Get Inked Page 17

My next stop is the lingerie store. I spend much more time there. Charlene and I have very different taste in her lingerie. Not that I mind the things she picks—they’re interesting. But I prefer slightly more refined options. I’m willing to compromise, sometimes. Not tonight, however.

I find exactly the right thing, and a few others she might like as well, and I have the saleslady take the tags off before she wraps them in tissue paper.

“Are you sure you don’t want to leave the tags? In case she needs a different size?”

“I’m positive I know exactly what size she wears.” I tap my credit card on the counter.

“Of course.” She gives me a conspiratorial wink.

I smile, but I don’t understand what the wink is about. I can’t imagine not being aware of what size the woman I get into bed with on a regular basis wears. I also don’t want Charlene to see the price tags on this stuff; otherwise she’s liable to think she needs to make it up to me in some way. We have enough of a power struggle as it is. I don’t need to make it worse with what’s supposed to be a gift.

The cashier rings it up to the tune of nine hundred dollars, which I’ll gladly pay, because Charlene in pretty things is a sight to behold.

I head home, shower again—because the ones at the gym don’t make me feel particularly clean—shave, and hit my closet. As I rifle through my clothes, I shoot Charlene a message asking about her day at the spa. She sends me a picture of her lavender-painted toe and fingernails.

Instead of messaging her again, I call. She answers on the second ring.

“Having fun with Violet?” I ask.

“So much. Thank you again for this.”

“No thanks necessary. What time do you think you’ll be home?”

“Violet’s just finishing her last treatment, so we’ll be leaving here in the next half hour.”

I check the time. It’s four thirty, which gives me and Charlene plenty of time.

“I assume you won’t be able to go shopping.”

“It’s unlikely. Is that going to be a problem?”

“I anticipated that might happen, so no, it’s not a problem.” I finger a dark gray tie with fine purple stripes and wait for her response.

“Oh. Okay.” As expected, she’s not pleased by this.

“I have a request, though, if you feel the timing is adequate.”

“Oh? What kind of request?” Excitement makes her voice waver.

“I went shopping for you.”


I wish I could see her expression right now. I’m not sure if her surprise is a good thing. “Really.”

“What did I do to deserve all this pampering?” she asks softly.

“You put up with me. Isn’t that enough?”

Charlene laughs. “Like it’s such a chore. So what’s the request?”

“I’d like to come by your place a little early so you have time to get dressed.”

“And you want me to model everything for you?”


“How would you like me to answer the door?”

I close my eyes and filter through all of the ways Charlene has answered her door in the past, in various states of undress. “Not naked would be preferable.”

“Well, that’s no fun.”

“I’ll see you at six.”

She sighs. “Okay.”

“And Charlene?”


“Don’t forget your pearls.”

“Of course not, Darren.”

* * *

I arrive at Charlene’s at 5:57. I chose the tie with purple stripes to match the dress and lingerie I’ve purchased, which is hanging from my finger. I ring the doorbell and hear the quick clip of shoes coming down the hall. She’s wearing heels. I’m excited to find out what she’s paired them with.

She opens the door a crack, enough for me to catch a glimpse of one hazel eye and her lip-glossed smile. “Hi.”

I raise the bag dangling from my finger. “I come bearing gifts.”

She steps back and opens the door just enough to let me in. There’s a good reason for her to stay out of her neighbors’ line of sight. Charlene isn’t exactly naked, but she’s close. She’s wearing a pair of black heels and, of course, her pearls. The fine gold chain I love so much connects her pierced nipples. My dick is immediately annoyed that we don’t have nearly enough time to play before we have to leave for dinner.

Anticipating a greeting such as this, I took care of myself before I left my place. It takes the edge off, but getting through dinner is probably going to be a challenge. I close the door and turn the lock—not that I expect anyone to come barging in, but Charlene is mostly naked, and I don’t want anyone to see her in this particular state but me.

“Should we go upstairs so I can model everything for you?” She has her hands clasped behind her back. It pushes her breasts out and pulls on the delicate chain across her chest.

I follow the fine gold links with a fingertip. “I think down here is better, don’t you?”

She shivers when I graze the swell of her breast and stop short of her nipple. “If that’s what you’d prefer.”

I give the chain a tug and her eyes flutter shut. Her lips part, and her breath leaves her on a tiny, almost inaudible whimper.

“Come with me.” With my finger still hooked under the chain, I guide her down the hall. I have her wait at the entrance to the living room while I pull all the curtains closed. Then I move the coffee table out of the way and survey the room. I can feel Charlene watching me, but I don’t look at her—mostly because if I do I’m liable to say fuck trying on the things I bought for her, and then the entire point is lost.

I sit down on the end of the couch and put the bag in the middle, intentionally making it impossible for her to sit beside me. “Why don’t you come have a seat?”

Charlene looks a little disappointed, maybe because I’ve asked her to come to me rather than retrieving her. She keeps her hands clasped behind her back, the muscles in her legs flexing with each step. Her hair is pulled up, with loose tendrils framing her fine features. When she reaches the couch, she unclasps her hands and sits slowly at the very edge opposite me and the bag. She doesn’t cross her legs; instead she keeps her knees together, palms covering them.

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