Thirty-Five and a Half Conspiracies Page 44

“It wasn’t Mason who got me into trouble. It was killing Daniel Crocker. Guess what? The county jail is full of people who loved that man. Thank God Carter showed up when he did!”

“Why in God’s name did you hire Carter Hale?” he demanded, his anger returning. “Why didn’t you hire Deanna Crawfield?”

“The attorney I had when I was accused the first time?” I asked, incredulous. “Why do you even care?”

“Do you have any idea about Hale’s reputation?”

“You mean that he’s good? That he has a shot in hell at helping me stay out of jail?”

“Rose! It will never come to that. Do you really think I’d let you go to prison for something you didn’t do?”

I took two steps toward him. “I don’t know, Joe,” I said, my tone cold and hard. “I never thought you’d just stand aside and let me get arrested.”

He stood in place, his hands raised up to his shoulders. “I’m sorry about that. You have to believe me.”

I held the Taser to his chest and stared up into his eyes. Anger billowed up inside me like an atomic mushroom cloud. “That is where you are wrong. You swore to me you would never let this happen. You swore to me that you loved me, that you would protect me. But you have broken that promise at every turn, Joe Simmons. I loved you. Even after we parted, a small part of me still loved the old you—Joe McAllister—who stood for justice and doing what was right. But that man isn’t real.” A lump burned in my throat. “He never was. It was all a lie.”

He shook his head. “No, Rose. That’s not true. You made me want to be Joe McAllister.”

“You liar,” I choked out, fighting back tears, angry with myself for letting him hurt me all over again. “Mason says you’ve gotten away with despicable things your entire life.”

“I told you that myself,” he said, sounding broken. “When I told you about Savannah. But I’ve changed. I swear. You know that.”

“Where’s my journal?”

His eyes became guarded. “What?”

“My journal. The one you stole right out of my hands. Where is it?”

He closed his eyes for a couple of seconds before opening them again. “He was going to kill you for it.”

“So you were protecting me. Again?”

He released a sigh of frustration. “Believe it or not, yes.”

“Well, guess what? I don’t believe it.” I shook my head in disgust. “The one thing that could have saved all of us, and you handed it right over to him.”

“I mean it, Rose. I’m sure he told Beverly Buchanan to kill you once she had it in her possession. My father isn’t one to leave unfinished ends.”

“If he had the journal, why arrest me?”

“I was trying to buy us more time.”

“More time for what?”

“To figure out how to keep you protected. If I didn’t do it, he would have had you killed that very night.”

“Let me get this straight. You had Mason fired. You stole the journal containing evidence that would have toppled your father, and you had me arrested, all in the name of protecting me. Forgive me if I’m not that blind and stupid girl you kissed on my front porch last summer.”

Fear filled his eyes, and he reached a hand out toward me, but I took a step back. “When you put it that way, I know it sounds bad, but I have a plan.”

“Why didn’t you just warn me? I could have gone into hiding.”

His jaw tensed. “He would have found you.”

“And now? Is he trying to kill me now?”

“No. He’s waiting for the court to seek its justice.”

I released a short laugh. “Aww … justice, J.R. style. Forgive me if I don’t wait for that to be meted out.”

“Rose, listen to me. I mean it. I have a plan. Just let it all play out.”

“Fine. I’d love to hear your plan. What is it?”

He swallowed, and I could see he was mulling it over, but then he said, “I can’t tell you.”

“So I’m supposed to trust you when you say you’ll make sure I don’t go to prison for the rest of my life? After everything you’ve done?”

“I know it’s a lot to ask …”

“You’re damn right it’s a lot to ask.” Bitterness drenched my words.

His eyes narrowed. “You’ve changed.”

“Are you serious?”

He stared at me, dumbfounded.

“I don’t need you to save me, Joe Simmons. I’m not some helpless princess waiting for some man to come along!”

His shoulders stiffened. “Then what the hell is Deveraux doin’? He’s trying to save you.”

“We’re trying to save each other, you imbecile!”

His mouth parted.

“You just don’t get it! I’m not a child. I’m not some precious doll you can set on a shelf for protection, then take out and play with whenever you feel like it. I’m a grown woman, and I have a brain in my head. A pretty stinkin’ good one. Mason sees that. He encourages me to think for myself. To make my own decisions. I don’t need someone to take care of me. I need a partner.” I took a deep breath and lowered my voice. “And you and me, we were never partners. Not really. You were always big strong Joe who knew what was right for poor hopeless, stupid Rose.”

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