Millions Page 28

For an endless second, we didn’t speak. We just reacquainted that his soul was mine and mine was his and not even death could part us.

Slowly, his head tipped down, lowering his brow, shadowing his eyes. His uninjured arm came up as he stepped across the final space. “Pim…”

And whatever spell I’d been in popped, collapsing me into his one-armed embrace.

Pressing my nose into his unique incense smell, I forced my shakes to subside.

His arm twitched possessively, jerking me harder. His neck bent, and his face burrowed into my freshly washed hair.

I gripped his waist, raising my head, needing more to this hello.

Understanding, his chin raised, just enough to guide his lips to my jaw, to my cheek, to my lips. His warm mouth claimed mine, and I melted.

Our tongues danced instantly, kissing deep and uncaring about location or circumstance.

We might not care, but unfortunately, it didn’t mean other people didn’t.

Selix didn’t permit even a few seconds of kissing before breaking us apart with a stern reprimand. “Prest. Unfinished business, remember?” He gave me an apologetic smile. “I’m glad you’re alive, Pim, but we have other things to take care of before—”

“Oh, don’t worry, Selix. I remember.” Elder’s body twitched from loving to brutal. He pulled away, capturing my hand instead of my body. “Where is he, Pim?” He squeezed my fingers hard. “Where is the bastard?”

I blinked. I knew who he meant. I understood the blackness in his gaze. I foresaw what would happen the moment he and Q came face to face. And as much as I wanted him to teach Q a lesson, so next time he might listen if a girl spoke the truth, I didn’t want more violence or Tess getting hurt.

And she would be hurt.

No one would enjoy their husband being mauled by another. No matter how justified.

“El…don’t. Let’s just go home—”

“What?” The blackness on his face deepened, his temper slashing. “What did you just say? Go home? After he almost ruined everything?” He laughed low and cruel. “Not going to happen. He has to pay, little mouse. No negotiations.”

I fought the need to submit to his rage. To step aside and let him march into Mercer’s home and teach him a lesson—if he even could with his injuries. But instead, I fought my programming and stood my ground. “He made a mistake. He apologised. I accepted that apology for both of us. You’re hurt and need to rest. Picking a fight is stupid.”

His nostrils flared, rage overflowing from me belittlingly his need to balance out honour.

Saying it was stupid probably wasn’t the best thing.

Laying my hand on his good arm, I tried again. “Please, El, I don’t want you hurt more than you already are.” I threw a fleeting look at Tess standing silhouetted in the window with Lino on her hip. I owed it to them to make Elder see reason.

His voice whispered deathly calm. “I can’t decide if you want me to go home like a defeated asshole for my safety or for his. You should know, Pim, a few broken bones and whatever other shit the Chinmoku did to me won’t stop me in the slightest once I find the fucker.”

Ugh, I sucked at this. “I’m not calling you weak, Elder. I’m not saying you can’t kick his ass. It’s because I believe you can—even battered like you are—that I’m asking you to be reasonable.” I waved my hand at the mother and child behind me. “He has a family. He made a mistake and apologised. We need to let it go…for everyone involved.”

“Oh, I’ll let it go.” He chuckled. “Once he knows he never had the right to take you.”

“But he thought—”

“I don’t care what he thought, Pim. It’s what he did that counts.”

“And what he did was justified in his mind. He saves slaves—”

Elder turned positively monstrous. “Saves slaves? So he thought I was keeping you against your will? That I’d somehow forced you to fall in love with me? That what I feel for you must be a sick joke? That I’m fucking Alrik?”

He laughed at the stars. “That goddamn cocksucker.”

Cracking his neck, he tore at the sling over his arm and threw it to the ground. Shaking out his limb and ignoring whatever injury needed the contraption to heal, he barged past me. “I’ll show him—”

I stumbled as his shoulder clipped me. Before, he’d revealed the level of discomfort he was in. Now…there was no limp. No hint of weakness just war.

“No, wait—”

A rumbling growl escaped Elder as I spun to go after him.

I slammed to a halt, locking eyes with what he’d fixated on, sinking fast beneath the knowledge that I’d failed and no words could stop what was about to happen.

Oh, no.

Standing brazen and unfazed, framed by the wide open front door was Q Mercer.

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