Wintersteel Page 60
“We are allies. We may as well be cordial to one another.”
He slowly turned to regard her with his draconic gaze, but if he meant it to be intimidating, it didn’t seem to work. Charity met him evenly, impassively, without any disruption in her madra that Lindon could sense.
“Very well,” Northstrider said at last. “Thank you for your assistance. You may go.”
That didn’t sound too cordial to Lindon, but Charity accepted it, as she bowed. “Of course. Lindon, I will speak with you later. And I will relay your greetings to Mercy, Yerin, and Eithan.”
With that, she stepped into shadow and disappeared.
Dross spun out onto Lindon’s shoulder. [Sir! It’s been too long! I mean, not too long, unless you think so.]
The black orb appeared in Northstrider’s hand. “This time, I would like you to attempt some simulations, to show me the true extent of your predictive capabilities.”
[Of course! Of course, delighted to. I remember exactly—]
Instead of pushing his way in, this time Dross was absorbed straight into the center of the black sphere, leaving Northstrider and Lindon together.
Before Lindon could say a word, Northstrider spoke. “You used my technique.”
Lindon immediately worried that the Monarch might disapprove, but pride in his accomplishment won out. “Gratitude for your guidance. It took me great effort to separate the powers from one another.”
“Has Dross helped you overcome the effects?”
Lindon quickly realized he must be referring to the burden that absorbing power put on his body and spirit. “Dross has been invaluable in helping me to separate memories, but my madra channels are still not quite as resilient as I would like.”
He studied the Monarch, hoping that Northstrider would take the hint and gift him with a set of Diamond Veins. Then Lindon wouldn’t have to use the treasure he’d bought from the Sky’s Edge battlefield.
“Your madra channels. Good. If you continue to use it on the battlefield, you could reach Overlord in a matter of weeks.”
“Gratitude, but I am not certain I have the insight to advance to Overlord. I have much yet to learn.”
“But you have investigated the Overlord revelation yourself.”
It wasn’t really a question, but Lindon nodded anyway. “It seems to be based on seeing yourself clearly, as the Underlord revelation was. I read a theory that Underlord requires meditating on the past, Overlord on the present, and Archlord on the future. But pardon me if I am incorrect.”
Northstrider ran his spiritual sense through him, keeping it on him until Lindon found it hard to breathe. “That is the path for you,” he said at last, and Lindon took a deep breath when his perception lifted. “Consider yourself as you are now. What is the nature of the will that drives you? What principles guide your madra?”
He tapped the black orb, in which Dross still swam, and then nodded to himself. “Yes. That is the way.”
Lindon bowed as he committed the words to memory. “Gratitude, Monarch. I hope to one day repay you for your wisdom.”
“You may soon have the chance.” Northstrider darkened, scowling but not at Lindon. “The Ninecloud Court has announced their support for Reigan Shen. Leiala would never have allowed it. She hated him almost as much as he deserves.”
Lindon thought back to Eithan’s fight and wondered if it was appropriate for him to speculate. “Is…is that Eithan’s fault?”
“It could be Miara’s immaturity, but the Ninecloud Court is far from the Blackflame continent. They have nothing to risk from this experiment, but they will provide little support to Shen either. The more pressing issue is the Eight-Man Empire. They are looking for an excuse to throw their weight behind one side or the other.”
“I thank you for sharing your wisdom.”
“I’m sharing so that you may understand,” Northstrider said sharply. “You will return to the Dreadgod battlefield, so you should know. Right now, a flight of dragons is poised to cross the continent and head to Sky’s Edge. They are held back by Heralds in the Wasteland, but those Heralds have no allegiance, even to me. They will bend with the wind. And they look to the Uncrowned King tournament to gauge the direction of the wind.”
Lindon thought he understood, and his stomach clenched. Depending on who had the best showing in the tournament, Abyssal Palace could receive reinforcements. The Eight-Man Empire could tip the balance in war zones all over the world.
And depending on who ultimately won, it could shift again.
“I only wish I could still influence the tournament,” Lindon said. He still hadn’t quite gotten over his disappointment with Northstrider at matching him against Yerin.
“Do not pretend you don’t understand that situation. The placements were a game among all eight factions.” Northstrider unfolded his arms and stepped over to Lindon, standing so close that Lindon started to sweat.
“The world will not end with this tournament, nor even with the awakening of the Dreadgods. One day, you may become an asset.”
This made the second time in quick succession that Lindon had heard something about how influential he would someday be. Evidently Charity, Northstrider, and even Akura Malice had expectations of him in the future.
Rather than honored, he was growing suspicious. What had he done recently to attract their attention? Or did they treat him this way just because he earned top sixteen in the tournament?
Dross emerged, gasping, from the black orb. His purple arms drooped, and he shivered. [You lied to me! That was so much harder than last time!]
When Northstrider turned his gaze to Dross, the spirit coughed. [Ah, you know what, I misinterpreted what you said. Don’t blame me. It’s his dream aura that I run on.]
“Both of you, continue your training,” Northstrider said. “You should have new insights to pursue.”
Dross and Lindon both thanked him, and the Monarch waved a hand. As usual, he dismissed him the instant he was done with them.
As they appeared in Lindon’s room in the Ninecloud Court for the first time in a month, Lindon sent a thought to Dross: Did you get any more memories
[Not from him,] Dross said dismissively. [He’s locked those up now. Most of his “tests” involve sorting facts, and of course I remember them. I was hoping he’d give me some kind of memory erasing technique. But hey! I did get some records from the tournament! Straight from the recording constructs, fresh and delicious.]
Lindon wasn’t one to dismiss the value of information—anything the Monarch could give Dross would be as valuable as any technique library—but he did admit a little disappointment. He had been hoping for more Monarch sacred arts he could steal.
That disappointment was nothing next to what he felt when he tried to visit Yerin.
“Due to increased security measures, the Uncrowned have been separated for the duration of the fifth round,” the Ninecloud Soul said apologetically from outside the empty room that had once belonged to Yerin. “You may apply for a visit when the fights are complete, and in the meantime, you may avail yourself of Ninecloud City’s many world-renowned entertainment venues!”
Lindon went back to his room to Forge scales.
Information requested: the Eight-Man Empire, wandering conquerors and collective Monarch.