Veso Page 67

“He fucked and plans to breed with a human,” the blond sneered.

Lorn turned his back on Veso, facing the blond. “Bow your fucking head and apologize, or I’ll let him kill you. I know change is difficult but you’d better get your head out of your ass.”

“He’s weak!” the blond accused. “A sexual deviant who likes to fuck even weaker things. I demand to fight him. And you made Veso an enforcer? You’re unfit to lead us!”

Lorn shook his head. “You always were an idiot, Bobel. You’ve got no place in this clan with that kind of archaic thinking. You pick who you want to fight. Me for leadership, or Veso? Decide.”

“Veso. I challenge him for his weakling. Then I’ll kill her and rid our clan of her stench.”

Lorn glanced back at Veso. “You have my permission.” He got out of the way.

Glen wanted to turn away, hating to see her guy fight, but she didn’t. The blond wasn’t as big as Veso but he looked pretty tough still. The jerk’s words penetrated her worried brain and she glanced up at Bran.

“Does challenging for me mean what I think it does? You can fight to win a woman here?”

Bran gave a sharp nod and shushed her. “My son will win.”

“Skin or fur?”

Glen whipped her head forward at the sound of Veso’s snarled question. They were about to fight for her. Actually fight. For. Her. She had to lock her knees. It was barbaric and horrifying.

She came to a quick realization though—she did love Veso. He could die.

“Skin. This won’t take long.” The blond shot her a disgusted look. “Enjoy your last breaths, soon-to-be-widow of Veso.”

The urge to flip him off surfaced but she resisted. It would look childish. These were the kind of people who wouldn’t appreciate hand gestures. “Is it rude to encourage my man to win by cheering for him?” She kept her voice low.

“Don’t distract him,” Bran warned.

She took that for a no.

The fight began the second the blond swung one of his hands toward Veso’s throat. He had claws.

Veso jerked out of the way, the razor-sharp points missing him by inches. He punched, striking the blond in the face. It snapped his head back and blood flew. Bile rose when she saw it wasn’t just from the force of her mate’s fist. He had claws too, ones that had ripped open Bobel’s face.

“That’s so gross,” she whispered.

“Quiet,” Bran breathed.

Glen clenched her teeth.

The blond shook his head, stumbling forward, and tried to slash at Veso with his claws again. He probably couldn’t see so good with all that blood on his face. Veso dodged both of Bobel’s hands, grabbed his wrist and jerked him forward, twisting him in his arms.

“Do you know what my fighting motto is?”

She closed her eyes when she heard Veso’s shouted words, pretty sure he was warning her.

“Death to anyone who talks shit about my mate or threatens her.”

There was a thud, as if something had hit the dirt. Glen peeked.

Veso still had his back to her, the blond in front of him so she couldn’t see his body. It was what lay on the ground near their feet that caught her attention. She quickly averted her gaze.

“Off with their heads,” she whispered.

“That’s my son,” Bran boasted. “A quick, efficient killer.”

“You make him sound like a serial killer. That guy was an asshole,” she whispered. “He needed to die.”

Bran released her wrist and patted her back. “You’ll make him an excellent mate.”

“Just tell me when I can look at Veso again without seeing the dead guy’s head or body. I’ll hurl. That will make me not cool, right?”

Bran chuckled. “Just glare at the ones staring at you.”

“That I can do. Especially the bitch who hates me. Please tell me her and Veso weren’t lovers. She sounded like a jealous ex-girlfriend.”

“He never touched her.”

She felt relief. “Good. We have enough stacked against us without an ex with a grudge.”



Chapter Twenty-One


Glen paced the living room as she waited for Veso to come out. He’d had to shower again. It once would have sent her screaming if a man in her life had a penchant for getting blood on his clothes the way he did. Of course, her exes had been human.

Motion from the hallway had her stopping to stare at him.

He only wore a towel around his waist, his hair wet, and drops of water drew her attention to his muscled chest. Her guy was super-hot, albeit a bit unhappy, judging by the scowl on his handsome face.

“What’s wrong?” She stepped closer to him.

“I’m trying to show you my less violent side but I keep having to kill idiots. Are you plotting to run away from me?”

“No. I didn’t like that bobble man. He was rude, and he made your dislike of humans seem tame in comparison. I wasn’t exactly fond of the whole challenge thing. I’m a person, not a poker chip to gamble with.”

“His name was Bobel, and the rules are different here.”

“So any asshat can challenge a man for his mate?”

“It rarely happens.”

“It shouldn’t ever. Don’t women have the right to choose who they want to be with?”

“They do. It’s more of a Lycan tradition than a VampLycan one. Sometimes attractive women are something men fight over. You are very appealing, Glen. I hope his death hasn’t upset you.”

“I’m not too broken up. He wanted to kill me because I’m a lowly human.”

“But? You’ve looked pensive and have been too quiet since we started home.”

“I’ve just been doing a lot of thinking.”

“I won’t let you go. I’ll fight for you every time, Glen.”

“I’m more than aware.” She placed her hand on his chest. “I might be a bit freaked and still on the fence about whether mating you this fast was a bright idea, but it’s a done deal. I don’t regret it. I’m just reeling a bit.”

“This is a lot for you to assimilate.”

“You have that right, but a few things are clear.”

“Such as?”

She sucked in a deep breath, peering into his eyes. “I have fallen in love with you. It sounds crazy to feel this way so fast but I’m listening to my gut.”

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