Skin Game Page 28

“They have files on money guys?” I asked.

“They’ve been buying information left and right for the past couple of years,” Valmont said. “Throwing a lot of money around. It’s been a real seller’s market.”

“What do you mean?”

“Everyone’s buying,” Valmont said. “Fomor, White Court, Venatori, Svartalves, every paranormal crew who isn’t trying to keep a low profile. That’s why I ran this job—it’s the third one this month. You want to make some fast money, Dresden, and know some juicy secrets, I can put you in touch with some serious buyers.”

I blinked at that information. “Since when have you been all savvy on the supernatural scene?”

“Since monsters killed my two best friends.” She shrugged a shoulder. “I made it my business to learn. I was sort of startled how easy it was. No one really seems to spend all that much effort truly hiding from humanity.”

“There’s no need to,” I said. “Most people don’t want to know, wouldn’t believe it if you showed them.”

“So I’ve realized,” Valmont said.

“Why him?” Karrin asked. “What’s Nicodemus’s interest?”

I pursed my lips and sucked in my breath through my teeth thoughtfully. “Access,” I said. “Gotta be.”

“What do you mean?”

I held up Harvey’s picture. “This guy can get us something that no one else can. It’s the only thing that makes sense.”

“Whose money does he handle?” Karrin asked.

I scanned the file. “Um . . . there’s a client list here. Individuals, businesses, estates, trusts. Most of it is just numbers, or has question marks. Several of them are listed as unknown.”

“Pretty standard,” Valmont said. “Guys like that operate at high levels of discretion. What has Nicodemus told you about this job?”

“The final objective, and you,” I said. “None of the steps in between.”

“Keeping you in the dark,” she said. “Keeps the carrot in your mind, but makes it harder for you to betray him if you aren’t sure what comes next.”

“Jerk,” I muttered. “So we don’t know what Nicodemus has in mind yet, but I bet you anything that Harvey here is step two.”

“Makes sense,” Karrin said.

“All right,” I said. “No details to any of the Chicago crew, okay? We’re playing pretty serious hardball. If word of this leaks, it could reflect on Mab badly, and that could get a little crucifixiony for me.”

Karrin grimaced. “So you also want to keep them in the dark and give them information on an as-needed, step-by-step basis?”

“Don’t want to,” I said. “Needto. The irony is not lost on me, but like I said, I’m playing this one kind of close to the chest.”

I closed my eyes again and checked on my body. The same feelings of vague discomfort and weariness seemed to permeate my limbs, and a faint twinge of what might have been the beginnings of a muscle cramp tugged at my back. The silver stud in my ear continued to weigh a little too much, and to pulse with cold at the very edge of comfort.

A gut instinct told me that Mab’s little painkiller wasn’t actually helping me, except to hide the pain I would otherwise be feeling. I’d poured out a lot of energy into just a couple of spells back at the hotel, and doing it without my tools had been hard work. I’d been forced to draw upon the Winter mantle just to keep the pace I needed to stay alive. There wasn’t any hard information on how the mantle would interact with my abilities, since to the best of my knowledge there had never been a Winter Knight with a wizard’s skills before—but I was pretty sure that the more I leaned on that cold, dark power, the more comfortable I would get in doing so, and the more potential it would have to change who and what I was.

Whatever was in my head was close to killing me. I suddenly felt all but sure that Mab’s gift had two edges. Yes, it made me feel well enough to run around getting in danger—but it also left me weak enough to need the Winter mantle now more than ever. It was probably her way of telling me I needed to employ it more.

But sooner or later, doing that would change me, the way it had changed everyone who had come before me.

If it hadn’t changed me already.

I felt scared.

After a long moment of silence, Karrin said, “We’ll do it your way for now. Let’s go on in.”

I forced myself to shake off the dark thoughts and the fear that went with them. “You got my stuff?” I asked.


I got out and slogged over to the town car’s trunk. I got my duffel bag and staff out of it, and slung the reassuring weight of my duster over my shoulder to don once I got patched up and into some comfortable clothing. Maybe I would sleep in it.

It had been that kind of day.

* * *

I stopped inside Karrin’s kitchen, on the tile floor, so that I wouldn’t get blood on the carpet, and found Waldo Butters waiting for me.

Butters was a scrawny little guy in his midforties, though from his build you could mistake him for someone a lot younger. He had a shock of black hair that never combed into anything like order, a slender beak of a nose, glasses, and long, elegant fingers.

“Harry,” he said when I came in, offering me his hand. “We have got to stop meeting like this.”

I traded grips with him and grinned tiredly. “Yeah, or I’ll never be able to pay your bill.”

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