The Empty Nesters Page 9

Diana took a deep breath and held it while she thought about the whole crazy idea. Tootsie was right. She could do her work anywhere. Being able to stay at home for Rebecca is what made her agree to do the work in the first place. All she needed was her laptop and the internet. But being cooped up with three other women in an RV, even if it was huge—and a strange man—she wasn’t so sure about that. Still, she couldn’t stand to stay at home with no friends around her at all for the next two months. Finally, she let the air out in a whoosh. “When are we leaving Sugar Run?”

Tootsie cocked her head to one side. “Friday morning. You with us, Joanie?”

“Well, I’m not stayin’ home alone. So I have until tomorrow morning to get things packed up and ready?”

Tootsie clapped her hands. “This is going to be so much fun. I can just hear Smokey laughing with happiness. And yes, Friday is the day, and we’re leaving here at seven thirty in the morning. That would’ve been Smokey’s eighty-third birthday. We’re staying in Texas City the first night and going to the Old Smokey Cook-Off on Saturday, then leaving that area on Sunday.”

“Old Smokey?” Joanie asked.

“We planned this trip all summer. He thought the cook-off would be a hoot since it has his name,” Tootsie said.

“Was he going to drive that big-ass RV?” Diana asked.

“Nope, I was,” Tootsie answered. “But Luke volunteered, and I didn’t want to hurt his feelings. You’ve got the rest of today to get ready, girls. Pack light. If you forget something, there’s Walmart stores everywhere. I’ll be taking these papers with me.” She swept out with the sheaf of papers.

“Did we really just agree to do this?” Carmen whispered.

“I think we did,” Diana answered. “But we could back out. We could think about it overnight and break the news to her tomorrow.”

“Not me,” Carmen disagreed. “I said I wanted to run away, and then she comes in with that invitation. It’s an omen. I’m going. I’m trying to remember what she and Smokey talked about when they got home right before Christmas. What did they do up there in the woods for a whole month? And how big is this house? Are we going to be sleeping in lofts on mattresses?”

“It’s terrible, but I can’t remember,” Diana said. “I’m still in shock that we’re even considering running away, but yet it’s kind of exciting, isn’t it?”

“Oh!” Joanie gasped. “We didn’t even ask what kind of money we need. We can’t let her pay for the fuel for that gas hog or food—we have to eat.”

“We have to do that no matter whether we’re at home or out on a trip,” Diana said. “But let’s get it straightened out now about the gas.” She pulled her phone from her hip pocket, called Tootsie, and put it on speaker.

“I’m so glad you called,” Tootsie started without even staying hello first. “Y’all know that I’m a horrible cook, so here’s the deal. Y’all take turns making food for us every day we’re on the trip, and I’ll pay for the gas and the supplies.”

“Tootsie, the gas for this trip will be really expensive,” Diana said. “The only way we’ll consider it is if we can buy the food, too. We’ll gladly do the cooking.”

“Smokey left me well fixed, and I have no one except y’all and Luke, and he’s not blood kin. I’m payin’ for the trip whether y’all go or not, so I’ll hear no more about the fuel bill. It’ll cost me less to buy groceries and have home-cooked meals than for me and Luke to go out every night. So that’s that. Tell Carmen the lawyer is running by my place to get the divorce papers on his way to the golf course this morning. I may not be able to cook, but I did hold down a job as a secretary in the courthouse until I was sixty-five and retired.”

“Yes, ma’am,” Diana said as she ended the call.

“Well?” Carmen asked.

“I’d forgotten that she worked at the courthouse,” Joanie said.

“So to answer your question about what they did up there in the woods, I guess Smokey cooked and they just relaxed.” Diana picked up a chunk of cantaloupe with her fingers.

“We’ve all been tied in knots so long—I can’t imagine relaxing,” Carmen said.

“Me, either, but it sounds pretty good,” Joanie said. “Do y’all feel like you are flat-out drained?”

“Above and beyond.” As Carmen nodded, her phone rang. She took one look at it and paled. “It’s Eli.”

“We’re not going anywhere.” Joanie propped her feet up on the coffee table.


With shaking hands and a knot in her stomach the size of a watermelon, Carmen answered the phone. “Hello, Eli.”

“Put it on speaker,” Diana whispered.

Carmen hit the right button and laid the phone on the coffee table.

“Good morning, Carmen. Did you sign the papers?” he asked.

“No, and I’m not going to until my lawyer looks over them and I’m absolutely sure that this is the right thing to do. I think we should see a counselor and put this on hold for six months,” she said.

“Things haven’t been right between us for a long time. Counseling isn’t going to help. We need to do this as soon as possible, kind of like ripping off a Band-Aid.” His voice still had that cold edge to it, like the day before.

“Of course things haven’t been good between us. I’ve been busy raising our daughter and trying to get a degree to help out with the finances. You’re gone all the time. We just need some time together to rekindle our love,” she said.

For several seconds there was silence on the other end of the phone. “I fought it for a long time, I really did.”

“Wait. Fought what? You sure weren’t fighting me. I’m not giving up on us, Eli. I love you and always will.” Her heart thumped in her chest, and her pulse was racing as fast as it did after she jogged in the evenings.

“I’m not going to counseling. It’s over. Accept it and sign the papers,” he said.

“You’ll be home for Natalie’s basic-training graduation. Brett told Joanie that the team is coming home then, and I’m not signing anything until we talk face-to-face,” Carmen said.

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