Made for You Page 36

“Sure, sweetheart.” I couldn’t help but notice my father immediately stood when my mother stood. I internally smiled, thinking for the first time that Jack had some of my father’s favorite qualities.

Luckily, the bathroom was empty, which gave me the perfect opportunity to get some much needed answers from my mother as to why she had been talking to Jack’s dad.

I watched my mother’s reaction through the mirror as I washed my hands. “Mom, why didn’t you tell me you were keeping in touch with Jack’s dad?”

The look on her face told me that she hadn’t been expecting my question. “He asked me not to.”

I looked up at my mother, catching her eye, my look telling her she clearly needed to elaborate.

“He told me what had happened … with him and Jack, and that Jack didn’t speak to him anymore.”

“He told you what happened?” I turned to face my mother. I was surprised, yet cautious, at what he may have told her. From what Jack had told me about his dad, he wasn’t one for admitting his faults and sharing the truth.

“He told me about what he did and how Jack had caught him while his mother was sick.” My mother’s voice was low as she spoke.

I looked at my mother, wide-eyed, surprised that Jack’s father had shared so much.

“He told me it wasn’t just the one time that made Jack cut his ties.”

“Did he tell you that his wife was dying when he was having affairs with prostitutes?”

“I knew she was dying. He didn’t share the prostitute part, but he admitted he was unfaithful.”

“So what did he want from you? Did he think you could be his deliverance from evil?” I asked the question with the attitude I suddenly felt. I was annoyed that my mother had spoken to him, knowing that Jack had good reason for cutting his ties. What was she thinking, exchanging personal information with a man who Jack clearly hadn’t wanted to share with?

“No, he just wanted to hear about his son.” My mother’s voice was subdued and I knew she felt guilty. I just wasn’t sure if she felt guilty for being caught or guilty for what she had done.

“So why call you?”

“He found out about you after your trip to Hawaii. Which, I might add, was sooner than I knew about you having met someone.” Only my mother could throw in a jab about me not telling her about a man I had met when she was in the midst of her own allocution.

I rolled my eyes and she continued. “He heard that his son was miserable when he got back from Hawaii, so he stepped in to bring you two back together.”

Jack’s dad had gotten us back together when he’d asked me to perform at the Heston annual meeting, where he knew Jack would be, but I had never known the reason why. “So he hired me to sing to get us back together?”

My mother took a deep breath. “Yes. He thought it was his fault that his son was afraid of commitment because of the poor example he had set, so he wanted to do anything he could to help.” My mother looked to me, as if it was my turn to speak. No way was I letting her get off that easy.

“Go on.” I could tell there was a lot more to her story that she hadn’t shared yet.

“He ran some sort of a background check on you and found out about your engagement to Michael. He initially wanted to know if things were really over between you and Michael — he was concerned for Jack.” My mother paused and let out a mired sigh. “I felt bad for him, Syd. He was so desperate to hear about his own son that he was reaching out to a total stranger. You may not understand it now, but parents screw up all the time. So do children for that matter. But a parent’s love is unconditional. We don’t stop wanting to help them and take care of them just because they’re mad at us.”

“So what did you tell him when he asked about Michael?”

“The truth. Well, not all the details, but I told him that Michael wanted you to be someone other than who you were to fit his lifestyle, that you weren’t ready to settle down until you went for your dream.” My mother paused and considered before speaking again. “I told him Michael was never the right man for you.”

The last of the puzzle pieces finally snapped into place. “So he made sure I got my dream, so I wouldn’t do the same thing to his son?”

My mother made a face. “I wouldn’t put it like that, Syd. He may have had a hand in you getting on the tour, but it was your talent that got you your dream. He wanted to see you both happy. Happy together.”

I had heard enough. The headache that had been threatening in the back of my head all day had suddenly found its way front and center. I rubbed my temples to find some relief, but it wasn’t the kind of ache that could be cured that easily. My mother reached out to hug me and I took a step back. Did she really think what she had done was okay? She had been going behind my back for months, speaking to Jack’s dad. I felt completely betrayed.

“Don’t,” I said as I put my hand up, warning my mother to keep her distance. My tone clearly left no room for discussion.

My mother looked at me, waiting for more.

“I need to be with Jack. I can’t deal with this now.”

My mother frowned, but nodded. Not that she had a choice.


Jack knew something was wrong the minute I returned to his side.

“What’s wrong?” He hadn’t even excused himself from the conversation he was in the midst of. He took one look at my face and I became his sole focus.

“Nothing, everything is fine.” I took Jack’s arm and stood tightly by his side.

Jack abruptly dismissed the two gentlemen he was speaking with and turned to face me. He lowered his voice. “You’re upset. Who were you just with?”

I looked up at Jack. His beautiful green eyes looked sad and tired and it broke my heart. “My mother.”

Jack looked around the room, searching for someone. “What did she say?”

“Can we talk about it at home later?”

Jack clenched his jaw and looked into my eyes. He nodded and kissed the top of my forehead. “It’s almost time to go. You need some sleep tonight.”

I nodded, feeling relieved that he was letting go of his inquisition so easily. I smiled up at him and reached up on my tippy-toes and kissed his nose.

“After you tell me what happened. You need sleep, but first you’re going to tell me what upset you.”

I should have known I would only get a short reprieve.

Chapter 17

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