight as he very slowly maneuvered closer. “Just let me look at you.”

Kira spread her legs and bent her knees up. Her heart raced. “I know; just looking at you turns me on.” Her gums throbbed and she felt her fangs sliding down. It wasn’t bloodlust that had her wanting to bite into Lorn this time, though. She just wanted to encourage him to sink his teeth into her too.

“You’re so beautiful,” he rasped. “God, Kira. Do you know how many times I fantasized about you this way? Spread out on my bed naked?”

“Tell me.”

“Every night I wished you were with me. Sometimes I couldn’t sleep, so I’d go for a run to burn off excess energy and pass by the hill the lodge sits on. I knew I couldn’t get too close without someone seeing me but part of me hoped you’d somehow know I was there.” His gaze lowered and he licked his lips, staring at her exposed sex. “That you’d sneak out and come home with me.” He lowered his belly, braced his elbows, and gently wrapped his hands around her inner thighs to part them more. “I wanted to eat you alive—and I’m about to do it.”

He inhaled through his nose, his nostrils flared, and he growled.

“This is torture,” she whispered. “I want you so much.”

“I smell how aroused you are. I want a taste.” He lifted his gaze, holding hers. “I’ve never done this before…but I’ve read about it.”

Surprise tore through her.

“I didn’t want to share this kind of intimacy with anyone but you.”

Tears filled her eyes again and she blinked them back. He didn’t say anything else, but what he had stated told her everything. He’d never gone down on any of the lovers he’d taken during his heat. She’d desperately wanted to accept it as truth when he’d told her the other women hadn’t mattered to him. This made her a believer. “I love you, Lorn.”

He released one of her thighs and tenderly touched her pussy, using his fingers to expose her clit. She parted her legs more to give him what he wanted.

“I love you too. You’re so pink and pretty. Tell me if I do this right.”

“Okay.” Her nipples tightened, excitement and sexual desire spiking higher. His hot breath fanned her sex as he adjusted his big body, putting his lips very close to her clit.

He opened his mouth and ran his tongue up her slit in one long lick. Kira shoved her arms out and dropped flat. Lorn did it again, a little rougher. He focused more on her clit that time, hesitated, and rubbed back and forth in an up-and-down motion.

Kira moaned and clutched at his comforter, needing something to hold to keep her from reaching down and grabbing his hair. He slid his hand away and gripped her thigh again, adjusting her legs a bit higher, and growled as he continued to tease her by stroking his tongue against her clit.

“That feels so good. Faster.”

He growled again but didn’t increase the pace. He licked, played with the bud that she knew would harden as she grew more aroused. Her entire body jerked when Lorn suddenly pushed his mouth tighter against her clit and sucked a little. Her fingernails tore into material as she moaned louder.

Lorn was merciless as he caressed and played with her clit. He did everything slow though, as if testing how much he could make her wiggle and squirm, moan and sharply gasp. He kept a good grip on her thighs, pressing them down to pin her hips to the bed, and kept her right where he wanted her to stay. His mouth wreaked havoc on her body.

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