Slade Page 27

“’Kay,” she sighed. “I don’t suppose there’s anything to eat?”


She nodded and took a step away from Slade when he released her. She walked about twelve feet before she stopped and dropped her pants. She had to pee but it took her a minute to relax enough to squat. She wasn’t awake at all. She’d kill for an iced coffee and even a piece of plain bread. Her stomach rumbled when she thought about food. She hadn’t had anything since breakfast the morning before.

She fastened her slacks and walked back toward Slade. She heard a chuckle somewhere to her right before hands gripped her.

“This way. You’re going in the wrong direction. You aren’t a morning person, are you?”

“No. I’m not.”

“I guess you are one of those women who prefer to stay in bed and hit the snooze button on the alarm over and over again until the last minute.”

“What’s wrong with that? I’ve gotten lax since I left hospital rotations to work at Homeland. I get way more sleep and I can’t say I’m sorry about it.”

He laughed. “No snooze alarm this morning.”

“Yeah. Just some running for our lives.”

“That’s a good sum-up.” He took a deep breath. “Do you think you can walk for a while?”

“I’m feeling better. Sore but better.”

“Are you sore from the accident or from me?”

“Don’t flatter yourself.” Trisha smiled. “You’re impressive but I can still walk just fine.”

“Ready to go, sweet thing?”

“Sure, lollypop.” She grinned, turning her head so he couldn’t see.

“Lollypop?” He almost sounded insulted.

“Because I want to lick you,” she replied sweetly.

He growled and gripped her arm. “You’re only saying that because you know we have to leave.”

“Are you sure about that?”

“Let’s go.”

“Lead the way.”

Trisha couldn’t see a thing. Slade kept a good hold on her arm, warning her when to step over something in their path. She stumbled a few times. Slade paused after the fourth time she nearly fell.

“I’m going to carry you until the dawn. We’re moving way too slow.”

“I’m sorry.” She meant it. He could travel much faster if she wasn’t with him, knowing full well she posed a danger to his survival.

“Don’t worry about it. I know you have your limitations since you’re only human.” Amusement laced his voice.

Trisha lifted her other hand and gave him the finger. “Can you see this?”

“Maybe later, Doc. I’ll take that as an offer. I’m turning around for you to climb on my back and here’s the bag. If I have to carry you, you need to carry it.”

He carefully put the bag over her head and arm so it rested on her back. He moved until she knew he waited in front of her. He crouched and she climbed onto his back. He lifted her as she gripped his shoulders and started walking.

Finally, dawn broke and Trisha could see. “Put me down.”

He stopped and released her knees for Trisha to slide down his back to her feet. They were in a sharp ravine that twisted out of sight. She stared upward on both sides. “That’s going to be a climb if this thing doesn’t end somewhere soon.”

Dark blue eyes met hers. “I waited for you to be able to see but we need to climb now. I want out of this. It was good for carrying you but we’re better off on higher ground.”

I had to open my mouth, she thought but she nodded. “After you.”

He shook his head. “After you. I want to be able to catch you if you fall.”

That made sense to her. She took a deep breath. Slade pointed and Trisha nodded, turned, and saw a lot of brush on both sides. She grabbed hold of a root and started to climb. The ground became rocky in some places but she kept finding handholds with the vegetation. Slade stayed right behind her. Her foot slipped once and Slade grabbed the heel of her shoe, stopping her from sliding. She turned her head.


“Keep moving, sweet thing.”

“You got it, lollypop.”

“Knock that off.”

“Right back at you.”

She gave her attention to where she climbed and kept moving. Her hands hurt but she tried to ignore it, knowing their lives were at stake. The light got stronger as the sun rose and the chilly air turned into a warm, sunny morning, causing Trisha to sweat.

Trisha knew her relief showed clearly when they reached the top and she groaned. She felt as though they’d been climbing forever. A hand suddenly grabbed the back of her slacks and yanked her down. Trisha gasped as she collapsed to her knees. Slade crouched at her side.

“Stay down,” he ordered, flashing her an irritated look. “We’re higher, easier to spot, and your blonde hair is too visible.”

“Sorry. This stuff isn’t my forte.”

“Unfortunately, it is mine. Take a break, stay down, and be quiet. I’m going to scout the area.”

“Sure. You do that.” She was exhausted as she just spread out on the ground, not caring how much dirt she sprawled over. She put her arm under her head. “I won’t move.”

Slade snorted. “Women.”




“Doc, knock it off.”

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