Magical Midlife Meeting Page 39
I turned and looked at Austin while sending a message to Ivy House. “Did you—”
“Yep,” she answered before I could finish. She could definitely hear my conversations outside of Ivy House somehow. When I wasn’t busy being blindsided, I’d get to the bottom of that.
“You knew who he was, and you didn’t say anything?” I asked, outraged.
“Different cologne, but…” Austin wrapped his arm around my hip, his touch grounding. “I think he’s telling the truth, Jess.”
“You need to be pushed,” Ivy House told me. “You need to be prodded. I swear, you are the most timid wild child I’ve ever met. It’s like you lock all your good qualities up inside, and it takes a battle or taunting to bring them roaring out. He helped me even before I knew who he was. He helped you. Listen to him. If, when he’s done, you don’t like what you’ve heard, kill him. It’s pretty simple. You really shouldn’t hold grudges in the magical world. Things change too fast for that.”
I walked slowly to the little chair opposite Elliot and pulled it back a little farther. Austin pulled up another and we sat.
“So.” Elliot ran his hand down his face. “How about I start at the beginning?”
“Probably wise.”
“I had a twin sister. Both of us had great magical talent, but hers was as a Seer. It was…a burden to her. She had visions all the time. She knew what was going to happen tomorrow, or five years from now, or after her death. Good and bad things. Horrible things, sometimes. She knew our parents would die in a car accident. She knew our uncle would be physically abusive. Of course, we tried to prevent those things from coming to pass, to change the stars, but the end result was always the same. She finally realized that when she saw a vision, it represented the path of least resistance to an end result that would happen no matter what. It was best just to go with it.
“When we were in our late teens, the visions started coming faster and becoming more vivid. They were so encompassing that she started to lose track of reality. She wouldn’t know the difference between a vision, a waking dream, or something happening in the present. Her mind started to slip, unable to deal with it. Finally, she had a series of visions about you. How you came to accept the Ivy House magic. How you blossomed into the mage you are today. She guided me through the role I was to play in your rise to power, including the things I would need to construct, like the tunnels your basajaun destroyed—don’t worry, my people moved in the second you left your quarters so as to move your things—and the meadow flowers on the tunnel walls. I knew what the Ivy House crystals looked like before I’d ever set foot in that room. She also told me spells I would need to track down and figure out. Books I could find about Ivy House. Things like that. She told me my path, and begged I follow it, even though it would require a grave sacrifice.”
“And what sacrifice was that?” I asked.
“When I was forty, I walked away from an empire and became a hermit inside of a mountain. Or I might have ushered in my own death. That’s up to you.”
I squinted at his face.
He nodded. “I have an amazing potion for youthfulness.” He gave me a small smile but didn’t ask if I wanted the recipe, which I was thankful for. “I sent a pretty useless mage and his right-hand man to apprehend you when you first got to O’Briens. Remember him?”
Yes, I remembered him. A man in a poncy cape had tried to grab me, but Austin, Niamh, Mr. Tom, and Edgar had shown up and saved the day.
“You needed a push,” he said, as though reading my mind. “I was that push. Not just with the caped fool, of course. I sent people into Ivy House after you. I had them loiter on the property. You fulfilled your destiny and took the magic. You were always going to. I just helped you along.” He shrugged. “Next I put out a bid for someone to kidnap you and put you in that cave. I offered just enough to bring in some decent people. Some were cleverer than others, I must admit.” He paused for a moment. “I never intended to retrieve you. You were going to be in that cave as long as you needed to be in order to escape. That was the push. You needed to figure out how to fly. Turned out, it didn’t take you any time at all. That’s when I knew Ivy House had chosen well.”
He smiled again, his eyes crinkling at the corners.
“No,” I said, remembering the pain I’d gone through, the pain Austin had gone through, trying to get out of that blasted cave.
“Moving along.” His lips tightened. “The issue with the competing forces—the one that came at you from the front of the house? Those sort of…barbarian people? What was up with them? I only got a glimpse as they traveled to your town, but hello, cosplay, am I right?” He rubbed his face. “They were ridiculous. That wasn’t in the cards, actually. I got wind of them heading out there to check you out, wanting to know your relationship to me. It was bound to happen. I had to scramble a little, but I figured it was time to get the basajaun active, and for you to start working on some of Ivy House’s key vulnerabilities. Also, you know, to meet an adversary who would give you a pause.” He rubbed his chin. “It took you a while to find that deer. That guy doesn’t even like flowers. Didn’t you stop to wonder why a man was eating flowers? Just because he changes into a deer, doesn’t mean he eats like a deer.”
Austin and I both tensed, and I exchanged a glance with him. Yes, we should’ve realized that. We hadn’t. Too much had been going on.
“What do you mean, get the basajaun active?” I said, adrenaline going through me. I knew Elliot had always been a step ahead, but not just how big that step really was.
“The basajaun was always meant to be part of your journey. Fun fact, my dear friend Burke, who has been sniffing around the tunnels for the past few days, had finally found the entrance to my residence. I’m not quite sure what he planned to do there. Hide under my bed and try to kill me in my sleep? Look for incriminating evidence? Check my browser history? We’ll never know. Unless he has hidden powers we don’t know about, he got squished in the fallout from the basajaun’s cave-in. I’m not sure if I should add him to my wall, though. Technically, he wasn’t my kill… Ah, sure, I might as well, as Niamh would say.”
“How did you…get him active? Did you tell him to help me in the cave?”
“Good Lord, no! That was a shock. But then, if he was destined to be part of your journey, it makes sense he’d feel an immediate rapport with you. No, I simply gave him a reason to join your fight. I told my man and his merry band of helpers to head over the basajaun’s mountain. The vision said it would anger him.” He spread his hands. “I wasn’t sure how at first, but now I realize it takes very little to anger him. So…”
“You sent shifters to die,” Austin said with a growl.
Elliot held up a finger. “No. I sent the deer shifter to keep an eye on you, and then to get your attention when those barbarians were sniffing around. That fool Marcos collected a bunch of passive shifters and drove them to you for a distraction. Good riddance, huh? I hoped you’d take him off my hands. I won’t ask where he’s buried.”
“You’re telling me that you had no hand in that?” I asked.
“I sent the mage with the directive to kidnap you using the potions that make Ivy House vulnerable. The rest was his creation. I don’t tend to micromanage. In that situation, I wish I had.”
“What if he’d kidnapped me?”
“Your alpha probably would’ve tracked him down and killed him horribly. Or the basajaun would’ve. If all else failed, I would’ve…figured something out along the way. I wasn’t too worried, though. You always rise to the occasion.”
“Another fool. He was not my design, and it was a real treat to tear off my illusion and give him the justice he’d eluded for so long. What a wanker.”
“That wasn’t part of the vision?”
“No. Not directly. But I knew I needed to extract myself from the situation and figure out a way to lure you here. He provided…” Elliot chuckled and shook his head. “That whole thing was perfect. Talk about fate. You handled it all beautifully, and now here you are. Owning your gargoyle, falling in love, contemplating killing a double-crossing scoundrel. I deserve it, I get that. I wasn’t fully honest with you at Ivy House. Shifters do fascinate me, and they made me feel fear for the first time since my sister died. There was something enlivening about it…I was truthful about that. But the real reason I stayed there was you. To train you. To fulfill the vision. That’s not something I could say.”
“Were you even summoned?”
“Yes, but I knew I would be. It was part of the vision. Listen, Jessie, here’s what it comes down to. So often powerful people will hide evil deeds behind empty promises. I decided early on that I’d wear what I am on my sleeve. I’m weird, I do things oddly, I don’t play into the mage hype, and I’m rotten in plenty of ways. The thing with my sister, with my upbringing, messed me up quite a bit. But I promised myself that I wouldn’t hide what I was behind a crooked smile.” He paused. “Yes, I recognize the irony. I know that when I accidentally smile in that illusion mask, it comes out crooked. You have to be really careful not to make any facial expressions in that thing or the mask slips. That or you look weird.” He waved his hand. “But you know I mean figuratively crooked.”
“What’s your point?” I said, trying to wrap my brain around all this and decide if he was lying, or if he was telling the truth and I was still mad as hell anyway.
“I also decided that if I was ever fortunate enough to get to work with you, I’d be the bad guy so you wouldn’t have to make the hard decisions. To take out mages like Kinsella. Or to organize extravagant meetings with people neither of us have any intention of working with so they can see your power, prestige, and potential. I decided that I would set the stage so that you may shine.”