Stand Off Page 36

* * *

Max tapped his knuckles on the desk. “Hurry up.”

As soon as the papers were placed in front of him for his signature, he signed them then was given his wallet and cell phone. His lawyer took the paperwork from him as they walked outside into the hot day.

“Try to stay out of trouble,” Creed advised. “At least until I can get these charges dropped. Did you have to kick his ass in front of so many witnesses?”

“I lost my temper.”

“If I can’t find something on his parents or him, you’re going to do some time, Max.”

“You’ll find out something. You always do,” Max said indifferently. If he went to jail for a few months, it was worth it.

“Ice will fire me if I don’t. I’ll call you when I find out the court date,” Creed said, going to his car. “I’ll drop you off at the clubhouse.”

Max got in the front seat. He was halfway to the clubhouse when his phone rang.

“Yeah?” he answered.

“Where are you?”

Max instantly recognized KC’s voice.

“On the way back to the clubhouse. Why?”

“You still seeing that chick from the bank?”


“The Bandits are hitting the bank at closing time today.”

“You couldn’t have given us more warning?” Max yelled into the phone.

“They didn’t tell us until an hour ago when X told us to get our weapons ready. I have to go; they’re waiting on me. I’ll do what I can to protect her.”

“Hurry the fuck up,” Max screamed at the lawyer.

Creed stepped on the gas, going through a red light. As soon as he stopped in the parking lot, Max jumped out of the car.

Jackal opened the door as he drew close.

“KC called. The Bandits are going to hit the bank at closing time.” Max looked at the clock behind the bar.

While the brothers went for their weapons, Max ran to his bedroom, tearing up the floorboard to pull out his.

Max heard Jackal yelling directions to the brothers then the sounds of the bikes being started. He ran out the club door, getting on his bike. Then Ice led the men out of the parking lot, their weapons hidden behind their jackets. He sped past the brothers, down the busy road, weaving through the heavy traffic.

Max knew the Predators were going to stop the Bandits because they were pulling off a job without their permission, but he only had one purpose, and that was to make sure Casey wasn’t hurt. He owed her for taking care of Maxie. Max refused to acknowledge to himself that wasn’t the only reason, despite the fact that his heart was pumping with fear for the woman he had been fucking for the last two months.

The Predators hadn’t forgiven her—they never would—but Max owed her his own personal debt, and he always paid his dues.

The bank looked eerily quiet when they pulled into the parking lot behind it. Max got off his bike, striding toward the building.

“Fuck! Max, get back here,” Ice yelled.

He didn’t slow. Casey was inside that bank, and no one was going to stop him from getting to her. Jackal and Fade came running up behind him, trying to catch his arms.

“Are you fucking crazy? You’re going to get yourself killed!” Jackal snarled.

“Go back. I’m going inside.” Max went to the front of the bank and saw the cars out front; however, there was no sign of anyone coming or leaving the bank.

He stepped forward to push the door open, expecting it to be locked, yet the door easily flew open. Max wanted to pull his gun out, but if nothing was going down, he would be creating mayhem.

No one was sitting at the front desk as he came around the corner to find his suspicions were proven correct. The bank employees were on the floor. The Bandits had been too fucking stupid to place someone at the door. They were standing over the employees and customers with guns pointed at them.

A chill ran through him when he saw they weren’t wearing masks. It was a clear sign they planned to take out everyone inside.

“X, we have company!” one of the gunman yelled to the leader of the group who had Casey on her knees in front of her office.

“Shit! I told you to watch the door, Rafe!”

“I was until this bitch took off running.” One gunman pushed an attractive black woman toward the rest of the hostages on the floor.

Max found several guns pointed at him.

“I needed to make a deposit, but I guess I won’t now. Don’t want any of you fuckers taking my money.” Max’s snide voice had X leaving Casey, moving toward him.

“We have a smart-ass who wants to die!” The barrel of a gun was pushed into his face.

“Don’t want to die, just want to keep my money.” Max was used to playing stupid. He had learned, the dumber someone thought he was, the more they underestimated him.

“Those two behind you want to make a deposit, too?” X asked sarcastically.

“Fuck no. They were going to make a withdrawal.” Max groaned inwardly. He had thought Jackal and Fade had broken off when he had entered the building.

“Rafe, lock the fucking door. You three, over there.” He motioned them toward Casey, which suited Max.

He went to Casey, dropping down to his knees beside her. Jackal and Fade dropped down on her other side without being told.

“I told you the Predators would show up.” One man dressed in an expensive suit came from behind the counter.

“Lonnie, don’t do—” Casey began.

X raised his gun, slamming it into the side of her face and knocking her into Jackal, who put an arm around her to support her weight.

“Shut the fuck up! When I want to hear your fucking voice, I’ll tell you.”

Max wanted to take Casey from Jackal but didn’t want to show X she meant something to him. She had a cut next to her eye which began to ooze blood.

“Did you get the vault open?”

“It’s on a timer.” Lonnie glanced down at his watch. “It will open in another fifteen minutes.”

“Get them tied,” X ordered.

While the men began zip-tying the employees and customers, X went behind their backs.

“I’ll take care of it, X. You keep them covered.” KC stood after zip-tying a man who was lying on the floor.

KC went behind them, and Max felt him wrap the plastic cord around his wrist, leaving enough space that, if he was careful, he could wiggle his hands free. He then moved behind Jackal and Fade, tying each of them. When he went to tie Casey’s wrists, X stopped him.

“Leave her hands free. We’re going to need her palm print.”

“Cop is pulling up outside!” Rafe yelled from the doorway.

“Unlock the door and let him get inside the door before you take him down. If anyone opens their mouth, I’ll put a bullet in their head,” X warned.

Max couldn’t see the doorway from his position, but he heard the scuffle that was taking place. The police officer was shoved toward the lobby by Rafe with a gun at the back of his head.

“Get his weapon, KC.” X kept his gun trained on them as KC took the cop’s weapon and tied his hands behind his back.

“Bring him here.” X motioned KC to place him beside Max. The officer was thrown to the floor. “I’m going to give you one chance to go home tonight. Call the station and tell them the bank is clear. If not, you’re going to be leaving in a body bag. You get me?”

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