Millions Page 25

My eyes skimmed contradicting articles. Some claimed he was France’s golden boy with more charities and good will to his name than the goddamn Queen. Others called him a ruthless psychopath. An abuser of slaves. The lowest form of scum.

A two-faced bastard.

Same as all the rest.

“The address?”

Jolfer cleared his throat. “A chateau in Blois.”

“How far away?”

“According to my calculations, four to five hours by car.”

Way too long.

“And by air?”

“About an hour and a half, give or take.”

Still too long. But my only option.

“Tell Martin to prep the helicopter.”


I hung up.

I didn’t know what sick game this bastard was playing or what fire-power would welcome me. I didn’t know how I’d overcome my injuries to deliver the vengeance he was owed, or what I’d do once I’d delivered it.

But I didn’t care.

I had an address.

Pimlico was at that address.

And I was taking war right to their doorstep.

Chapter Eight




The short conversation Q had had with Jolfer wasn’t nearly enough. He’d said his name, that a mistake had been made, and reeled off an address, then almost hung up before I swooped from the couch and tugged his suit sleeve.

He’d looked at my fear and barked into the phone. “Is he alive?”

Jolfer’s voice had reached my ears the same time as Q’s. “Yes.”


A single word that packed such a punch.

I toppled backward onto soft cushions, my skirts billowing around me.

Yes, he’s alive.

Yes, he’s coming.

Yes, I’m not alone.

Nothing else mattered after that.

After Q hung up, Tess somehow encouraged me off the couch and guided me upstairs.

But my mind stayed stuck on yes, yes, yes.

He’s alive!

I wished Q hadn’t hung up so fast. I wished he’d asked where the Phantom was, what sort of condition Elder was in, if the crew were unhurt from the Chinmoku’s attack, and why Selix hadn’t been there fighting beside us.

So many questions, but for now, all I knew was he was alive. He knew where I was.

I’ll see him soon.

Once again, that was both an incredible and terrifying thought.

Tess escorted me, her gentle murmurings about having to feed her son and how I should shower and dress in preparation for Elder’s arrival flitting around my head.

Climbing the stairs, she’d given me a quick history lesson (that wasn’t fully listened to) as if determined to put me at ease in this strange place. She repeated that Q saved women and brought them here to heal until they were happy to return to their families. How my bedroom and many others like it were stocked with everything a normal girl would recognise after being denied for so long—cosmetics, clothes, entertainment, safety. She hinted at the long, arduous journey of reminding them how to exist as someone instead of something.

I wanted to care enough to ask questions and be grateful for their kindness but knowing Elder was alive was infinitely better than thinking he was dead and that took precedence.

However, as Tess chatted my bleakness from before slowly crept over my happiness, shadowing it in doubt.

Was Elder alive?

Could Jolfer have lied?

It didn’t matter Q believed he hadn’t aimed correctly and missed Elder’s heart. I’d heard the shot, I’d seen a spray of blood, I’d watched him tumble overboard. Until I physically kissed him, touched him, heard his gorgeous voice, my heart stubbornly ignored truth’s sweet promise.

Probably because if anything happened, or if by some horror Elder died on his journey to claim me, then I didn’t want to shatter into a million pieces after floating in false happiness.

Nudging me toward the bathroom, Tess headed for the wardrobe full of clothing in multiple sizes that I’d discounted the moment I’d awoken. “I know they’re not high fashion or all that pretty, but at least you’ll be clean and warm.” Selecting a pair of jeans and a soft grey jumper, along with a white t-shirt for underneath and black cotton knickers, she held them up, roughly judging my size. “These will do, I think.”

Disappearing into the bathroom to deposit the items, she smiled on her way back out. “Shower then come downstairs and we’ll eat.” Moving toward the exit, she pushed the door wide, blatantly showing that I wasn’t a prisoner, despite my earlier conclusions. “See? No locks. No gimmicks. I know after the life you’ve led, it’s hard to trust, but this isn’t a ploy or some sick act to get you to relax. I hope you understand that.”

Giving me a quick wave, she vanished down the corridor, leaving me with a silence that didn’t know if it should throb with despair or shimmer with happiness.

* * * * *

By the time I’d showered, dressed, and padded downstairs, my heart smoked from beating so hard.

With every minute that ticked past, I wondered if this was the minute Elder would arrive.

Or this one.

Or the next one.

How far away is he?

How much longer until all hell broke loose in this gorgeous family chateau?

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