Veso Page 65

“I heard your father’s voice.” She stepped farther out onto the porch and stood next to him, waving. “Hi, Bran.”

His father’s gaze ran over Glen and he smiled. “I see your bite mark. You mated her.”

He glanced at Glen to see her reaction. She wore one of his shirts; it was loose around her neck and revealing parts of her shoulders. His mark couldn’t be missed. He’d licked it to heal the bite but a bruise remained. She blushed a little, reached up to adjust the shirt, but smiled. It looked a little forced.

He wondered if she was rethinking her decision to mate with him. He’d kept her busy all night, between sex and the naps they’d taken. The shared shower earlier that morning had been nice, and he’d fixed breakfast for them both, then washed the dishes while she’d started to clean. They hadn’t done much talking.

Then he noticed the color high in her cheeks and breathed easier. It wasn’t regret he saw but embarrassment. She was so human.

“You can’t disobey an order from our clan leader. Lorn knows what he’s doing.” His father came up the porch steps. “We’re changing things. It will be safe for her.”

He debated it.

Bran scowled. “Do you think we’d allow anything to happen? That I would? She’s your mate. I’d kill for her. Lorn and his enforcers will squash any trouble if it arises.”

“Fine.” To not show up would be disrespectful to Lorn. He didn’t want to have to move to another clan and build a new home for his mate. It would take time, and she wasn’t made for outdoor living. Winter would come before it was finished. “I just hope Lorn understands I’ll rip apart anyone who goes after my Glen.”

“He does.”

He reached out and placed his hand on her lower back. “Put on shoes. We’re going to the lodge.”

“Great.” She turned and reentered his cabin. “I’m changing my clothes too since I’m dressed for comfort right now, but I’ll hurry.”

Veso wasn’t sure what that meant. She had put on one of his shirts and a pair of Kira’s leggings. Her outfit seemed fine to him.

“It’s going to be fine, son.”

“It better be. She’s had to watch me kill enough times this week.”

“She needs to learn that life here can be harsher.”

“I’m attempting to downplay that a little. She’s still adjusting to me.”

“Did you get her permission to bond? She doesn’t appear agitated.”

“I didn’t force the mating.”

“Good. I’m proud of you.”

“I do listen to your advice. I need a favor though.”

“Name it.”

“Someone needs to clean up Glen’s human life. It seems to bother her, not having her own clothing. She rents an apartment in Oregon.”

“Say no more. Just tell me when you want me to go.”

“Perhaps next week or the one after it. I want to make sure we don’t have any problems here before you leave. Thank you for patrolling last night. It gave me the ability to just focus on my mate.”

“I’ll do the same tonight. This is an important time for your bonding to grow.”

“Did you manage to get any sleep?”

“I took a nap once I saw movement inside your home, until Lorn called. I’ll get more later.”

“Thank you.”

“I’d do anything for you.”

Veso surprised his father by giving him a hug. “Thank you. You could have been difficult about Glen being human.”

Bran patted his back. “I see you’re using the name she likes.”

Veso chuckled, pulling away. “She corrects me every time I slip. I’m a faster learner and it pleases her.”

“Mates will do that.” A sadness crept into his father’s eyes.

“You should try to find one.”

“Some of us aren’t meant to have a mate.”

“I believed that too. I was wrong.”

“The only additions to our family I’m expecting are when your mate gives you sons and daughters.”

That thought scared Veso.

His father grinned, seeming to guess where his mind had gone. “Fatherhood comes naturally. It’s instinctual. You’ll be an excellent father. I do admit I’m a bit grateful I wasn’t aware of your existence until after you were born.”


“It would have driven me insane to watch a woman suffer the pain of birthing my child. That’s one thing we can’t protect them from.”

“Fuck.” Veso hadn’t thought of that.

His father laughed. “You’re not obsessing over this upcoming meeting anymore.”

“That’s not amusing. I can’t get Glen pregnant. She’s human. What if she’s too weak to birth one of my children? I can’t lose her.”

“Feed her your blood often. It will strengthen her. She won’t turn into one of us but it will boost her immune system and her ability to heal. And we have a doctor.”

“One I don’t trust.”

“I’d trust the one with Trayis’s clan. We’ll visit there when the time comes. My old cabin still stands. She’d be comfortable there late in a pregnancy.”

“Trayis would allow it?”

“He’s a friend. Yes, he would.”

It was one less worry. Veso sighed. Mating a human was difficult but Glen was worth it.

* * * * *

I’m probably heading right into my own death. Glen glanced at the two men she walked between. Veso looked furious and his father seemed tense. Their gazes constantly roamed the woods. It was as if they expected someone to attack them at any moment. That didn’t help alleviate the pit of dread building in her stomach.

Humans are the enemy here. That means me. She wanted to snort aloud, knowing she was probably the most harmless thing in the woods. The hill came into sight and so did the lodge. It perched on the top of it, looming as grimly as the house in that scary movie about Norman. Only these people wouldn’t be gripping butcher knives. They had claws.

All the better to slash me with. Shit!

Veso took her hand. “I’ll keep you safe.”

She peered up at him. “Who is going to keep you safe?”

“I will,” Bran stated matter-of-factly. “And Lorn will have his enforcers ready to take out any threats. Hide your fear, Glen. You’re the mate of a VampLycan. Shoulders back, keep your breathing steady, and think of something that makes you angry if you get the urge to run. Hold your ground no matter what happens. We’re predators. You don’t want to incite anyone to attempt to hunt you.”

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