The Rumor Page 90

“Killed?” Grace said. “Really?”

“Really,” Eddie said. “I would have found someone to do it for money. I would have, Grace, and he knew it. Or maybe, let’s say, I wouldn’t have actually had him killed. But I would have ruined his life. I would have taken down his business, shredded his good name.”

“He told you he loved me?” Grace said.

“He did,” Eddie said. “And now, I think you should go with him, if that’s what you want. Because I failed. I did this evil thing, and I let you down.”

Grace didn’t respond. Eddie had never been good at gauging her emotions, but if he tried now, he would say she seemed… overwhelmed. It was a lot to deal with—after all, in a few minutes, he would stand before the judge, he would plead guilty, he would be sentenced and would be taken into custody. Two law-enforcement agents would bring him via ferry to the mainland, where a van would meet them and transport Eddie to MCI-Plymouth. Eddie had a duffel bag in the back of the car, packed with sanctioned items. Grace would be able to visit in thirty days.

He was trying to think of it as going away to college, something he had never experienced. He toyed with this delusion—prison as an institute of higher learning—at least until he pulled up in front of the town building. FBI officers were outside, waiting, as was Eddie’s lawyer, Bridger Cleburne, as was a photographer from the Nantucket Standard, as was… the chief of police.

Eddie groaned.

“Oh, Eddie,” Grace said.

Eddie had mixed feelings about the Chief’s role in all of this. The Chief hadn’t known about the prostitution ring on Figawi weekend—no way—nor, probably, when they went out fishing. But at some point the Chief had found out what Eddie was doing, and he hadn’t given Eddie any warning. By then, possibly, the FBI was involved, and the Chief’s hands were tied. Eddie knew he couldn’t have expected the chief of police to help; friends or not, there was the law to consider. Eddie hung his head as he walked up to the Chief.

“I’m so sorry, Ed…”

The Chief held up a hand. “Don’t apologize to me. I told you I don’t judge. But the court does, and I’m sad to see it go down this way.”

Eddie stared at his feet and shook his head.

The Chief said, “You’ve always struck me as the kind of guy who can bounce back. Be careful in there, Eddie. Keep your nose clean, serve your time. We’ll have that drink when you get back.”

“We will?” Eddie asked. The road he had to travel between now and the time he would actually be a free man again, and able to sit on a bar stool next to the Chief, seemed infinitely long and arduous, but Eddie was heartened that the Chief thought he could do it.

“We will,” the Chief said.



As much as everything had changed, everything had stayed the same. Her father went to jail—he was gone—but he had never been around much before. Grace seemed subdued, but she got this way sometimes, especially when she had a migraine. She still did the gardening and cared for the hens, only now she gave Allegra and Hope chores. Allegra was to mow the grass every four days, and Hope was to skim the pool and deadhead the lilies each morning.

One day, Allegra asked Hope if she wanted to go to the beach.

Hope considered this. The beach. Could she and Allegra reasonably make an everyday summer outing to the beach when their father had just been sent to prison?

“Are you sure you want to go to the beach?” Hope said. She had envisioned sitting by the pool in a bubble of reclusive sadness all summer. She hoped that collective memory was short and that by the time their senior year started, people would have forgotten about Allegra and Ian Coburn, and about their father, the pimp.

“I’m sure,” Allegra said. “We can pack sandwiches, take our books, jump in the ocean.”

It did sound appealing. Eddie was in jail, but they weren’t. “Where are you thinking? Steps? Dionis? Sconset?”

“I was thinking Nobadeer,” Allegra said.

“Nobadeer?” Hope said. Nobadeer was where the entire high school hung out. Allegra’s former friends would be there. “Have you made up with Hollis, then?”

“God no,” Allegra said. “But just because she might be there doesn’t mean I can’t be there. I like Nobadeer. It’s my beach.”

It was your beach, Hope thought. But the photo of Allegra in her underwear had knocked her name off the top of the Nobadeer masthead. Hope herself never hung out at Nobadeer—not because she didn’t like it but because her sister and Hollis and their friends congregated there.

Hope said, “Let’s try another beach for starters.”

Allegra said, “Let’s try Nobadeer for starters.”

Hope sighed. They were still Alice and the Dormouse. She didn’t have the energy to fight. She wondered if Allegra was planning on using Eddie’s incarceration as some kind of social currency. Maybe she thought her old friends would find running a prostitution ring of illegal girls cool, or maybe Allegra thought they would feel sorry for her. Hope couldn’t predict. Despite the fact that she was one, she did not understand teenagers.

Grace packed them sandwiches. She seemed happy they were getting out. “There’s no reason to hide,” she said. “Your father made a bad decision, and now he’s paying his dues. It doesn’t reflect badly on the rest of us.”

She sounded as if she were lying. Because she was lying. Eddie’s downfall did reflect badly on the rest of them. Their lives—Allegra’s Italian leather jacket, the red Jeep Wrangler, the chemicals that cleaned the pool, the groceries required to make beautiful sandwiches such as the ones Grace was now making—had been financed by a prostitution ring. Or at least partially so.

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