Small Town Rumors Page 53

“I’ll talk to them tomorrow morning. Until the papers are all signed, it will be business as usual, right?” Justin said.

“That’s right, with Lawrence running things. He’s a good vice president, and I’m sure he’ll manage things fine,” she said.

Cricket got to her feet and picked up her crutches. Jennie Sue followed her to the elevator and pushed the “Down” button. The doors opened immediately, and Jennie Sue let Cricket go inside before her.

“I can’t believe you just did that,” Cricket said.

Jennie Sue leaned against the elevator wall and sucked in big lungfuls of breath. “I couldn’t have gotten through it without you, Cricket. Every time Justin argued, I just thought, What would Cricket do?”

“Hey, don’t fool yourself. I would’ve folded if he’d glared at me like he did you.” Cricket shivered.

The doors opened, and they stepped out of the elevator and headed toward the door. “I’m glad it’s done,” Jennie Sue said.

“Do you realize what you are giving up? You could be the head of this company. You could live in that house and never have to worry about pickin’ beans again. And what if the new company brings in a whole new crew? Bloom depends on the jobs that this place offers.”

Jennie Sue helped Cricket into the car and then got into the driver’s seat. “Pickin’ beans is exactly why I made those decisions. I want a simple life. And I hope that the new company will recognize good help when they see it and keep most of them on. Now, do you want to go back to the café when the doctor releases you, or will you come to work for me at the bookstore?”

“You are offering me a job?” Cricket’s voice shot up several octaves.

“I was going to ask Amos about a story hour two days a week through the summer for the little kids. But now that I will own the store, I realize I’ll need help.” Jennie Sue made plans as she drove toward the café.

“I can’t believe you’d be willin’ to work with me every day.”

“Why?” Jennie Sue snagged a parking place in front of the café. “We’re both up-front and honest, and that makes for good business partners.”

“You’ll own it. I’ll be an employee, not a partner,” Cricket said.

“I’ll make you a full partner if you agree to help me.”

“I’ll think on it until I get a doctor’s release and you actually buy the store,” Cricket said.

Jennie Sue got out and held Cricket’s crutches until she hopped up on the curb and got them situated. When they entered the café, the silence that greeted them was almost as deafening as the company conference room’s had been an hour before.

Then Amos waved from the back of the place and headed their way. Cricket chose the booth closest to the door as chatter started up again and set her crutches against the wall. Jennie Sue took the other side from her, and Amos pulled up a chair to the end.

“So how did it go?”

“My lawyer will be calling you in the next day or so to ask about buying the bookstore,” she said. “I hope you were serious.”

“Well, hot damn!” Amos yelled. “Iris is smilin’ down from heaven. I know she is. I’ll make you a real good deal.” His face went from smiling to serious. “You’re not doin’ this and then hirin’ someone to run it, are you?”

“No, sir. I intend to be there most of the time, but I have asked Cricket to work with me and buy into the store as my partner. One or both of us will be there all the time. I might leave a little early every now and then during the summer to pick a few beans.” She winked.

“Then tell that lawyer I’m ready to deal.” He pushed up out of the chair and headed back to the table of elderly men.

Jennie Sue leaned over and whispered, “That’s one bit of news that Amos gets to spread before the caterers do.”

“Pinch me. I think I’m in a dream right now,” Cricket said.

Jennie Sue reached across the table and pinched her on the arm.

“Ouch. That was mean,” Cricket yelped.

“Proves you aren’t dreamin’.” Jennie Sue’s heart felt lighter than it had in months.

Elaine came over, took their order, and was on her way to the kitchen when Rick stormed inside. It didn’t take a genius to know that his tomato-red face wasn’t due to sunburn. There went the happy mood that Jennie Sue had been enjoying.

“What in the hell do you mean, takin’ the truck? You aren’t supposed to be driving,” he hissed when he stopped by their booth.

“I told you I was coming to town, and you were too stubborn to bring me, so I drove. I did fine until I braked and nearly rear-ended Jennie Sue’s Caddy,” she said. “Sit down and cool off. How’d you get to town, anyway?”

Lettie arrived right behind him, looked around, and slid into the booth beside Cricket. “I drove out there and gave him a ride. I needed some strawberries. What are y’all havin’? I could use an order of sweet-potato fries. What do you want, Rick?”

“Nothing. I’m going home. I’ve got work to do,” he growled.

Jennie Sue caught his eye, but he looked away. If he wanted to play that way, then she’d let him—but not for long. If he didn’t come around by the next day, it would be time to pay the fiddler, as Mabel used to say.

“I’ve been to the meeting. Aren’t you even going to ask me about it?” she said.

“I don’t give a damn about the meeting. Come on, Cricket.” He turned around and headed outside.

“I’ve ordered a milkshake, and I’m not leaving until I finish it,” she said.

“Then you can walk.” He left without another word to any of them.

“I’ll bring her home,” Jennie Sue yelled. “Want us to bring you a burger for lunch?”

He didn’t even glance their way as he passed the diner window, but a few minutes later, his truck rumbled down Main Street.

“Jackass. I thought he was makin’ progress, but he’s acting just like he did when he first came home,” Cricket said.

“He is, honey. He just don’t know how to handle it.” Lettie patted her on the hand. “Give him some space.”

I’ll give him space, Jennie Sue thought. But not for long.

Chapter Twenty-Two

After another sleepless night of wondering if she’d done the right thing and if she’d regret the decisions she’d made and whether Rick was still angry, Jennie Sue made it to the bookstore at exactly nine o’clock to find Amos already there.

“Good mornin’,” he said entirely too cheerfully for that time of day. “Coffee is made and there’s doughnuts in the office. Ledgers are all out and on the desk. Never could figure out that damn computer even after I bought one, so that part is on you. Combination to the safe is written on the first page of the ledger. All the keys to the place are over there by the cash register.”

“What are you doing, Amos?” She frowned.

“Selling you the store.” He grinned. “When Justin gets all the paperwork in order, call me. I talked to him last night, and we settled on a fair price.”

“And that is?” She was suddenly fully awake, her mind running in circles.

“He’ll call you later, but don’t fuss—Iris told me to do it this way.”

“And how’s that?”

“When I thought about the price, I didn’t feel peace until I got to the right number. Sometimes it takes a while for her to get through my thick skull. I’m happy you have the store, and so is she. I’ll pop in every few days, and if you have any questions, you can always call me,” he said. “Now hug me and don’t argue with the way I’m doing this.”

She wrapped her arms around him. “Thank you, Amos. There’s two places that I’ve been truly happy. One is out on the Lawson farm. The other is in this store.”

“You are so welcome.” He took a step back, looked around the store, and said, “I can’t help but wonder what all those lending libraries will do to the business. And to the library as well. Folks might stop coming to buy or check out books if they can just grab one on the street corner.”

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