A Kiss for a Kiss Page 46

The kitchen and living room are all set up by the time I get there, the art and photos hung on the walls, instantly transforming it into my new home. Even my bedroom is mostly set up, apart from the boxes of clothes and other things no one needs to see but me.

The baby’s room is untouched, but there are paint swatches taped to the wall. “I know we have lots of time, but I would love to help you paint this room when you’re ready. And, of course, we’ll do the one in my dad’s house too, but he’s already set on a hockey theme, so I thought maybe we could do something fun and artsy here.” Queenie slips her arm through mine and rests her cheek on my shoulder. “But we can wait on that. I’m just so excited you decided to make the move. I know it must have been a tough decision, but I think you’re going to love living here. The art scene is great, and I can introduce you to everyone at the art therapy clinic when you’re ready.”

“That sounds perfect. What do you think about an appetizer and mocktail party with the girls next week sometime?”

“The girls would love that! I bet your messages must have blown up as soon as you landed with all the chatter in our group text.” Queenie’s eyes sparkle with her excitement.

“It’s great to feel like I already have a girl gang here. I can’t wait to get Paxton out to meet everyone.”

“Does she like hockey?” Queenie asks.

“I don’t think she’s opposed to hockey players.”

Queenie laughs. “They are pretty yummy, aren’t they?”

While Ryan and Jake finish hanging photos, Queenie and I organize my books and trinkets on the shelves that have been assembled. Ryan smartly told them to leave those boxes, knowing I would want to set them up myself and that however they were organized, there was a good chance I would end up rearranging them. He knows how I am about my books. I organize them by genre, author, and sometimes, if I’m feeling particularly outrageous, by color.

While we’re organizing shelves, our group chat lights up on our phones ,so Queenie puts them on video chat.

“How’s the move going?” Stevie asks as Bishop walks by in the background wearing nothing but a pair of boxers with a print I’m glad I can’t identify.

“It’s great. Queenie and I were talking about having an appetizer night here when I’m all settled.”

“Oh! That would be fun. I can’t wait to see the place. Give us a virtual tour!” Lainey exclaims.

“As long as the apps are dairy free, I’m in,” Violet adds.

We show them around the house, and Stevie invites me to join the girls on a spa day next week. I love that I’m already included in the group.

We end the video chat when the pizza arrives and take a break from unpacking.

Ryan has been pretty quiet, and while he’s never been one to dominate the conversation, he usually gives more than one-word answers, which isn’t the case as we take a seat at the dining room table and dig in.

“Do you have another ultrasound coming up?” Queenie asks.

“It’s in a few weeks. I have an appointment with my new doctor here, and I’ll get the specifics then.” I had one at twenty weeks and everything looked fine, but my doctor wanted to schedule another one for the beginning of my third trimester.

“If it’s during one of the away games, I can always come with you,” Queenie offers.

“I’ll try to make sure it’s not, but I’d absolutely love the company if it is,” I tell her.

“I’ll stay back if the team is supposed to be out of town,” Jake says.

Ryan pauses with his glass of milk halfway to his mouth. “You always travel with the team.”

“This year is going to be different.” Jake brushes my hair over my shoulder and Ryan follows the action, then refocuses on his pizza.

“Right. Yeah. Of course. That makes sense.”

Queenie tries valiantly to keep the conversation going, but it’s like pulling teeth with Ryan. Once we’ve finished eating, he excuses himself to take a call, and then tells Queenie they need to head out.

His hug feels…stiff and not full of the usual warmth I’m used to from him.

Queenie pulls me in for a tight hug and pushes up on her tiptoes, whispering, “He’s working through some things. I’ll talk to him.”

When they leave, I feel the emotion bubbling up. Today has been intense, between the flight, my whole life being moved, and Ryan’s less than warm reception, I feel defeated and uncertain.

Jake doesn’t say anything, just wraps me up in his arms. “I thought things were better with King.”

“So did I. I wish I knew what to say or do, but everything is so strained with him. And while I love how excited Queenie is, it shines a bright light on how not-excited Ryan is. He handled finding out I was his biological mother better than he’s handling this. The worst thing he did was go to a bar and try to get wasted. Then he got over it and moved on. But with this…I don’t know. He hasn’t been himself since I told him I’m pregnant.” I flinch at the sharp pang in my stomach.

“Are you okay?” He covers my belly with his palm. “Come sit down. Should I call the doctor? Maybe we need to go to urgent care?”

It passes as quickly as it came. “I’m fine. It was probably all the cheese on the pizza. I love it, but my body sometimes doesn’t appreciate it.”

Jake leads me over to the couch anyway and gets me a glass of water before he joins me. “Do you wonder if maybe Ryan isn’t as over finding out you’re his biological mother as you thought?”

“I think he would probably like to be over it, but it wouldn’t be unreasonable to believe this pregnancy is bringing up feelings and emotions we might not have realized were there, just like the wedding did for me. Every time I try to broach the subject, he brushes it off and says he’s fine.”

“And you don’t think he is.” Jake slips his hand under my hair, and I get a whiff of his cologne. He always smells so good, and the way his thumb smooths up and down the back of my neck makes my toes curl. It’s a welcome distraction from the emotional turmoil.

“Based on what I’ve seen so far, no. We’re usually so open with each other. I wish he’d talk to me.” I lean into his touch.

“Maybe now that you’re here and closer, you’ll be able to have those discussions that weren’t possible with you living halfway across the country. King is always very aware of what other people are feeling, and I’m sure he doesn’t want to upset you, but I think in keeping whatever is bothering him bottled up, it’s doing more damage than good.”

“Maybe he and I should have a lunch date this week. We can have a heart-to-heart.”

“That’s a good idea.” He presses his lips to my temple.

He does that often, and I’ve come to crave it.

He leans back and smiles, his expression both hot and tender. “Can I tell you how glad I am that you’re here?”

“I’m glad, too. And thank you for being so incredibly supportive. I know I’ve been nothing but emotional, and you’re probably pretty tired of tears and hormones.”

“You’re human and you’re making big changes in your life. If you weren’t emotional, I’d have a lot more questions. I know this wasn’t an easy decision to make, and that leaving your family and everything familiar isn’t a small thing, so whatever I can do to help make this transition easier for you, just tell me.”

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