Whiskey Prince Page 45

“Yeah, ignore me, okay? I’m a crazy bitch, just broken over him. He’s a pain in the fuckin’ hole, I tell ya.”

I smile. “I know, are you okay? Do you need something?”

“I need you to go on your date with Declan. I don’t need someone to sit with me. It’s a broken heart, not cancer or some shit.”

Her words stab me a little bit, and I’m pretty sure my face gave me away. “Fuck, sorry, Amberlyn, just go. I’m a danger to society right now. I suck.”

I smile as I stand, going to her for a hug. “Not at all,” I say as we part. “But remember, the sun will shine tomorrow and so should you.”

She nods. “And I will. Today though, I’m gonna cry and act like he ruined me.”

“I also think you should talk to Kane, I think there is more to the story,” I say, not wanting to tell her what Declan said. We aren’t getting in the middle of this, and Kane’s story or reasoning is not for me to tell. He needs to tell her. I just hope she’ll listen.

She rolls her eyes. “Maybe one day, but not today. I’m too upset.”

“I know, hang in there,” I say before kissing her cheek. I hug her once more before leaving her room to go to mine. Glancing up at my mom’s letter, I pause as I read the words I just said to Fiona. She wanted so much for me, and I pray I am doing everything she wanted. Running my fingers along her writing, my eyes cloud with tears, but I hold them back as I whisper, “I miss you.”

Swallowing the lump in my throat, I turn and go to my closet for an outfit as I call Declan back. He answers after only two rings.


“Hey, I am getting ready now.”

“Awesome, I was a little bummed I might not get to see you. I’m glad that changed.”

My mouth curves as I reach for a cute, floral-print sundress. “Me too. What are we doing tonight?”

“It’s a surprise.”

I bite into my lip as I lay the phone down, pulling the dress over my head. “I happen to like your surprises a lot.”

“I know. I have the house to myself tonight, and I thought I’d show you my favorite part.”


“Yeah, I’m sure you’ll love it.”

I pause, the spot between my thighs quivering as my heart speeds up. The last two weeks have consisted of a lot of hot make-out sessions with Declan. While my body catches on fire at the mere thought of him, I don’t know if I’m ready for that. Swallowing loudly, I try to stay calm as I ask, “Awesome. When will you be here?”

“I can leave now.”

No, I need more time. “Wait like twenty minutes,” I say as I quickly button up the front of my dress.

His laughter fills the line. “Fine, that’s grand. I’ll be there soon.”


Hanging up the phone, I beeline for Fiona’s room, my heart pounding in my chest. She looks up at me as I enter, saying, “That’s a nice dress.”

“I think Declan thinks I’m having sex with him or something.”


“Yeah, he said he wants to show his favorite part of the house, he’s sure I will love it, and his parents aren’t home.”

Her brow rises. “Are you ready for that?”


“Have you told him that you’re a virgin?”

“No, again.”

“Okay, well, you said that you didn’t set boundaries with Casey, so you need to with Declan, or be ready for what he might want. You have the holy hot oven. He can’t do anything without your permission. He isn’t a sleaze.”

“You’re right,” I say with a nod. “But what is a holy hot oven?”

“Your vagina.”

I scoff. “You’re crazy.”

“Yeah, I know, but don’t worry. He likes you a lot. He isn’t going to do anything to fuck that up. Just tell him once he starts getting all hot that you’re not ready.”

“Yeah, you’re right. Okay, I gotta get ready.”

“Knock ’em dead, kiddo,” she calls after me. I smile as I run to my bathroom, doing my makeup soft with pastel pinks to match my dress. Running my fingers through my hair, I try to tame the mass but fail miserable. I could throw it up, but I’ve found that Declan likes it down, so I leave it before finishing my makeup.

I am putting on lip gloss when the door sounds. Slipping on some pink ballet flats, I snatch up my purse before running down the hall to the stairs.

“See ya!” Fiona calls.

“Bye! Call me if you need me.”


Running down the stairs, I reach for the door and smile when Declan grins at me. Wearing tan shorts and a yellow tee, his sun-kissed skin glows. He is wearing a pair of aviators and that damn hat. I want to burn the fucking thing, but damn he looks amazing. Leaning towards me, he places his lips firmly against mine, stealing my breath. Pulling away way too quickly, he laces his fingers with mine.


I grin as I swing our hands like a child. “Hey.”


“Yeah,” I say without hesitation. I may have been nervous before but like Fiona said, Declan would never force me into anything I wouldn’t want to do.

The car ride to Declan’s was quick, both of us speaking of our days. He had meetings and then some drama in the malting room since Kane wasn’t there today. I told him again about finding Kane, and he still didn’t understand why we found them like that. He had tried calling Kane, but he wasn’t answering.

“I think we should leave it alone, you know? Even though he is my best friend and she is your cousin, I don’t want them to come between us. So let’s not talk about it, okay?”

I nod in agreement. “Yeah, sounds like a plan.”

He smiles. “Good, because I don’t need my girl getting pissed at me.”

I laugh. “Won’t happen.”

“You say that now. I’m a little weird.”

“It’s okay, your charm makes up for it. Plus, I’m weird too.”

He grins over at me as we drive through the gates of the O’Callaghan property. I take in the rolling hills of green, the lush tress, and the beauty where the horses are out grazing the field as we drive up a hill. When I look forward, the massive O’Callaghan castle is in view. Breathless at the beauty of it, I take in every single stone, the large, stained glass windows that cover every inch of the castle, and the general splendor of Declan’s home. It’s breathtaking, beautiful, and a little scary.

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